In 2022, a restyling of the first generation Lada Grant appeared, which is still in production.
All steering wheel braids are divided by size by manufacturers. This is one of the main characteristics of
The stove heating system on the Lada Granta car functions quite well, the owners have no complaints.
What could it be? Reasons: Your car may not start right away or
The quality and technical features of the suspension are a very important part for any car, especially
The 14th VAZ model uses a special information board that informs the driver about the amount of liquids
Now the time has come to replace the resonator... 85,000 km... ran... a “HOLE” was found... and it became a bit heavy!
Because You are not logged in. To come in. Because The topic is archived. Maybe someone will think of it
The detonation error can be caused by different reasons - low or very high signal from
VAZ 2109 (popularly called “nine”) is a Soviet front-wheel drive vehicle of group II small