LADA VESTA 1.8 AMT robot firmware up to AMT 3.0 (+ creeping mode) and engine chip tuning

Reprogramming the electronic engine control unit with an improved modified program is the simplest way to make driving more comfortable. Firmware or chip tuning of Lada Granta is a change in software to increase power, reduce fuel consumption, eliminate failures, and ensure stable operation of the engine management system.
Lada Granta 2014 manual transmission

Engine 1186 1.6 l 87 hp

The proposed software for chip tuning is intended for use on ordinary (non-sports) cars without reducing the service life of the units. You'll get a well-balanced increase in power and torque not only at high rpm under full load, but also in the low and mid-range, without increasing emissions. After installing the modified software, improved driving characteristics can satisfy even the most demanding car owners.

Connecting a scanner for engine diagnostics

Error P0036 Lambda probe heater fault No. 2

The firmware is focused on comfort in driving a car: elimination of factory software errors, elasticity, confident starting at any temperature, no dips and twitching, freezing of speed, elimination of sluggish acceleration dynamics, automatic transmission hesitations and jerks, excessive fuel consumption. With the air conditioning on and a full load, the car loses significantly less power.

Current engine operating parameters

Electronic control unit M74

In addition, it is possible to eliminate errors due to non-functioning oxygen sensors (lambda probe), remove the software catalytic converter (catalyst), and also transfer the car to Euro 2 econorms.

Connecting the control unit to the computer

Reading a program from the control unit

The appearance of error codes P0036, P0037, P0038, P0136, P0137, P0138, P0140, P0141, P1141, P2270, P2271 and other errors associated with a faulty lambda probe, catalyst errors P0420, P0421, P0422, P0423, P0124, P043 0, possible eliminated forever using reprogramming and without compromising driving characteristics, components and assemblies.

Recording of a modified program from Paulus

Lambda probe (oxygen sensor) after the catalyst

The warranty for the operation of the modified software extends to the entire service life of the vehicle, that is, indefinitely. Operating time 40 minutes. Preliminary engine diagnostics are included in the price.

Updating the factory firmware of the AMT Lada Granta robot box

Updating the factory firmware for the robot box or AMT (automated manual transmission) to the latest version UAA6CB060040. With the new software, shift times from 1st to 2nd gear and from 2nd to 3rd gear are reduced by 30%. Crawl mode activated. This feature allows the vehicle to start moving forward without pressing the gas pedal. This option is needed to increase the comfort of the robot when driving in a traffic jam. To support confident starting in slippery conditions, the “winter mode” function has been added, which allows you to start moving from 2nd gear. Reprogramming the AMT takes approximately 20 minutes.

Where did the software come from?

There are 2 guesses about how this program will reach the masses:

  1. Stolen from the factory.
  2. AvtoVAZ itself leaked it to people.

The latter way is a normal world practice; many automakers do this. This allows you to save time and resources on testing. Valuable information about the operation of the firmware can be obtained from forums on the Internet. This is a fast and cheap way to obtain data.

AMT 3.0 firmware was originally written for the Lada X-Ray car, which currently comes with version 1.0. Only factory programmers can change it. Therefore, the software for robot 3.0 is the same for everyone.

Price for chip tuning Lada Granta

If you have not found the make/model of car you need, you can check the price by phone. Preliminary diagnostics of the engine and transmission is included in the price of the service.
ModelHP power before/afterMicrodistrict n/m before/afterPrice, rub.
Lada Granta 1.6L 8V87/102 hp140/165 Nm3000 rub
Lada Granta 1.6L 16V98/109 hp145/169 Nm3000 rub
AMT robot Lada Granta2,000 rub.


It must be admitted that there were quite a lot of complaints about the AMT Lada Vesta. The owners complained that the car “stumbles” when it is necessary to quickly accelerate, that jerks and jolts are clearly felt when switching, etc.

Of course, in comparison with a classic automatic machine, the robot was superior in price and in some operational aspects - in particular, it does not require warming up, etc. But the difference in comfort was felt.

To AvtoVAZ’s credit, it must be said that work on improvement was carried out, and several updated firmware for AMT were released. However, only now the plant has presented a large-scale update.

Lada Granta chip tuning news

05/16/2013. Chip tuning of Lada Granta with automatic transmission. 02/08/2012. Chip Lada Granta (Lada Granta) from Paulus, Startpower firmware. Firmware with the neutralizer and the second lambda probe disabled. Versions with earlier fan activation and cut-off at 7000 rpm.

Modern technical base

We use only original certified equipment for firmware

Chip tuning market leaders

We have been working since 2002, during which time we have successfully serviced thousands of cars

Quality assurance

We use only original certified equipment for firmware

The Chipmaster workshop has been engaged in professional chip tuning of domestic cars since 2002. This means that you can trust us with chip tuning of your Lada Grant in Moscow and not worry at all about the end result. We carry out car modification work as quickly and efficiently as possible, always achieving success. In addition, all our work comes with a long warranty.

Nuances of modernization

Modernization of the electronic control unit Most owners have a completely fair question: “If such an upgrade adds “tasty” capabilities to the dynamic characteristics of the car, why doesn’t AvtoVAZ do it?” Here restrictions on environmental standards come into force, which are becoming stricter from year to year. The tuned Lada Vesta will pollute the environment.

However, the degree of prohibitions on the territory of the Russian Federation is much lower than in the EU countries. A domestic plant cannot circumvent the law, therefore, when developing its power units, it tries to fit within the limits of restrictions and reduces the power of the car.

Without using chip tuning on a car, the owner of a Lada Vesta will not overpay when paying for transport taxation. Therefore, the manufacturer here takes care of the consumer. It should also be remembered that focusing on achieving maximum power is not a priority for automakers.

Positive effects of tuning

Firmware update for the Lada Granta engine, the price of which is one of the lowest in Moscow, leads to the following changes:

  • increasing the maximum speed of the car;
  • improvement of vehicle acceleration dynamics;
  • elimination of power failures at certain speeds;
  • reducing the response time of the gas pedal to pressing.

Do you want to quickly overtake other cars on the track, taking less risk during maneuvers? In this case, you should order professional chip tuning of the Lada Granta from the Chipmaster workshop at a low price!

Chip tuning Lada Granta Hatchback

What do chip tuners promise?

For a regular Lada naturally aspirated gasoline engine, you should not expect a large increase in power - no more than 10%. A car with a turbocharged engine will have a noticeable increase in horsepower. The operation of the power unit will feel elastic, and the gas pedal will become more receptive to driver signals. With an increase in ignition timing, fuel consumption will decrease.

Increasing engine power characteristics

This is the main direction of tuning the heart of the Lada. It is impossible to increase torque without interfering with the motor design. Or it’s possible to add traction in the low and middle speed range, move, or completely remove the cutoff in the upper range. Chip tuning eliminates failures when turning on the air conditioner, the car accelerates more easily and “thinks” less. Everything about the place feels like an increase in engine power. In fact, it is small, approximately 5% (on expensive and competent firmware - up to 10%). The price for tuning ranges from 2500 rubles to 80 thousand. For this money you will get a complete upgrade of your car. Tuning the Lada Vesta engine depends on the program being filled in and the level of the technician.

Optimizing motor performance

With the factory settings, Vesta is prone to slow acceleration, a “stiff” ride, and one gets the feeling that the car is having a hard time driving. It does not immediately respond to a greater opening of the throttle with the gas pedal; people say: “the gas is dull.” This becomes noticeable after proper chip tuning. Well-written firmware eliminates dips during acceleration, makes the pedal more sensitive, and eliminates jerking during sudden changes in speed. The operation of the internal combustion engine becomes flexible, Vesta drives noticeably easier.

Reduced fuel consumption

The calibration of Vesta engine operating parameters provides for changing the ignition timing to a larger one. An increased ignition timing significantly reduces the consumption of gasoline or other fuel. With the new OZ, less combustible substance is required, however, it burns (oxidizes) longer. This releases more harmful nitrogen and oxygen compounds (oxides) into the atmosphere, resulting from the combustion or explosion of fuel. This does not meet the environmental standards of our country and even more so of the EU countries.

Vesta gas pedal sharpness

Lada owners are unhappy with the responsiveness of the accelerator pedal. By installing chip tuning on a car, the problem is solved. The fact that the electronic gas pedal slows down is not a reason for chip tuning. In principle, the electronic pedal cannot help but brake. That's why it's electronic. The ECU decides whether to go faster or not. By pressing the pedal, a signal is sent to the controller; it has a preset program. He cannot leave the program and opens the throttle valve completely when the engine reaches the required speed. In the case of a mechanical pedal, the valve opens when pressed whenever you want it. To make the gas pedal responsive, an electronic corrector is installed in front of the ECU. The corrector is a “fake” - it gives a signal that the pedal is pressed harder than it actually is, providing the necessary connection between the driver and the accelerator.

Characteristics of the Lada Granta car

Indeed, all of the above disadvantages occur in new cars. But find an opportunity to sit behind the wheel of a car that has been in use for several years. The difference is indescribable. There are no failures when overtaking, and gasoline consumption is within normal limits. The point here is not at all that some details have been worked in. The owner just did a chip tuning of the Lada Grant, and the car became much more agile. What it is and whether it is possible to do it yourself, we will consider below.

The reason for all the troubles is that the manufacturer, in order to save money, installs average firmware at the factory. It is suitable for all operating conditions. Let's try to figure it out. For example, on a highway with several lanes and a complete absence of traffic jams and traffic lights, you can move smoothly, and if you need to increase speed, you can do it smoothly. These are the average operating conditions.

In real life, you have to overtake in the oncoming lane, and for this the acceleration must be intense. In order to make the engine work under certain operating conditions, you need engine chip tuning. Of course, it’s no secret that in modern cars, when you press the gas pedal, fuel is not instantly injected into the cylinders. The ECU itself decides how best to do this in each situation. It does this under the control of a special program called firmware. This is the firmware that needs to be changed.

It should be noted that tuning the Lada Granta engine is a rather complex process; it requires not only skills in car repair, but also the ability to use a computer, as well as knowledge of at least the basics of radio engineering. You need to think about the warranty; it can be voided if the dealer becomes aware of a firmware change. In addition, many workshops will do this work professionally in 10 minutes, although they will charge accordingly. If you have weighed everything and decided that the advantages of tuning the Lada are greater than the disadvantages, then let’s get started.

In move

I checked how the Lada Vesta drives with such a box. In 5th gear the revs stay just above 1500. Of course, the load on the engine is light, but the car goes uphill. This is not very correct or comfortable. The motor is running tight, not in the best mode. Even when the speed is reduced to 50, the program still tries to pull in 5th gear. It seems to me that this is a minus of the normal mode.

Thus, you can drive in “Sport” mode (urban dynamic). In sport style, 3rd gear drops only to 50 km per hour, 4th to 65. The revolutions do not fall below 2000. For the city, this is optimal driving, as the engine runs quietly. There is no such problem as in the standard gearbox, when when going uphill, the 5th speed stubbornly holds on.

Preparing for reconfiguration

Openport 2.0 adapter

Tuning a Lada Granta car needs to start with preparatory work. They include several points, the first of which is searching for an adapter. It is necessary to connect the computer to the ECU. This is where problems may arise. The fact is that on this car the manufacturer used the CAN channel for the first time, therefore a corresponding adapter will be required.

The most common is Openport 2.0. Its cost is quite high and purchasing it for single use is unprofitable. In this case, it is cheaper to take the car to a service center. But let’s say you still managed to find such an adapter, or the purchase for some reason seems economically justified, then you need to start looking for the necessary software.

Via PC

Install the DDT4ALL program on your laptop ( )

How to perform AMT diagnostics (error reset):

  1. Turn on the ignition and connect to the car using the ELM327 adapter and DDT4ALL software.
  2. Select in the upper left window XGA-XRAY - AT - BVR_On_CAN_x52_J53_v2.4
  3. In the middle window [AT] BVR_On_CAN_x52_J53_v2.4
  4. In the lower left After sales - Diagnostic
  5. We make sure that the two selected windows have non-zero values.
  6. Click on the “heart”
    in the top menu, remember or write down the errors, then erase the errors.

How to adapt AMT


  1. Turn on the ignition and connect to the car using the ELM327 adapter and DDT4ALL software.
  2. Select in the upper left window XGA-XRAY - AT - BVR_On_CAN_x52_J53_v2.4
  3. In the middle window [AT] BVR_On_CAN_x52_J53_v2.4
  4. In the lower left After sales - Learning Procedures
  5. Press the button with the image of a “face”
  6. Carry out the learning procedure by clicking on the appropriate button.

Training order


  1. Start the transmission learning
    . We do not turn off the ignition. Execution time is about 1 minute. After the operation, press the “STOP” button and turn off/on the ignition.
  2. Start the engine and wait 15-20 seconds, then start learning the clutch touch point
    . Execution time 5-10 seconds. After the operation, press the “STOP” button and turn off the ignition. Wait for the main relay to turn off (about 4 minutes)
  3. Turn on the ignition, but do not start the engine. Carry out training of the
    clutch actuator end positions. Execution time is about 5-6 seconds. (you will hear the actuator moving). After the operation, press the “STOP” button and turn off/on the ignition.
  4. We start the engine and check.

Some owners use a different procedure (in order as in the photo): first p3, then p1, and then p2.

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