Why the engine stalls and the check light comes on at the same time: the main reasons

What are the dangers of “tripleting”?

When the engine runs on three out of four cylinders, not only does the engine power decrease, there is excessive fuel consumption, the smell of gasoline comes out of the exhaust system, and the trembling and trembling of the engine simply makes it difficult to feel comfortable inside the car. However, the troubles don't end there.

Possible reasons

In most cases, when the cylinder does not work, the culprit is one of the elements of the ignition system, which is responsible for igniting the fuel, or the injectors responsible for supplying the fuel.

The ignition system must be checked in the following order:

  1. Open the hood with the engine running and try to remember the timing of its operation by ear.
  2. Next, in order of priority, we inspect and then disconnect the high-voltage wires from the spark plugs.

We disconnect each wire from the spark plug in turn. (Example on an 8-valve engine).

A crack in the spark plug body is the reason for replacement.

Using this table, it is very easy to determine the condition of the candles.

If there is “smoking” or heavy carbon deposits on the spark plug, this prevents its stable operation; in this case, the spark from the spark plug is very weak or absent altogether. It is not enough to clean the spark plug or replace it with a new one; you need to find the cause of this phenomenon. Check whether the spark plug is selected correctly and whether it has the correct gap.

Dirty candle with an oil trail.

It is best to check the spark plug for the presence of a spark on a special stand, or on your own.

Also pay attention

If a spark does not appear when checking the spark plug, or it is very weak, this may indicate the following problems:

  • Replacement of high-voltage wires is required.
  • Diagnostics required for the electronic control unit.
  • The timing belt has moved several teeth due to insufficient tension. Read this article about how to replace it.

Remember that for the best and most thorough check and the cause of engine tripping, you can find out by doing engine diagnostics.

Oxygen sensor

Now all cars are equipped with catalysts. For proper operation of the catalyst, a lambda probe is required. This is a special sensor that reads the remaining oxygen, based on the data of which the mixture and ignition are adjusted.

If the lambda probe is faulty, the car may consume more fuel than it should. Also, at the same time, a “check” lights up on the panel. However, the engine may not be tripping. How to solve this problem? Since the new catalyst is very expensive, many simply knock out its “filling” and install a fake instead of an oxygen sensor. This way the ECU will consider that the system is working correctly, and the “check” will no longer light up on the panel.

Why does the check light up? The most common and common malfunctions

So, we figured out the general scheme. Now let's look at what problems lead to the check light coming on and the engine stalling. Often a p0300 error occurs, which indicates that a misfire (misfire) is occurring. There are several reasons for these omissions, and to determine them it is necessary to carry out a step-by-step diagnosis, taking into account certain individual symptoms.

You should start by checking the ignition system. The most common cause of tripping is the failure of spark plugs and armored wires. Candles can wear out their service life, break down, or become heavily contaminated. Armored wires suffer from insulation damage and breakdowns. One way or another, the result is either no spark at all, or there is a spark, but it’s weak.

If everything is in order with the spark plugs and wires, you should pay attention to the ignition module or ignition coils, which may be shorting. In this case, it is better to entrust the check to experienced specialists, since unprofessional actions lead to the fact that you can burn the switch or damage other important elements. Having dealt with the ignition system, you need to check the power system

As a rule, incorrect operation of injection nozzles or malfunctions in their operation lead to combustion of the internal combustion engine. At the same time, the check will light up or flash

Having dealt with the ignition system, it is necessary to check the power system. As a rule, incorrect operation of injection nozzles or malfunctions in their operation lead to engine tripping. At the same time, the check will light up or flash.

The best option would be to check the injectors on a special stand. Such diagnostics allows you to determine the need to clean, repair or replace injectors. At the same time, specialists check the power supply to the injectors, the condition of the injector O-rings, etc.

As for compression, a burnt-out valve often leads to an unexpected decrease in the indicator. If the valve burns out, the engine starts to run rough. In this case, tripling is constant and occurs in all modes of engine operation. Engine thrust drops significantly, and significant excess fuel consumption is observed.

Please note that in this case you cannot drive the car, as there is a high risk of damaging the catalyst and oxygen sensor (lybda probe). To confirm the diagnosis, you need to measure the compression, and to solve the problem itself, you need to remove the cylinder head, troubleshoot the head and change the valve.

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I am a professional in the field of Auto Electrics and Auto Diagnostics. Work experience more than 10 years. I will identify and eliminate faults of any complexity. (Even with cars that Dealers and services cannot handle, as it were, of the highest class). We carry out all types of work on the installation of additional electrical equipment (xenon, multimedia system, special signals, etc.)

Problems with fuel and other systems

The “check” can also light up due to a malfunction of the fuel system. The engine will also stall. A common situation is an insufficient amount of fuel supplied to the cylinder. This may indicate contamination of the injectors. But tripling also occurs for other reasons. This:

  • Dirty fuel filter.
  • Problems with the fuel pump.
  • Faulty air flow sensor.
  • Worn throttle valve.

It is recommended to check the compression level. If at the same time the cylinder has low compression (it differs from neighboring cylinders by 2 or more units), this may indicate serious mechanical malfunctions, such as:

  • Piston burnout.
  • Wear of piston rings.

In this situation, it will no longer be possible to fix the breakdown yourself. Requires engine disassembly and complex repairs.

Motor trouble: signs

If the engine starts to stall, the check engine blinks. But the indicator does not always work, so other signs of malfunction must be taken into account. For example:

engine vibration increases. This is very noticeable at idle and cold speeds. If this phenomenon becomes permanent, then one of the cylinders has failed. But such damage occurs gradually, so not everyone detects it in time. This method is used in later stages of breakdown; spark plugs have changed color. If you remove them, you will notice that the head has become dark. This is due to carbon deposits and soot due to the lack of ignition of the mixture. This indicates obvious problems

Even with prolonged use of candles, their color changes slightly, but there is no soot; fuel consumption has increased - you need to immediately pay attention to the engine; The engine has become less powerful, which is noticeable when moving. It operates on three cylinders

Therefore, if at least one fails, the engine does not have enough torque resource; unstable exhaust sound, which is complemented by vibrations in the body; When accelerating or moving evenly, the car began to twitch.


You need to listen to how the engine works. If it starts to stall at medium or high speeds, then the valves are probably not functioning properly. One possible reason is an increased gap between them.

If at least one of the listed signs of breakdown appears, immediate action must be taken. If the engine starts up and the check light comes on, blinks and goes out, the driver may face a more complex problem in the near future. Specialists can fix it. In this case, repairs will be labor-intensive and financially costly.


- Check Engine Check - there's nothing fun or enjoyable about those two words. There is also not much logic that can be derived from this phrase, at least not logic that we understand. What does "Check Engine" mean? Is it something more or less specific? No is not. That's because the Check Engine Light means there's something wrong with our engine, and we can't know 100% what it is under the hood that caused that proverbial light to come on. In general and most common cases, Check Engine means that you will have to communicate with car service workers; in the worst case, if your car is far from young, Check Engine may even mean an upcoming major repair.

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Reason one - spark plugs

I wrote in detail about how to determine faults in car systems using spark plugs here .

I recommend reading it - it turned out to be useful, judging by your reviews, thank you.

We unscrew the spark plugs one at a time and look at their insulator.

If it is covered with dense carbon deposits, then it is difficult for a spark to penetrate it. The current seeks the path with the least resistance, so the spark will not be between the electrodes, but will “go” along the insulator to the side. Its energy will not be enough to set fire to the air-fuel mixture. This cylinder will not work.

We inspect the external condition of the spark plug insulator.

If there are microcracks, then part of the current will not be converted into a discharge, but will escape through these damages. You need to look at the internal insulator, which is screwed into the cylinder head, and at the external one, onto which the armor wire cap is placed.

Large or small gap between electrodes.

Many people have heard or know that for certain engines, ignition systems and types of fuel used, spark plugs with a certain gap are required. Usually its value is indicated by the manufacturer of engines and cars.

How to check the spark without special devices on the engine

This is an old, “grandfather” method, some people are afraid of it:

  • They unscrewed the spark plug;
  • They put an armored wire on her;
  • They leaned it with the inner body, the metal part, against the engine;
  • Turn on the ignition and turn the starter.

Checking the air filter

If the spark plugs and high-voltage wires appear to be in full working order, and the engine still runs, you should check the air filter. Sometimes this element may simply become clogged, as a result of which less air will flow into the engine, which will cause the analyzed breakdown. According to experts, there is no point in cleaning the air filter from contaminants, because the cost of a new element is quite acceptable, so it is better to simply replace the filter that has become unusable with a new one.

Most often, car owners, after carrying out the above measures, manage to get the engine working and, as you can see, carrying out repair work is quite simple and easy. But if difficulties arise during the work, you can watch a training video lesson on the Internet resource, which is taught by real masters of their craft.

Despite the huge amount of criticism against the Lada Priora, this is one of the most popular cars that have come out of the AvtoVAZ assembly line in recent years. The Priora is equipped with a fairly successful engine with good dynamics, and the interior is very comfortable. And the maximum trim levels offer useful options. But at the same time, from time to time the car brings minor problems to its owners. One of the most popular malfunctions is that the Priora engine (16 valves) is tripping. The reasons for this phenomenon are quite unpleasant. And besides, the motor eventually overheats.

When the driver starts his car in the morning, the engine does not run smoothly as before, but intermittently. At this time, dull sounds are heard from the exhaust pipe. At the same time, a persistent and strong smell of unburned fuel is felt. Vibrations are constantly increasing, and this is fraught with cracks in the pillows. This is how the engine runs when cold.

VAZ 21124 check engine blinks and the engine stalls

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I would be glad to have any thoughts on this matter, as at 60 thousand mileage some problems only appear.

The check is flashing - it means misfire. This is already understandable - it’s a troit. So diagnostics will not give anything.

How will it determine which cylinder (coil)?

Is there something to replace the voltage wires with as a test?

But he doesn't have them. Neither central. no other. The coil is weird (already answered). The problem is identifying it.


Either go for diagnostics, or buy a working coil and change it successively until you get lucky. But this is if one is faulty. What if two are acting weird? Then either diagnostics or purchase of a bookmaker. Cheaper diagnostics. But BC will always come in handy. Saved me from going to diagnostics more than once.

But he doesn't have them. Neither central. no other.

It's time. change a couple of coils

In order not to prolong the topic, I’ll ask a question here, a problem has arisen.

While the engine is cold, it runs smoothly and pulls well. As soon as it warms up, it starts. When switching gears and adding gas, there is a failure, then a jerk, then a kick in the ass and we drive on without problems until the next shift. And when you start driving instead, the first press on the throttle starts to throttle, as soon as the revs rise above 2 thousand it works smoothly.

The fuel system has been checked, the pressure is normal, I changed the spark plugs just in case, it’s a mistake on the ignition.


Determining the faulty cylinder

Which cylinder causes the “check” to blink and the engine to stall? Diagnostics will show the result. You can perform this operation yourself:

  • Disconnect the armor wire tips from each spark plug one by one. It is advisable to do this with rubber gloves to prevent electric shock.
  • Record how much the nature of the engine’s operation has changed. If the engine runs even harder, the cylinder is good. If, after removing the wire, the engine operates as before, then this cylinder is faulty.

Please note that when disconnecting the wire, you do not need to grasp the cap. You should grab the wire, but carefully. Do not pull it by force, otherwise the wire may be damaged.

Another way to check is computer diagnostics. In this case, we connect the diagnostic equipment to the ODB II connector and turn on the ignition. Then the computer will read all errors. If this is a Toyota car, then misfire in the third cylinder will be indicated by error p0303.

Engine malfunction indicator: main causes of fire. Methods of their treatment

There are quite a few reasons why the engine diagnostic light comes on, since the signal comes from the on-board computer, which simultaneously analyzes many vehicle operating systems: ignition, automatic transmission, engine, carburetor, etc. Some faults can be diagnosed independently, but first, let's figure it out in their reasons:

  1. If the engine light comes on, you need to start by checking the tightness of the fuel system, for example, the gas tank cap is not tightly tightened or it has defects. This engine warning light often comes on for this very reason.

If the “Check” engine malfunction indicator lights up while the car is moving, this may be a signal of low engine oil level. To diagnose this malfunction, it is recommended to stop and listen to the engine in order to identify the presence of extraneous knocks and noises. And also carry out a visual inspection of it - check the oil level, inspect for leaks and damage to the body. In the conditions of our country, the quality of fuel and lubricants products wants to be the best, as a result of which the engine malfunction icon may also light up. To be treated by simply replacing bad fuel. If, despite stable and smooth engine operation, the check engine light still comes on, this may be a sign of a misfire in one of the spark plugs. If you find a “piercing” spark plug or armored wire, then they must be urgently replaced, since they are the main igniters of the fuel system. With a faulty spark plug, you may feel slight jolts when accelerating, which is caused by improper spark supply. The recommended replacement interval for spark plugs is 25 - 30 thousand km

Please note that timely replacement of spark plugs not only improves engine performance, but also reduces fuel consumption. By the way, the gap between the spark plug electrode should not exceed 1.3 mm.

  1. Ignition coil malfunction. It is necessary to check for the presence of a spark and resistance at the coil terminals.
  2. Malfunction of the oxygen sensor (lambda probe). This sensor helps monitor your vehicle's fuel consumption, so if it malfunctions, it can have a significant impact on how much power you get and how much power your engine makes. The cause of the breakdown is oil soot, which covers the sensor with a thin layer, which reduces the performance of the gasoline mixture adjustment sensor. In addition, untimely replacement of the sensor can lead to failure of the catalyst. Treated by replacing the sensor.

  1. Malfunction of the exhaust gas catalyst. The catalyst not only provides more environmentally friendly exhaust gases, but is also responsible for the dynamics of the car. The main cause of catalyst failure is untimely replacement of the oxygen sensor and spark plugs, since the conversion of carbon monoxide in the catalyst into harmless chemical elements depends on them. Otherwise, the catalyst will overheat and may burst. Treat with replacement.

  1. The injectors are not working properly. As a rule, they require cleaning, but sometimes even replacement.
  2. Malfunction of the mass air flow sensor.

This sensor is responsible for the leanness of the supplied mixture. A malfunction of this sensor can lead to increased fuel consumption, a decrease in engine power and disruption of the smoothness and dynamics of the vehicle. In addition, the car may have difficulty starting or idling smoothly.

The main reason for sensor failure is untimely or incorrect installation of the air filter.

  1. Faulty fuel pump or fuel filter. It is necessary to measure the pressure in the ramp (its value should not be less than three atm.). Treat by cleaning the filter and mesh in the gas tank. More drastic measures are replacing the fuel filter or fuel pump.

If the above “treatment” methods did not help and the check light still lights up on the instrument panel, then you must immediately contact a car mechanic, otherwise this may result in serious repairs.

Prevention is better than repair

But first of all, it is necessary to find an answer to the question of why the VAZ-21124 jerks during acceleration. On the face of it, it doesn't seem like a very ordinary question. But in fact, such twitching becomes not funny at all. You start to feel especially creepy when the VAZ-21124 jerks during acceleration and the check light comes on. Trouble has become reality.

It has long been known that any breakdown is easier to prevent than to fix. Therefore, try to pay more attention to your vehicle while driving. And here a problem arises: not every driver can feel the car and determine the cause in time.

You should immediately decide on the sequence of actions:

  1. Checking the car for twitching while idling is unacceptable. This should only be done when moving.
  2. The check should begin on the smoothest and least dangerous section of the route, where there is no heavy traffic.
  3. To check, start shifting gears one by one by pressing the gas pedal on each gear.
  4. If the vehicle begins to jerk without your participation, therefore, the root cause of the problem must be sought in this problem.

When is it time to check the engine?

The engine should always run like a clock, that is, smoothly and without jerking, failures, or jumps. At idle speed it is easy to notice that the engine is unstable. When such suspicions creep in, it is better to raise the hood and listen to the beats in all cylinders. “Troit” means one or two cylinders are inactive, since there are no conditions necessary to ensure the processes in their combustion chambers. As a result, the actual power of the power unit drops noticeably and gasoline consumption increases. There is also a tendency to stall, for example at intersections, at traffic lights or while warming up. At the same time, when the engine of a VAZ 2110 fails, the reasons for such a malfunction can be different.

You can find out which cylinder has problems in one simple and long-known way. With the engine running, you need to remove the high-voltage wire from each spark plug one by one. If the cylinder was working properly before, then when it is turned off there will be a noticeable dip and a drop in speed (look at the tachometer scale). If there are no changes after removing the wire from the spark plug, we can safely assume that the problem is precisely in this cylinder - it was not working before the shutdown.

Set the timing marks correctly - otherwise you will bend the valves!

The VAZ-21124 engine has a special feature: no matter how its pulleys are turned, it does not bend its valves. With the 21120 engine (16v 1.5 l) such jokes will not work! If the pulley positions are not too far off, try putting on the belt and turning the mechanism to the “TDC 1 and 4” position. From now on, always use the following instructions:

  1. The crankshaft is set to the required position by checking the mark on the generator drive pulley (photo 1) or on the crankshaft pulley (photo 2);

Alternator drive pulley and crankshaft pulley

Exhaust and intake shaft pulley

In theory, on the VAZ-2112, marking is carried out the same way, no matter what engine we are talking about. Here are photos for engine 21120.

What it looks like in reality and in the instructions

Take the time to find the inspection window on the gearbox housing. There is another mark under the plug.

  • The number of belt teeth between the “upper pulley” marks is exactly 16;
  • The mark on the crankshaft pulley sometimes breaks off - use the control method “1” (photo 1) or “3” (lower photo).

Updates for VAZ-21124

On a 1.6 engine, all actions are performed in the same way as described above. There is one exception - the generator drive pulley is aligned according to the mark on the casing (see photo).

Generator drive pulley, motor 21124

However, if this mark is not there, use the proven method: 20 teeth are counted from the DPKV body. Instead of the 21st there should be a “pass”.

Two different 16 valves

For those who don't understand anything

The number of teeth on the crankshaft pulley is 21, on the camshaft pulleys – 42. When the crankshaft rotates 360 degrees, the camshafts rotate 180. In general, a complete engine cycle consists of two crankshaft revolutions (720 degrees).

If there is no fixing device, you can make it yourself. Even a puller for suspension springs will do (see photo).


Troubles the Engine and Flashes the Check VAZ 2114

Car repair if the check light is flashing and the VAZ-2114 engine is shaking

Unstable operation of the motor can lead to serious repairs. Many car owners do not believe the service technicians that the engine misfire needs to be repaired urgently. If the “check” flashes during all this, it means a misfire has been detected and the VAZ-2114 engine is causing problems for this reason. Be sure to carry out diagnostics so as not to repair the car thoughtlessly.

What can cause the engine to run unstably?

In most cases, the “check” can blink and the engine may run unstably when the 4th cylinder of the injector, which has 8 valves, fails. But this formulation is incorrect, the prerequisites may be the following:

  • spark plug problems;
  • low compression in cylinders;
  • the valves have not been adjusted for a long time (they do not fit tightly);
  • the injectors are clogged or overfilled (they will have to be replaced);
  • spark plug wire breakdown;
  • problems with the ignition coil;
  • The crankshaft sensor is not working properly;
  • the electrical control unit has failed;
  • the timing belt is misaligned (or it has completely fallen off);
  • Air filter contamination.

All these prerequisites lead to the failure of the cylinder and the appearance of corresponding signs of malfunction.

With all this, problems can appear instantly or after a certain period

Pay close attention to the following signs:

  • excessive engine vibration during operation - the operation of valves, rotating parts of the power plant and gearbox is disrupted;
  • an increase in fuel consumption and a change in the nature of exhaust gases (they will contain unburned fuel);
  • reduction in engine power and reduction in vehicle maneuverability.

Remember that the consequences of carelessness on the condition of the engine appear very quickly. If you continue to use a faulty car, then very soon you may need an expensive complete repair of the unit or its complete replacement.

VAZ 2115 2006 Troit, the check light is on and flashing, it doesn’t pull, the solution to the problem.

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The reasons for the tripping of the VAZ 2107 injection engine have been identified and the main methods for eliminating the malfunction have been established. But, if a motorist is not sure that he is able to repair his car on his own, then it is better not to risk it and turn to professionals.

Good afternoon, RusAuto fans. The next question is, maybe someone has come across this before.

Last night I came home, put the car in park, everything worked great, even the XX didn’t jump, I turned it off and went to bed, I didn’t warm up the car at night, it usually started like that. In general, I insert the key, turn it, silence, although all the sensors are on, the battery is charged. The manipulation is repeated several times, on the 6th or 7th time the car catches and starts very reluctantly, but it does start. After I started, I felt that the car was shaking, the check light came on. Previously, my check light came on, but it didn’t bother me much, because after a certain period of time it went out on its own and that was it. Today the check light first came on - the car was working, shaking, then the check flashed, blinked 9 times and turned the car off. I waited a minute, tried again to get the car in, it started right away, the check light didn’t light up at first, then it came on again, it was on continuously for about 10 seconds, then it blinked again, blinked 9 times and turned off the car again. I performed such dances for 10 minutes, I didn’t count how many times I did it, after this time I spat. I went to the bus stop.

Anyone who has had this happen, please tell me what could be the reason and what is the likelihood that it will heal on its own? Will resetting the terminals from the battery help, maybe there are some other radical methods? Well, ideally, maybe someone could drive up with a device and do a diagnostic?

A car is a complex of complex components and mechanisms. No matter how much automakers improve production technology and increase reliability, no one is immune from sudden breakdowns. This applies to all car enthusiasts. Both the owner of an expensive foreign car and a used VAZ can encounter such a malfunction as engine tripping. Well, let’s look at why the “check” blinks on a car and the engine stalls.

Situations while driving when the check light comes on

Let's consider several typical situations when a driver needs to urgently respond to the Check engine being turned on:

When the engine starts, the check light comes on and goes out almost immediately. He did not highlight any serious problems in this situation. Check the gas cap. Most likely it is not screwed on properly. The indicator light came on while driving. This situation indicates an electrical circuit break. These could be loose contacts, disconnected wires, including the battery. Check all attachments. The indicator flashes when moving. Stop and without turning off the engine, listen to the noise from the engine. You need to check the oil volume. However, this is already a fairly serious call, so you need to get to the auto repair shop as soon as possible.

The check light blinks, but the engine runs great, no noise is heard, and there are no interruptions. This indicates a problem with the ignition system.

You should pay attention to the serviceability of the spark plugs and the quality of gasoline. And if in the same situation, the indicator lights up continuously. This is a sign of an incorrectly set spark plug gap.

Adjust according to the norm (no more than 1.3). A constantly glowing Check Engine indicates problems with the ignition system insulation. Have it tested at a diagnostic center. The check light comes on when you start driving and does not go out. Faulty fuel pump. Listen to the noise, if you identify characteristic sounds, dismantle it and wash off the dirt from the insides and filters. The check engine light is constantly on. This is accompanied by an increase in the temperature of the antifreeze (up to 90 degrees). Here we are talking about serious problems in the engine. It is better to stop driving and call a tow truck to a service center.

Elimination methods

To correctly find the problem and fix it, the motorist should have knowledge of the design of the engine and its systems, as well as have the tools. A very indispensable element is time and hands growing from the right place. So, now you can begin to analyze the processes aimed at troubleshooting the problem.

Sensors and ECU

Many car repair mechanics recommend checking the software and meters, of which there are quite a lot in modern cars, before getting into the mechanical part.

So, first you should connect to the electronic engine control unit and carry out diagnostics using special software. The vehicle owner will need a USB-car cable, called K-line or OBD II, a tablet and the appropriate software.

After connecting and identifying the automotive equipment, it is worth carrying out diagnostic operations. If a software failure is detected, it must be removed and the system restored to functionality.

Which sensors are responsible for the normal operation of the engine, and their failure can lead to tripling of the power unit:

  • Idle speed regulator. If this meter fails, then the engine will run cold. In this case, the engine will not only stall, but also have difficulty starting.
  • Mass air flow sensor. Quite an expensive part in any car. Often, it does not fail, but the measuring grid becomes clogged. To restore operation, you need to clean the mesh.
  • Crankshaft position sensor. It measures the number of engine revolutions, thereby regulating the supply of the amount of fuel mixture.
  • The coolant temperature sensor affects the operation of the system indirectly, but can affect and create artificial tripping.

Fuel and its supply components

An integral element in the formation of the air-fuel mixture is fuel. So, not enough of it leads to the formation of a lean mixture, but too much of it leads to a rich mixture, which can flood the system.

The first thing you need to start diagnosing is the pump and filter. Clogged elements can lead to insufficient fuel reaching the injectors. The gasoline pump is located under the rear sofa, where it is quite easy to reach, but the filter element is mounted on the bottom behind the right rear wheel.

An injector is a fuel element that sprays fuel. The clogging of this unit affects the amount of fuel injected into the combustion chambers. Therefore, it is necessary to carry out diagnostics quite often. This is done using a special stand. If necessary, it is worth replacing the elements.


Air supply elements are quite important because they directly affect the formation of the air-fuel mixture. So, a clogged throttle valve or its jamming will cause the car to suffocate, which will lead to the effect of tripping or it will stall. To clean this unit, it is necessary to dismantle the entire throttle valve. The part is cleaned using carburetor cleaning fluid.

An important element is the air filter. If it has not been changed for a long time or it is clogged ahead of time, then a tripping effect may be created. To eliminate the malfunction, you need to replace the dirty part with a clean new element.


The last component that is involved in the normal operation of the engine is the spark generator. This unit includes: spark plugs and high-voltage wires.

Often, due to improper operation of the injection system, the spark plugs will either burn out or be flooded with gasoline, which makes it impossible to ignite the fuel normally, since there is no space between the contacts.

To diagnose and fix the problem, you need to unscrew the elements. To do this, remove the tips of the high-voltage wires from the spark plugs. And then, using a spark plug wrench, unscrew the elements. So, by examining each candle you can determine what condition it is in.

With high-voltage wires everything is simpler. They should be removed from the engine compartment. To do this, disconnect the tips from the spark plugs, and then from the ignition coil. The elements are checked using a multimeter. On the tester you need to set a resistance “measurement” and measure each wire. The indicator should be around 5 ohm. If the deviation is too large, the wire must be replaced.

Setting the ignition timing on VAZ 2110, VAZ 2111, VAZ 2112

Welcome! The ignition timing is set exclusively on carburetor cars; in injection systems, this timing no longer needs to be set, because everything is determined by sensors there, and if the sensor responsible for the ignition fails (And this is the crankshaft position sensor), then the car will not go anywhere, which With regards to carburetor cars, the moment in them needs to be adjusted and only when the distributor is removed, we will tell you how to configure it correctly in today’s article on repairing cars of the tenth family.

Note! To set the torque, you will need to stock up on just one and very important tool: This is a strobe light, it can be found in any car store and they cost relatively little, besides this you will also need a wrench to unscrew the nut securing the distributor and then turn it not a certain degree!

When should ignition timing be set? Let us repeat once again, the ignition timing is disrupted only when the distributor is removed, if you did not remove it and did not get into the ignition system, then you do not need to install anything, signs of an incorrectly installed ignition are poor (weak) acceleration of the car, as well as detonation ( This is very dangerous for the engine, what it is, read the article: “A detailed story about detonation in cars”), high fuel consumption, rapid heating and even overheating of the car engine and black smoke from the exhaust pipe during over-gas.

Note! When the ignition is incorrectly adjusted or is generally badly knocked down, the car may start somehow or not start at all, and if it does start, it will work very poorly, almost stall and the engine can shake, which can lead to all this!

Priora: why the check is blinking or on - the main reasons

The diagnostic connector will help you “talk” to the electronic control unit and find out why the check light is on. Well, before you start diagnosing, check out the list of the most common Priora “errors”:

  • Low Oil Level – Low oil levels ultimately lead to increased engine wear. If the oil level turns out to be normal when checked, then it needs to be replaced and the integrity of all Priora components checked. Faulty fuel pump or fuel filter. You can’t always “hear” this, but diagnostics, replacing the filter, and checking the fuel pump will “cure” the breakdown.
  • An error in the operation of the exhaust gas system - this is not something to joke about - it is better to start repairs as soon as possible.
  • The ignition coil does not produce a spark / the catalytic converter is unstable.
  • Wiring problems - high voltage wires can give an erroneous signal to the ECU - "Check" will light up on the dashboard.
  • Malfunction of sensors - unfortunately, they very often fail. The “check” lights up due to the fault of the mass air flow sensor (MAF), two oxygen sensors (after the fuel afterburner and in the exhaust manifold), the crankshaft sensor and the camshaft sensor. In frosty weather, the “Check” may light up because three cylinders are turned on first, and then, during normal startup, it does not go away. This is due to the fact that soot particles remain on the contacts - they disappear after a few days.
  • False sensor activation due to high humidity
  • The engine starts running when cold and the check light comes on.

The reasons for the “Check” fire on a Priora (16 valves), as we see from the list, can be serious. There is no need to panic: when the “Check” light comes on, you need to immediately reach for the diagnostic connector. It’s funny, but earlier diagnostics were carried out in the service with special software, but today any error code can be displayed on your smartphone, deciphering it using a mobile reading device.

There is another reason for engine malfunction - low-quality gasoline.

If this causes the spark plugs to flood, you will see the “check” blinking. Low-quality gasoline can be sold at any gas station; experienced car enthusiasts advise carrying a couple of candles with them. Sometimes the “Check” light comes on due to gasoline and the engine stalls. If he continues to work intermittently, things will be bad.

“Check” should light up when the ignition is turned on. A malfunction is also considered to be the case when the check light does not light up when the ignition is turned on, that is, the ECU does not send a system check report stating that “the system is ready for operation” - there is a problem in the wiring. You need to get rid of the chek icon not so as to “hide all the problems”, but so that the process of processing the fuel mixture occurs in order. Otherwise, you will have to seriously repair the car.

Reset errors

There are quite a lot of cases when the Check Engine light comes on, and the problem that has arisen should not be ignored. However, after eliminating the problem, the light may still remain on. What does this have to do with?!

After detecting a problem, the ECU stores its code in memory (this has already been mentioned). However, if the situation is corrected, the code cannot go anywhere and therefore the indicator lights up again the next time the engine is started. Here you should erase error codes from the computer's memory. In the language of specialists, this procedure is called resetting error codes. There are several options for how this can be done.

Professional technique

This is the most reliable and effective way to get rid of the annoying indicator when the problem has already been solved. The procedure is performed in a car service center using special equipment. And today there are a lot of such places in every city, not to mention megacities.

Amateur performance

You can find special scanners for cars on sale in relevant specialized stores. Such a device can help out in different situations and therefore this purchase will be very useful for any vehicle owner.

Then the only thing left to do is download the necessary software for your smartphone (tablet or laptop - now every second car enthusiast has such gadgets). By connecting the device to the vehicle's OBD2 diagnostic connector, you can “read” all existing Check Engine errors.

Some software offers an alternative solution to the problem. Most minor breakdowns can be easily resolved by car owners. In other words, buying a car scanner has certain advantages, including savings. Finally, all that remains is to erase the errors, and the check will no longer bother and irritate you.

Originally folk technique

Some craftsmen know very well what to do to reset the error, using their own special method, which every experienced car enthusiast knows about. To turn off the light bulb, just follow a certain sequence:

  1. Start the engine.
  2. Open the hood and disconnect the positive terminal of the battery.
  3. Wait 60 seconds, then return the terminal to its place.
  4. The error code will be reset, which will be indicated by the indicator light going out the next time you turn on the engine.
  5. Another procedure may also help:
  6. Turn on the ignition, wait 3 seconds and proceed to the next step.
  7. Press the accelerator pedal 5 times, holding each position for 5 seconds. Release the pedal.
  8. After 8 seconds, press the gas pedal again and hold it for 10 seconds - the indicator will blink.
  9. Take your foot off the pedal and you can look at the display where error codes are displayed. Now press the accelerator pedal again for 10 seconds - the Check Engine light should go out.
  10. Turn off the ignition.
  11. To check, you can start the engine again and make sure that the indicator goes out and does not light up, as it should be.

It is worth noting that the last two methods only work if the problem is fixed. Otherwise, you shouldn’t be surprised that the Check Engine caught fire. And then visiting a specialist is only a matter of time.

Video: Daewoo Matiz. Reset Check Engine Using ELM327 and Torque

What to do if the engine starts to stall

In order to determine why the engine in a VAZ 2114 is misfiring, you must follow the recommendations of professionals. First of all, you need to determine which cylinder is out of order, for this you need to:

  • open the hood with the engine running;
  • remember the sound and nature of the operation of the power plant;
  • remove the high-voltage wires from the spark plugs one by one, if the sound and rhythm of operation changes, then continue further, as soon as it is discovered that when the spark plug is de-energized, the nature of the sound does not change, which means the faulty cylinder has been identified.

Next, you need to unscrew the spark plug and determine its condition and performance.

The next step is to determine the condition of the removed spark plug. If the electrode is intact and clean, and there is a large amount of soot on the head, then with a high degree of probability it can be determined that dust has entered the combustion chamber of the cylinder, therefore the fault must be looked for in the air supply system through the air filter.

If the entire head, along with the electrode, is covered in smoke, and it is severely burnt out, it means that a lean mixture was supplied and detonation combustion occurred with ignition advance. When the head is also completely covered with smoke and the electrode is in good condition, this means that a rich mixture was supplied and there was a delay in the ignition supply.

Assessing the condition of the spark plug gives direction in finding the true cause of cylinder failure. However, you should also check the performance of the candle itself. There is a proven method for this - “by spark”. If a spark breaks through, even if weak due to carbon deposits, then you must definitely look further. But if there is no spark at all, then you should replace the spark plug with a new one and check it. If there is a good spark, you can try to start the car and monitor the dynamics of changes.

Spark plug faults

If the car has a fairly high mileage, then trying to find the reason why the engine is shaking, you must do the following:

  • change the spark plug;
  • change the set of high-voltage wires; during prolonged operation under conditions of high temperatures and voltages, microcracks appear on the shell, leading to breakdowns and failure; experienced auto electricians recommend periodically changing this set for prevention;
  • measure the compression in the idle cylinder; if it is broken, then perhaps the rings are stuck or the valves are burnt out;
  • adjust the valves, this procedure should be carried out for prevention every 15 - 20 thousand kilometers;
  • determine the performance of the ignition coil, this is a fairly common failure, the best solution is to replace the old one with a new one;
  • change the air filter;
  • Check that the timing belt is installed correctly.

All the specified procedures have been completed, but the engine still “troubles”. We need to move on:

  1. Conduct diagnostics of the electronic control unit and replace if necessary.
  2. Check the fuel supply system, down to the injectors.
  3. Determine the performance of the oxygen sensor, if it is faulty or produces deteriorated indicators - repair or replace.
  4. The failure of the crankshaft position sensor is determined by the computer, and an error should be generated indicating a breakdown. If this happens, replace it.

Let's sum it up

So, we looked at why the “check” on a car blinks and at the same time the engine stalls. The most common causes of breakdowns are a faulty spark plug or a breakdown of the high-voltage wire winding. You can check this yourself, even without diagnostic equipment (although, to save time, it is better to use it and just read the error codes). Anyone can replace a spark plug or wire. You don't need any special tools for this. However, if the “check” is on due to burnout of the valves or wear of the rings, as indicated by a compression test, only a professional mechanic can help in this situation.

The VAZ 2114 engine is shaking and misfiring, the check is on fire (repair and diagnostics)

Engine VAZ 2114

It starts hard, hesitates and idles

check engine light is on

  1. Start the engine and open the hood.
  2. Determine how the engine operates and remember the sound it makes.
  3. Remove the wires from the spark plugs one by one. If the sound does not change, the cylinder is faulty. If the operating mode of the motor becomes different, the unit is operational.

Further diagnosis is carried out based on the condition of the spark plug from the faulty cylinder. It is turned out with a special key, which every car owner needs to have. It is impossible to change it for another. To get to the service center, you need to replace the carbonated spark plug with a new one to temporarily restore engine performance.


  1. If the electrode on the removed spark plug is clean, but the head is dirty, then this means dust has formed in the combustion chamber. In this case, you need to check the air accounting system and, if necessary, change the filter.
  2. Burnout of the electrode and contamination of the entire spark plug with soot indicates a depletion of the fuel consistency and detonation combustion. If the electrode is intact, but there is burning on the entire spark plug, it is clear that the consistency is too rich and the ignition is delayed.

Many car enthusiasts are familiar with the method of checking spark plugs. If it is there, even if it is weak, then you need to find additional reasons for the occurrence of a motor malfunction, and if it is good, there is an option to try starting the engine again, maybe its operation has been restored. If there is no spark, replace the spark plug with a new one.

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