Why does the VAZ-2114 not show the engine temperature?

The operation of this sensor depends on another device - a motor temperature meter. Unfortunately, in a car like the VAZ-2114, as well as in any other model of this brand, this part is not reliable enough. Therefore, every owner of such a car must be prepared for the fact that the time will come and he will have to learn to recognize breakdowns of the coolant temperature sensor (coolant temperature sensor).

How to check the device for serviceability

So, you have noticed that your motor often gets very hot, or you have discovered other negative signs associated with the cooling device. To begin with, you should check this device, and there are two ways, which we will take a closer look at.

The first option is to remove the device

  • With the engine running, check the readings shown on the instruments. If the arrow is at the maximum height, then the engine is still in a cold state. Here you should break the contacts on the device and look: if the arrow points down, then it’s time to replace the coolant temperature sensor of your car.
  • When the pointer remains in the same place, try to examine the system contacts; a short circuit often occurs in them. Then the problem can be fixed much faster.
  • Another type of failure: the engine heats up evenly, and the instrument needle begins to jump in one direction or another. There is a high probability that the issue is with fuses that are inoperative.
  • If the fuses are working, it is necessary to close the contact to ground, and again, if the arrow sharply goes up, you can safely state that there is a malfunction in the operation of the DTOZH.

Second option

  • You need to take a multimeter and turn it on in resistance mode.
  • Then arm yourself with a thermometer that has notches above one hundred degrees Celsius.
  • Take a durable container that will not deform when the coolant is heated to a high temperature.
  • After that, you need to connect the probes of the device to the sensor.
  • Having made the necessary connections, the DTOZH is placed in a prepared heat-resistant container and heated.
  • Here you should monitor the performance of two devices at once.

Below is the data by which you can determine the health of the sensor. The method allows you to check a new device before installing it in place of a faulty device.

The first indicators are temperature C, the second indicate resistance in Ohms.

  • 30 – 1350-1880
  • 50 – 585-820
  • 70 – 280-390
  • 90 — 155-196
  • 110 — 87-109

Checking at home

After removal, it remains to make sure that the sensor is faulty. To do this, you need to know how to check the coolant temperature sensor on a VAZ 2114 yourself.

It is necessary to measure its resistance in a cold state and after placing it in boiling water:

  • The resistance at the terminals of the device unscrewed from the car is about 3500 ohms;
  • The resistance, after immersing it in a glass of boiling water, should be below 200 Ohms;
  • Getting intermediate values ​​is not so important;

If the readings are very different, then the DTOZH should be replaced. Look at its markings and purchase the same sensor. Then screw it in place of the old one and connect the connector to it. Don't forget to fill the system with antifreeze. Now you know how to check the DTO on a VAZ 2114.

Attention - air

Finally, another possible reason for sudden movements of the needle is the presence of air bubbles in the antifreeze (“airing” of the system). Since the air and antifreeze have different temperatures, the needle jerks. An indirect sign of this malfunction is the splashing of coolant from the radiator cap or expansion tank, as well as a decrease in the filling volume.

PS In order not to upset Logan drivers, on the Duster and the second generation Logan-Sandero the temperature indicator on the dashboard was completely removed. As they say: no pointer, no problem.

Pilot85 » 06.01.2015 17:59

Re: Engine temperature gauge drops

mvb379 » 01/06/2015 18:59

Re: Engine temperature gauge drops

Pilot85 » 01/06/2015 20:14

Re: Engine temperature gauge drops

mvb379 » 01/06/2015 20:25

Re: Engine temperature gauge drops

Pilot85 » 01/06/2015 20:36

Re: Engine temperature gauge drops

Ursus » 01/10/2015 9:20

I have exactly the opposite problem. During warm-up (especially when it is warm and humid), the temperature needle goes up. if you work the air conditioner a little (about half an hour), it falls into place (just below the middle). At first I was very nervous, I thought all sorts of things, then I tormented him with ddl-reader - everything is very similar to normal behavior (at about 94 the cooler turns on, at 85 it turns off, the temperature does not rise abruptly, as the arrow on the panel shows, but gradually). The single-wire sensor (which goes to the panel) was changed and the contacts were cleaned. Suspicion about the tidy. By the way, take a look too, maybe one of the cables in the instrument panel has oxidized or broken. I wanted to wash the tidy in the fall, but I didn’t get around to it, and in winter it’s annoying to remove it - the plastic of the frame might burst. Another option is an ambush somewhere in the spit (short or poor mass). Well, if you find a reason, be a friend and unsubscribe.

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Causes of malfunction

Arrow stuck on dashboard

It’s probably no secret to anyone that the arrows hanging on the dashboard are inextricably linked with the electrical circuits in the car. To troubleshoot the problem, the car enthusiast will need some knowledge of auto electrics, as well as design knowledge of the VAZ-2114.

As practice shows, most motorists, when such a breakdown occurs, turn to a car service center, but this problem can be eliminated on their own. But, first of all, it is necessary to find the immediate cause of the effect.

What are the options?

So, let's look at the possible options for the engine temperature indicator arrow to hang on the dashboard:

  • The magnetic motor of the pointer drive is broken.
  • Breaks and disturbances in the operation of the electrical circuits of the dashboard.
  • Short circuit in the circuit board of the device itself.
  • Freeze related to temperature sensor.
  • Problems with the ECU.

Elimination methods

Once the root causes have been identified, you can move directly to methods to resolve the problem.

To carry out repair and diagnostic operations, you will need some tools, namely: a multimeter, an OBD II cable, a tablet or laptop, as well as a set of keys and screwdrivers for dismantling the main and auxiliary components.

So, now that the motorist is fully armed, you can proceed directly to the diagnostic and repair process.

The magnetic motor of the arrow drive is broken

The process of repairing and disassembling the dashboard

The most common problem with the arrow hanging or not responding on the instrument panel is a breakdown of the drive motor. To diagnose this device, you need to use a multimeter to close the winding contacts to an electrical circuit or resistance.

If the tester does not show anything, then most likely the winding is burned out or there is a break in contact with the board.

To troubleshoot the problem, of course, it is recommended to contact an auto electrician, who will do everything quickly and efficiently, but if the car enthusiast has the necessary skills and abilities in repairing such equipment, then he will be able to independently replace the motor and solder the necessary contacts.

Breaks and disturbances in the operation of the electrical circuits of the dashboard

Wiring related fault determination

Another common reason for a stuck sensor is a break in the electrical circuit from the coolant sensor to the dashboard. It is quite simple to identify this; you need to remove the ground wire from the sensor and connect it to any other “minus” so that the electrical circuit is closed.

If the wire is not broken, then the arrow will begin to move; if not, then according to the electrical diagram it is necessary to find the wire in which the break occurred and eliminate the fault. As practice shows, motorists do not change the wire, but simply connect and insulate the contacts at the break point.

Short circuit in the board of the device itself

Detection of short circuits on the instrument board

There have been numerous cases when a short circuit in the instrument panel board caused the needle to freeze.

But, in this case, an indirect sign is that nearby signs also fail. So, the tachometer and other indicators may not show. Here, troubleshooting is to replace the instrument panel assembly.

Freeze due to temperature sensor

Temperature sensor location

A frozen temperature arrow on the instrument panel will be associated with a faulty temperature sensor. So, its diagnosis can be carried out by analogy with a wiring break, or checked using a tester. If, as a result of diagnostic operations, it turns out that the coolant sensor is faulty, it must be replaced.

The main causes of DTOZh breakdowns

There are several possible reasons why this sensor may stop working. Namely:

  • there is no contact with the sensor;
  • damage to wire insulation or broken contacts;
  • systemically inoperative fan;
  • complete failure of the device.

Symptoms of a malfunction in the DTOZH are:

  • the car engine has not yet warmed up to its normal state, but the fan is already running;
  • a well-warmed engine refuses to work;
  • Gasoline consumption has increased significantly.

Remember, before you start checking the coolant temperature sensor, you need to make sure of its location.

This is done so as not to accidentally confuse this part with the coolant temperature indicator sensor.

The temperature indicator came on

If this indicator lights up when the ignition is turned off, then there is no reason to worry. But make sure that this light goes out a few seconds after the engine starts running. Is she still signaling? This means that the degree of solution in the cooling system is critically low, or the system has completely failed. It also happens: the indicator lights up during travel, this indicates a possible lack of antifreeze, otherwise the cooling technology is not able to work with high temperatures.

By the way, each car has its own display color scheme. Blue color indicates a low engine temperature level, while red color indicates a high level. You can read all such details by looking at the operating instructions for your machine.


If any signs of a DTOZ malfunction are detected, you need to make sure that the problem lies directly in the device itself. To do this you need to do the following:

  1. We start the fourteenth and look at the dashboard; if, when the engine is cold, the indicator arrow shows the maximum temperature, you need to turn off the ignition, remove all contacts from the battery and disconnect the sensor power supply. Next, we connect the battery back and start the engine; if the indicator is at a minimum, the coolant temperature sensor does not work; if the indicator is at maximum, the problem must be looked for in the DTOZh contacts; perhaps they are not connected to the ground of the car;
  2. If, when the engine warms up, the coolant temperature gauge needle moves jerkily, most likely the problem is a blown fuse;
  3. If you have figured out the fuse and are sure that everything is in order with it, close the contacts of the device to the ground of the car; if the pointer has moved to the maximum, the coolant temperature indicator sensor on the VAZ 2114 needs to be changed.

A more accurate check of the coolant temperature sensor is performed using a multimeter that has an ohmmeter function. You can buy this device at any auto store for a small amount (about 400-600 rubles), which will cost you much less than checking the DTO at a service center.

To perform a test with a multimeter, the sensor must be dismantled; you can find out how to do this in the next section of the article. You will also need a kettle and a liquid thermometer that can withstand temperatures over 100 degrees.

Checking with a multimeter The check is performed according to the following algorithm:

  1. We switch the tester to ohmmeter mode and close the probes on the DTOZH contacts;
  2. Place the sensor in the kettle and start heating the water;
  3. Now you need to monitor and compare the water temperature and the readings on the multimeter screen. If the device is working properly, the indicators will be as follows:

If the actual data differs from the norm, the coolant sensor is faulty and must be replaced. In this way, it is recommended to check newly purchased devices before use, since factory defects are very common among domestically produced products.

Tips and tricks

Sometimes such non-standard behavior of the arrow can take even the most experienced drivers by surprise. But the most important thing in this situation is to behave correctly, so as not to accidentally aggravate the situation or solve it even before it occurs. Follow these tips to avoid serious consequences:

  • If it was noticed that the needle is tending or is already at a high temperature level, then you should not immediately turn off the engine, but slow down (if you are in motion) and observe further changes. The temperature may normalize over time, but an emergency shutdown of the engine at a high threshold can be harmful to the engine and sensor. The only exception is when the needle is in the red zone for a long time.
  • Check the amount of liquid in the tank on a regular basis in a timely manner. Don't let the level get low.
  • Always monitor the quality of the liquid, both during purchase and during use. Any deviations from the norm (unpleasant odor, questionable color, etc.) must be accompanied by either diagnostics or fluid replacement.
  • Keep the engine and cooling systems clean, avoid contamination and blockages.
  • If the machine is very susceptible to frost, then take care that there is no internal icing, and that the machine is not left inoperative for a long time in the cold. Or use special insulation for the motor and other important parts.

Also, treat such a situation with calm, this will help you better navigate, react and make decisions. So keep an eye on the needle and the engine will thank you.

Checking the performance of the DTOZH

In order to check the functionality of the above sensor, you must:

  1. Start the car and pay attention to the dashboard. If the temperature gauge shows the maximum value while the engine is still cold, you should disconnect all existing contacts from the temperature meter. If after this procedure the needle drops “from heaven to earth”, it’s time to replace the sensor.
  2. But if the needle remains at its maximum values, you need to pay attention to the sensor contact. Most likely, it was simply shorted to the mass of the car itself.
  3. If the engine warms up normally, but the needle either doesn't move at all or constantly jumps, it's time to check the fuses.
  4. If the fuses are in order, the contact should be closed to vehicle ground. If you notice that the arrow has jumped up, the problem lies in the performance of the temperature sensor.

There is another proven method, following which you need to perform the following actions:

  • the multimeter is set to ohmmeter mode;
  • We stock up on a thermometer that can show temperatures exceeding 100 degrees Celsius and a container that can withstand hot antifreeze;
  • multimeter probes are attached to the output and the sensor body;
  • the temperature sensor is disconnected and placed in a container into which coolant was previously poured;
  • We monitor the readings of the thermometer and ohmmeter.

They should be combined like this:

Temperature reading: Ohmmeter reading:

If these indicators are not combined, we can safely say that the DTOZH is in a faulty condition.

If the DTOZH does not show the temperature of the VAZ-2114 engine, of course, you can try to replace it yourself. But this can only be done if you know at least a little about cars. Otherwise, it is best to contact a specialized service.

The fact is that the reasons for the breakdown of this part may be hidden in other, more serious problems in your car. For example, when checking the performance of the DTOZH, you accidentally removed the ignition module. And in order to correctly install it in its place, you need not only to try hard, but also to be a true master of your craft.

Having replaced the DTOZh in the service, you will receive not only high-quality work done, but also a guarantee for it. Each part of the car that was touched by the master’s hand will be placed in its proper place and securely fastened. If you try to save money and replace the DVT yourself, you can only incur additional costs. Remember, the miser pays twice.

VAZ-2114 engine temperature arrow goes off scale: photos and videos

Many motorists have encountered the fact that the temperature indicator arrow on the instrument panel of a VAZ-2114 went up, beyond the red zone. This malfunction can be due to many factors. But, this problem is related to the electrical part of the car.

Why the temperature arrow goes off scale - the main reasons!

The normal operating temperature of the engine on the instrument panel is 90 degrees. The arrow indicates the red zone of engine overheating. Learn more about the situation when the instrument panel does not show the engine temperature.

You can find out why the malfunction occurred in your garage, and you don’t have to go to a car service center. But to fix the problem, you may need outside help from professionals.

So, let's look at the main reasons why the temperature arrow on the VAZ-2114 dashboard goes up:

  • Dashboard diagram.
  • Temperature sensor.
  • Wiring harness.
  • ECU.

Solution methods

The arrow is off the charts!

When the reasons are identified, you can proceed directly to eliminating them and consider the issue in more detail. So, to begin with, it is worth noting that the motorist will need some knowledge of the design features of the car, as well as knowledge of the electrical part.

Dashboard diagram

Dashboard board

The first place to look for a problem is the dashboard. In order to eliminate the malfunction, you will have to dismantle the “tidy” and also disassemble it.

The next step is to find the motor that powers the arrow. There may be two malfunctions here. Which ones exactly:

  • Due to a short circuit, the motor winding burned out.
  • The wire that is soldered from the motor to the dashboard board has come unsoldered or has come off.

To eliminate this cause, it is necessary to inspect the place and determine the presence of breaks. For complete reliability, it is necessary to ring the contact wires of the motor that close the winding.

Another stage of diagnostics will be the connector that connects to the board. It is necessary to find the contact that is responsible for the temperature indicator and also ring it using a multimeter. If a connection break is detected, it must be repaired.

Attention! If a motorist does not have experience in repairing such components, it is strongly recommended to contact professional auto electricians so as not to cause even more trouble when doing the repairs yourself. They will do everything quickly and efficiently

temperature sensor

The temperature sensor is checked with a multimeter

If the problem was not hidden in the dashboard, then you need to contact the temperature sensor directly. It is this that serves as an indicator of the engine temperature and transmits data through the computer to the needle. Failure of the product can cause a freezing effect and the needle on the dashboard going off scale.

To determine the functionality of the sensor, it must be dismantled and “ringed” using a multimeter. If it is determined to be “dead”, then it must be replaced.

Wiring harness

Disconnecting the wiring harness from the instrument panel for inspection

If the first two reasons are eliminated, but the problem remains, then you should look for the problem in the wiring harness that goes from the engine to the dashboard. Of course, not all motorists are able to cope with this type of diagnosis, due to ignorance of wire pinout. Therefore, in this case, it is also worth contacting professional auto electricians to find out the causes and repair. Although, the reason here is quite simple and understandable - a wire break or burnout.


List of ECU errors

It is not often that the problem of the needle leaving its normal position can be caused by an electronic control unit. It is he who sets all the parameters and signals on the dashboard.

To troubleshoot the problem, you need to connect to it and check for errors related to the temperature sensor and cooling system. Thus, a simple reset of errors can lead to normal operation of the device.


There are not many reasons why the VAZ-2114 engine temperature needle goes off scale, but all of them are quite difficult to diagnose, and some can only be eliminated in a car service center. Therefore, if the motorist has not carried out repair operations of this nature, it is necessary to contact a car service center, where they will help and repair everything.

“Peter – AT” INN 780703320484 OGRNIP 313784720500453

Types of temperature sensors

There are two temperature sensors on the VAZ 2114 car engine, which often leads to confusion when replacing them:

Location of temperature sensors

  1. One of them, DTOZH, is located on the cooling system pipe running from the block head to the thermostat. It sends signals to the computer's electronic control unit so that additional cooling (fan) is turned on in a timely manner. Don't look for it on the radiator; it was located there in previous models. Has two terminals.
  1. The second sensor is called DTUOZH, it has one terminal and sends a signal to the dashboard in the cabin, where the driver sees the temperature of the coolant (not the engine, as many people mistakenly think). It is located, as can be seen from the first figure, on the engine block under the cooling system pipe.

Degrees of motor overheating

Having examined the reasons, we will take a closer look at the degree of overheating. There are three of them: weak, medium and strong.

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The first degree of engine overheating is weak. It is not entirely significant and is determined by operating the engine at elevated temperatures for 5 to 10 minutes. The reasons may be interruptions in the thermostat or fan, and subsequently the pistons may be slightly deformed. Signs of overheating: deep black exhaust gases and heavy engine running.

The second degree of engine overheating is medium. Involves operating the engine at high temperature for up to 20 minutes. The reasons may be the above, as well as cracks and deformation of the plane of the cylinder head. All this will lead to burning of the gasket, deformation of the valve seat, block planes and oil seals, which will ensure oil leakage.

And the third degree of engine overheating is severe. Engine operation exceeds 20 minutes at elevated temperature. Here you may hear a characteristic knocking sound, or the engine may seize. With such overheating, all its components bear a considerable load and are subject to partial or complete destruction. However, it will not be possible to name the exact reason without diagnosing the car.

ATTENTION! It is not recommended to start the engine until all faults have been eliminated!

Under no circumstances should you immediately turn off the engine and cool it with liquid if an increase in temperature is noticed. Such actions will lead to deformation of engine components; they may crack or bend. For mild to moderate engine overheating, let it idle for 5 minutes. If it is severely overheated, the engine must be turned off immediately to prevent complete engine damage.


For safety reasons, replacing the coolant temperature sensor in a VAZ 2114 is done when the engine is cool, since the operating temperature of the antifreeze inside the system can reach one hundred degrees.

To remove the assembly you will only need open-end wrenches 19 and 8.

First, let's figure out where the coolant temperature sensor is located on the VAZ 2114. It is located in the engine compartment, not far from the cylinder head and thermostat. Access to the device is limited only by the air filter and it can be replaced fairly quickly.

Location of DTOZH Everything is done in the following sequence:

  1. Disconnect the negative terminal from the battery;
  2. Using a 8mm horn, unscrew the screws securing the air filter to the car body. Disconnect the MAF wire block and remove the air filter housing. Now access to DTOZH is not limited in any way;
  3. We remove the power from the DTOZH and use a 19 key to unscrew the sensor itself from the mounting socket.

It is not necessary to drain the antifreeze when replacing the unit; it only makes sense to do this if the scheduled replacement of the coolant is due.

Installation of a new coolant temperature indicator sensor is performed in the same way: screw the device into the mounting socket and tighten the thread with a 19-mm wrench. We connect the wiring to it and put the air filter in place, do not forget to connect the block of the MAF power supply wires.

Procedure for removing DTOZH

It should be noted that the operating temperature of the 8 valve VAZ 2114 engine is 80-90 degrees Celsius. But these are optimal indicators that may vary depending on various factors. If the engine overheats or heats up too quickly on a VAZ 2114, this cannot be ignored.


You understand perfectly well that the coolant is called that for a reason. And if antifreeze boils in the expansion tank of a VAZ 2114, can this be considered normal? Not at all. It is not uncommon that the problem lies precisely in a faulty DVT.

To replace it, you need to perform several sequential steps.

Drain the coolant. To do this: Wait until the engine has cooled down if you have just driven into the garage; Arm yourself with ring wrenches for 17, 13 and 8; Take a container into which the coolant will be drained; Remove the engine protection, disconnect the radiator fasteners; Turn on the stove to maximum mode and open the heater tap along with the expansion tank cap; Place a container under the radiator and very carefully begin to unscrew the drain plug

High pressure releases antifreeze from the expansion tank of the VAZ 2114, so you need to act slowly; Over the course of 10 minutes, the liquid will gradually drain; At this time, go to the engine, place the same container under it and unscrew the plug from the cylinder block, which is located directly under the ignition module; You will have to wait about 10 more minutes for the liquid to drain out.

Now removes the old coolant temperature sensor: Find it on your car; Look at the body, pay attention to the markings on one side of the hexagon. Remember the position so that when reassembling everything, do it the same way; The meter is dismantled using a 21 key; Installing a new meter

Installing a new device

To do this: We purchase a new TOZh sensor; Using the same 21 key, we mount it in place of the old one; We take into account the previously remembered markings and install the new sensor in a similar position; We apply a little heat sealant to the threads, which will ensure a high-quality connection; Coolant is refilled into the heating system and cylinder block. Just use a new one, even if the old one is in good condition

Look at the coolant level sensor on the VAZ 2114 to make sure the tank is full.

If after these manipulations the DTOZH still does not work, pay attention to several points:

Changing the oil in the gearbox of a VAZ 2114

  1. You may have screwed the new sensor into its seat poorly;
  2. It is possible that you forgot to fill the coolant;
  3. A leak of cooling liquid formed in the system, the generator was splashed with it;
  4. The new sensor could be defective. In this case, it is recommended to always leave the purchase receipt until you are sure that the sensor is working properly. Unfortunately, it is impossible to verify this on site.

Unfortunately, replacing the sensor yourself does not always give the result you expected. Therefore, the car may continue to act up. Everything that you could do has already been done, so we recommend that you contact a good car service center, where they will carry out diagnostics and be able to determine what really happened to your car.

Not all issues can be resolved on your own, no matter how experienced an auto mechanic you are. Sometimes you have to go to a service station. But here, too, you must be sure that the specialists are competent, their equipment is in good working order, and they have enough experience in order to efficiently solve the problem that you and your car have. Make good friends at car repair shops. Even if you visit them once a year.

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The VAZ 2114 coolant temperature sensor, for all its importance for the normal operation of the car, is a fairly simple device.
DTOZH is a resistor with variable resistance, which changes as the temperature of the antifreeze in the system increases. The sensor has only two contacts - the first of them transmits information about the current coolant temperature to the brains of the fourteenth, and the second sends a signal to turn on the fan (when the coolant temperature reaches a certain point).

Based on the received readings, the fourteenth ECU determines the composition of the fuel mixture supplied to the combustion chambers: the colder the engine, the richer the mixture. The coolant temperature affects how almost all engine control systems will operate: this data is taken into account when adjusting the ignition angle (the moment the spark is supplied for fuel combustion in the cylinders), the time the fan is turned on for forced cooling of the power unit, and much more.

The DTOZH is a fairly durable design; it rarely breaks down, but if the unit breaks down, its repair is impossible - the device must be replaced with a new one. The cost of DTOZh varies between 400-550 rubles. for domestically produced models (the VAZ 2115 coolant temperature sensor costs about the same).

Normal temperature readings

For all cars the operating temperature is approximately the same. This is due to the fact that in 1992, manufacturers established a single standard. According to it, the temperature at which the engine will operate without failures fluctuates around 90 degrees. The permissible error is 3 degrees in each direction.

In 2004, this figure was revised, as the automotive industry has made great strides forward. Then a range from 85 to 105 degrees appeared, acceptable for many cars. It was he who was guided by when creating the VAZ-2114.

The injector of this model can operate at temperatures from 87 to 103 degrees. This range applies to modifications with 8 and 16 valves with a volume of 1.6 liters.

The main purpose of DTNV

Today, the VDO panel has become widespread, which allows you to display the ambient temperature directly on the dashboard display. At first glance, it may seem that information about the state of affairs outside the car is not so significant for the driver. But, in fact, the outside air temperature sensor is a useful mechanism. This information is especially relevant during periods of unstable weather.

You can leave the garage in the morning, when the temperature is above zero, and in the evening it will be frosty. Thanks to DTNV, the driver will always be aware of possible problems with the road.

Among other things, in more expensive trim levels the outside air temperature sensor allows the car owner to start the engine to warm up automatically. This function significantly saves time and promotes “easy” engine starting.

According to the principle of operation, this mechanism is a conventional thermistor, since its resistance depends on temperature. The VAZ-2114 air temperature sensor is connected in its operation to the control unit. Any deviations in the functioning of the device will result in the manifestation of various symptoms of serious damage.

Dashboard malfunction

The cause of incorrect readings on the dashboard may be a factory defect or a huge number of electrical faults: from a bad ground on the ECU to a failure of the voltage stabilizer (“tablet”). This can be indicated by uneven changes in temperature readings (jumps), incorrect readings of other devices, or a discrepancy between turning on the fan and the temperature readings.

We recommend: Installing a turbine on an 8-valve VAZ 2114 engine. This malfunction is less problematic: the car does not actually heat up, but only for the computer. But she discovers other problems that also need to be solved.

Signs of trouble

Typical symptoms of DTOZ failure are as follows:

  • Turning on the fan when the engine is not warmed up;
  • A warm engine does not start well;
  • Unstable engine speed at idle;
  • Unstable engine operation (triggering, lack of traction)
  • Gasoline consumption increases;

If the DTUOZH fails, the engine runs stably, without interruptions, but on the dashboard you see that the liquid does not heat up or does not cool down at all. These are all signs of a faulty DTOZH on a VAZ 2114.

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