How to check the ignition coil of a VAZ 2107 carburetor

The ignition coil on a VAZ 2107 car is used to convert a low voltage current of 12V into a high voltage current of 11-20kV, which is necessary to break down the air gap between the electrodes of the spark plug and form a spark that ignites the working mixture. On a VAZ 2107 car with a contact ignition system, an ignition coil of type B-117 A is used. The ignition coil is installed in the engine compartment of a VAZ 2107 car and is secured with nuts on two studs to the left mudguard. The ignition coil is a transformer with a magnetic core, consisting of a core and an outer magnetic circuit, and two windings - primary and secondary. The ignition coil core is made of electrical steel plates and is located in a frame on which the secondary winding is wound. The primary winding is wound through the insulator on top of the secondary winding. The outer magnetic circuit consists of a rolled strip of electrical steel. The ignition coil housing is made of steel, the ignition coil housing has a cylindrical shape. On top, the ignition coil housing is hermetically sealed with a cover made of insulating material. To improve cooling and insulation, transformer oil is poured into the ignition coil housing. The ignition coil cover has a high-voltage and two low-voltage terminals. The high-voltage output is connected to the secondary winding and, through a contact bolt and spring, to the core. The end of the primary winding is connected to one low-voltage terminal of the ignition coil, connected by a wire to the contact group of the ignition distributor. Voltage from the ignition switch is supplied to the “+B” terminal of the ignition coil.

On a VAZ 2107 car with a contactless ignition system, ignition coils of type 27.3705 (with an open magnetic circuit, oil-filled) or type 3122.3705 (with a closed magnetic circuit, dry) are used.

Checking the ignition coil of a VAZ 2107 car

To perform work on checking the ignition coil on a VAZ 2107 car, you will need a multimeter.

For clarity, we carry out the test on a removed ignition coil.

1. Disconnect the wires from the ignition coil terminals (see “Removing the ignition coil”).

2. Clean the ignition coil from dirt and rinse it with white spirit or kerosene.

3. Connect the ohmmeter probes to the terminals of the primary winding of the ignition coil and measure the resistance. The resistance of the primary winding of the B-117 A ignition coil at a temperature of 20″C should be 3-3.5 Ohms (for an ignition coil type 27.3705 - 0.45-0.5 Ohms).

4. Having connected the ohmmeter probes to the high-voltage and the “+B” terminal of the ignition coil, we measure the resistance of the secondary winding. The resistance of the secondary winding of the B-117 A ignition coil at a temperature of 20″C should be 7.4-9.2 kOhm (for a coil type 27.3705 - 5-0.5 kOhm).

Removing the ignition coil from a VAZ 2107 car

2. On a VAZ 2107 car, disconnect the wire from the negative terminal of the battery (see “Battery for a VAZ 2107 car - removal and installation”).

3. Disconnect the wire from the high-voltage terminal of the ignition coil.

4. Using an 8 mm wrench, unscrew the nuts on the ignition coil terminals and disconnect the wires. A red-blue wire is connected to the “+B” terminal of the ignition coil.

5. Using a 10 mm socket wrench, loosen, without unscrewing completely, the two nuts securing the ignition coil to the mudguard studs.

6. Sliding the ignition coil, remove the coil from the studs.

Installing an ignition coil on a VAZ 2107 car

Installing the ignition coil on a VAZ 2107 car is performed in the reverse order. In this case, the tip of the “mass” wire is installed between the ignition coil eye and the washer.

Diagnostics and replacement of the ignition coil

The type of coil used on the VAZ2107 is B-117A, it was specially designed for classic cars with a contact ignition system. This device consists of the following parts:

  1. core;
  2. external magnetic circuit;
  3. primary and secondary winding.

The core is a set of plates made of steel of special electrical grades. This part is the basis for coils isolated from each other. The coil has a metal body filled with transformer oil. The cover, made of dielectric, has two contacts for powering the primary coil and one terminal for the high-voltage wire.

Procedure for checking ignition system devices

The main reason for the failure of this device is a wire break in the primary or secondary winding. This ignition system device is checked using a multimeter set to resistance measurement mode. The operation can be performed either directly on the car or after it has been dismantled.

Open the hood of the VAZ2107 car and disconnect the battery. The coil installed on the mudguard in the engine compartment is disconnected from the on-board network and cleaned of contaminants. At the first stage, we check the resistance in the primary winding; its value should be in the range from 3.0 to 3.5 Ohms. We perform the same operation for the secondary winding, acceptable values ​​are from 7.4 to 9.2 kOhm.

Replacing the device

If the indicators do not correspond to the above values, the ignition coil is considered faulty. Such a device must be replaced with a working one, which can be purchased at almost any spare parts store. When purchasing the device, you must inspect it and check the availability of documents: technical passport and certificate.

Removing the ignition coil on a VAZ2107 car is carried out with the battery disconnected. Use a wrench to unscrew the nuts on the contact and mounting studs. The faulty device is removed. A spare part is installed in its place and secured and connected. Now you can connect the battery and start the engine.

How to check the ignition coil of a VAZ 2106

How to check the ignition coil of a VAZ

2107 - 2101
carburetor coil in a car is not the least important ignition detail due to which the car may not work. To check the coil we will consider two options and with these two options everyone will find a convenient option for themselves. The first option will be considered how to check the coil on a VAZ with a multimeter the second option, as I said, will be simpler, but the efficiency is 70%: how to check the ignition of a VAZ 2107 - 2106 carburetor we will consider without a multimeter; the second option is probably the simplest, we will check it directly on the car, so let’s get started.
This is interesting: How to correctly respond to an inspector who demands to show documents

Natural wear and tear

The ignition coil is designed for a long service life. There are often cases when an element worked even after a run of 150–200 thousand kilometers without a single replacement. But with every kilometer, the life of the coil decreases. The installation of low-quality spark plugs or careless cleaning of the engine compartment can contribute to the breakdown. At one point, the part may simply not withstand the load.

How to check the ignition of a VAZ 2106 with a multimeter

In order to check the coil with a multimeter, we need the multimeter itself and, of course, the ignition coil itself. take a multimeter and set it to 200-ohm, then check the terminals (B - K), the resistance should be at least in the range of 04.0-ohm, the resistance range is from 03.8 to 04.5-ohm, this is the norm; there’s clearly something wrong with the coil; now we need to check the high-voltage part; we set it measurement mode 20-klom 1 any probe on mark B or K another on the high-voltage contact resistance 7.6 klom 7 to 8 klom this is the norm This means your coil is intact, but also do not forget that there may be an internal breakdown of the coil, that is, a breakdown of the insulation between the high-voltage and low-voltage winding and also the interturn one, and you also need to check the case, that is, also at 20 kL, we leave the relative mass for each contact, we check because we came across coils, so we check everything is fine on the case, it breaks through, and if there are no short circuits between the winding and interturn circuits, then it will function.

Selecting a multimeter

As a rule, in specialized services the device model MAS 838 is often found. It has the ability to measure a regular microcurrent of 200 µA. The display is backlit, so when carrying out this process in an unlit garage, you do not need to use a flashlight.

To run the process itself, specific accuracy is not required. Therefore, there is no point in purchasing an expensive model. It’s better to just buy the basic package, which is included in all standard devices.

How to check the ignition coil of a VAZ 2107 - 2106 carburetor

The second option is simpler: we pull out the high-voltage wire from the distributor that leads to the ignition coil, bring it to ground without touching about 0.5-0.9 millimeters and turn it with the starter, the spark should be saturated with a blue-yellowish tint and loud, if this is not the case, you can safely change your voltage loss (Make sure that the battery not discharged! How to check the VAZ generator ) also if there is a second ignition coil, you can simply throw wires on it and check to start the engine and see how it works or, as mentioned earlier, for a spark by weight how to install the ignition on a VAZ 2106 .


An automobile ignition coil is an ultra-precise and highly sensitive electrical device. The coil, as noted above, cannot be repaired.

Recommendation: if you often start the car with a battery with a low charge level, that is, barely, this will reduce the life of the ignition coils. Therefore, charge the battery in a timely manner; I have already written about how to properly charge a car battery. In severe frost, it is advisable to remove the battery and place it in a warm place, if possible. Or use an engine heater, for example, Webasto.

A little theory.

On the “seven”, as a rule, contact ignition systems of the B-117 A type are used. The coil itself is located in the engine compartment and is attached to the left mudguard with two studs. Also found on the VAZ 2107 are non-contact ignition systems (BSZ), in this case, coils of type 27.3705 are used, oil-filled with an open magnetic circuit, as well as type 3122.3705 dry coils with a closed magnetic circuit.

Signs of a faulty ignition coil

If, after turning the key in the ignition switch, you hear that the starter is turning, but the engine does not start, then, as a rule, this may mean that the ignition coil is not working correctly or has failed. Although there are many reasons why the engine does not start when you try to start it: spark plugs, explosive wires, problems in the fuel system (pump, fuel filter, clogged line), and so on.

But if, after all, the reason is in the ignition coil, then this can be understood by the following symptoms:

  • There is no spark at the spark plugs;
  • There is no current on the BB wires;
  • Visual defects (cracks and chips on the reel body);
  • A burning smell under the hood, which leaves traces of melting of the ignition coil (the primary or secondary winding has burned out).

Symptoms of malfunction

More often than not, the bobbin does not suddenly fail. This is usually preceded by a number of warning symptoms.

The main symptoms of a faulty ignition coil:

  • misfires in one or more cylinders, they can be determined using a scanner by the presence of the “triple” effect of the engine;
  • the appearance of “breakdown tracks” on the housing can be determined visually when starting the engine in the dark;
  • the occurrence of cracks and chips in the dielectric zone;
  • overheating of the structure;
  • burning of rubber tips of high-voltage wires;
  • oiling, contamination.

If the above symptoms appear, you should consider purchasing a replacement device. You can't stand by and watch an ignition coil die. In the event of a sudden coil failure, further independent movement will be impossible (unless you have individual coils installed).

Ignition coils

How to check the ignition coil of a VAZ 2107?

Checking the ignition on a VAZ 2107 is performed using a multimeter or ohmmeter.

  1. It is necessary to disconnect the wires from the ignition coil terminals.
  2. And connect the multimeter electrodes to the terminals of the primary winding of the ignition coil.
  3. Check resistance. The resistance of the primary winding on a coil of type B-117 A, at a temperature of 20°C should be approximately 3-3.5 Ohms, for a coil of type 27.3705 - 0.45-0.5 Ohms.
  4. Connect a multimeter to the high-voltage terminal “+B” to measure the resistance on the secondary winding. The resistance of the secondary winding on a coil of type B-117 A at a temperature of 20°C should be 7.4-9.2 kOhm, for another type of coil - 27.3705 (normal resistance is considered to be 5-0.5 kOhm).

In this video you will learn in more detail how to check the ignition coil

Short circuit overheating due to:

  • Unstable engine operation. The reason why an engine stalls or stalls when cold when starting is usually that one of its cylinders is not working. As a result, the engine begins to overheat, which leads to overheating of the short circuit, and they fail faster. On the other hand, one of the engine cylinders may not work as a result of a malfunction of the corresponding short circuit.
  • Engine overheating due to a lean air-fuel mixture, faulty cooling system, etc.
  • Short circuit. This may be a consequence of a violation of the insulation of the coil windings. If the short circuit begins to heat up immediately after turning on the ignition, its urgent replacement is necessary to avoid short-circuiting the entire system. But, if the coil heats up even when the engine is not running, and in addition there is a smell of burnt insulation, then the cause may not be in the coil, but in one of the circuit elements.

How to replace the ignition coil on a VAZ 2107

In most cases, the coil is irreparable, that is, it is almost impossible to repair it, so if the ignition coil malfunctions, it will have to be replaced. Replacing the coil on a VAZ 2107 is quite simple; any novice car owner can handle this task.

To work you will need:

  • Socket heads for “8” and “10”;
  • New ignition coil.

The actual replacement process itself:

1. First of all, remove the “-” terminal from the battery.

2. Next, we remove the central explosive wire of the coil output; to do this, simply pull it up with a minimum of effort.

3. Using the “8” socket, unscrew the nuts securing the terminals of the wires connected to the coil contacts.

4. Next, remove the coil itself; to do this, unscrew the two nuts securing the coil.

5. Remove the ignition coil and put a new one in its place.

Further assembly is carried out in reverse order.


Thank you for your attention, see you again at VAZ Do-It-Yourself Repair.

Video “Visual instructions for diagnosing short circuits at home”

Universal instructions for checking short circuits with your own hands using a multimeter are shown in the video below (author - Alexey Romanov).

One of the reasons for problems with a spark in the internal combustion engine on a VAZ 2109 is a malfunction of the ignition coil (IC). To accurately diagnose a malfunction, you need to know the design of the unit, be able to check it and, if necessary, install a new product.

Coil design features

This unit is designed to convert low on-board voltage (12 V) into high voltage (15-30 thousand V), which is supplied to the spark plugs to ignite the fuel assemblies in the engine cylinders. The impulse is transmitted through high voltage wires.

Purpose of the ignition coil on the VAZ 2107

The ignition coil is a key component of the machine, without which ignition of the air-fuel mixture in the combustion chambers is impossible.

The main device without which the VAZ 2107 will not start is the ignition coil

The standard voltage of the VAZ 2107 electrical network is 12 volts. The purpose of the ignition coil is to increase this tension to a level at which a spark will occur between the electrodes of the spark plugs, which will lead to ignition of the air-fuel mixture in the combustion chamber.

Ignition coil design

Almost all ignition coils on VAZ cars are conventional step-up transformers equipped with two windings - primary and secondary. Between them is a massive steel core. All this is placed in a metal case with insulation. The primary winding is made of copper wire coated with varnish insulation. The number of turns in it can vary from 130 to 150. It is this winding that is supplied with an initial voltage of 12 volts.

The design of the ignition coil on the VAZ 2107 cannot be called complex

The secondary winding is located on top of the primary. The number of turns in it can reach 25 thousand. The wire in the secondary winding is also copper, but its diameter is only 0.2 mm. The output voltage supplied to the spark plugs from the secondary winding reaches 35 thousand volts.

Types of ignition coils

Over the years, different types of ignition coils were installed on VAZ cars, which differed in design:

  • common coil. One of the earliest devices that was installed on the very first G7s. Despite its venerable age, the coil is still installed on the VAZ 2107 today. The design of the device was described above: two copper windings on top of a steel core;
  • individual reel. It is mainly installed on cars with electronic ignition systems. In these devices, the primary winding is also located inside the secondary, but individual coils are installed on all 4 VAZ 2107 spark plugs;
  • twin coils. These devices are only used on vehicles with electronic ignition systems. These coils differ from all others in the presence of double wires, thanks to which the spark is supplied not to one, but to two combustion chambers at once.

Location and connection diagram

The ignition coil on VAZ 2107 cars is located under the hood, near the left mudguard. Attached with two long studs. A rubber cap with a high-voltage wire is connected to it.

The coil is connected according to the diagram below.

The connection diagram for the VAZ 2107 ignition coil is not particularly complicated

About the choice of ignition coils for the VAZ 2107

The latest VAZ 2107 cars are equipped with contact ignition systems that use a domestically produced B117A coil. The device is quite reliable, but every part has its own service life. And when the B117A fails, it is quite difficult to find it on sale.

Standard coil VAZ 2107 - B117A

For this reason, motorists prefer to install a 27.3705 coil. It costs more (from 600 rubles). Such a high price is explained by the fact that the 27.3705 coil is filled with oil inside, and the magnetic circuit in it is of the open type. It is this device that is recommended to be used when replacing a burnt out coil.

Coil 27.3705 - oil-filled, with an open core

The third option should also be noted here: coil 3122.3705. There is no oil in this coil, and the magnetic circuit is closed. Despite this, it costs more than 27.3705 (from 700 rubles). Coil 3122.3705 is as reliable as 27.3705, but given its inflated price, most car owners opt for 27.3705. Foreign-made coils are not installed on the VAZ 2107.

Flooding when there is a spark and the starter is rotating

Experienced motorists are faced with situations when a spark appears, the starter rotates, but the lower part of the spark plugs is filled with gasoline. Do not be deluded by the presence of a fire, since this event can occur irregularly under pressure and can be lost while the engine is running.

The cause of the event appears to be excessive pressure in the cylinders. It will be possible to identify the event and the factors that motivate it by monitoring the car on a stand that simulates a combustion chamber.

We recommend paying attention to the valve timing, because their failure will be the cause of wet electrodes. In injection internal combustion engines, motorists should check the functionality of the bypass valve located on the fuel rail. If its malfunctions are ruled out, you will need to find out the gasoline pressure in the rail, because the manufacturer regulates this parameter

Sharp fluctuations and going beyond the specified interval (larger/smaller sides) can block the start of the internal combustion engine or stimulate flooding of contacts for spark ignition

If its malfunctions are ruled out, you will need to find out the gasoline pressure in the rail, because the manufacturer regulates this parameter. Sharp fluctuations and going beyond the specified interval (larger/smaller sides) can block the start of the internal combustion engine or stimulate flooding of contacts for spark ignition.

Diagnostics will need to be carried out for the sensors of the electronic control system and for the injectors. An example of a failure is when the coolant temperature sensor sends incorrect data. In such a situation, the control unit unreasonably over-enriches the fuel mixture. Much less often, the culprit of incorrect impulses is a failed electronic control unit or a malfunction of its software. In this case, problems will appear not only with the ignition.

Main malfunctions of VAZ 2107 ignition coils

If the driver, after turning the ignition key, clearly hears that the starter is rotating, but the car does not start, then most likely the ignition coil is faulty. It should also be noted here that the engine may not start for other reasons: due to problems with spark plugs, due to malfunctions in the fuel system, etc. You can understand that the problem is in the ignition coil by the following signs:

  • there is no spark at the spark plugs;
  • there is no voltage on high-voltage wires;
  • Various defects are visible on the coil body: chips, cracks, melted insulation, etc.
  • When you open the hood you can clearly smell the smell of burnt insulation.

All these signs indicate that the ignition coil has burned out. As a rule, this occurs due to a short circuit of the turns in one of the windings. The insulation that covers the wires in the winding deteriorates over time, adjacent turns become exposed, come into contact, and a fire occurs at the point of their contact. The winding melts and becomes completely unusable. For this reason, ignition coils cannot be repaired. All a car enthusiast with a burnt out coil can do is replace it.

Video: faulty ignition coil

Causes of defects

Ignition coil failures can be caused by several factors, namely:

  1. Mechanical impact. Perhaps simple aging of the device led to corrosion of the insulation, which caused its destruction. Perhaps the body was damaged by an accidental impact and oil leaked out of the coil, which led to its overheating. In such cases, it is better to immediately replace the converter with a new one.
  2. Loss of contact. In the summer and off-season, oxidation may appear on the contact group due to moisture. This leads to a drop in voltage power in the spark plugs.
  3. Overheat. This defect is more common on individual-type coils. In the summer heat, as well as during long trips, it is unlikely that you will be able to control the temperature of the ignition coil. However, to avoid such situations, you can use high-quality devices and cooling fluids.
  4. Increased vibration. Also especially dangerous when using individual ignition coils. The main vibration affecting the device comes from the internal combustion engine cylinders. To reduce the impact of these forces, it is sufficient to promptly correct problems with the operation of the motor.

In principle, the coil is a durable and very reliable element, and the main reason for most breakdowns is simple aging, which leads to insulation failures and normal operation. Below are ways to check the integrity of the coils.

Self-check of the ignition coil

To independently check the serviceability of the ignition coil, the car owner will need a household multimeter.

Test sequence

  1. The ignition coil is removed from the car. All wires are removed from it.
  2. Both contacts of the multimeter are connected to the primary winding of the coil. The winding resistance is measured. Example: at room temperature, the resistance of the primary winding on the B117A coil is 2.5 - 3.5 Ohms. The primary winding of coil 27.3705 at the same temperature should have a resistance of no more than 0.4 Ohm.
  3. Now the multimeter contacts are connected to the high-voltage outputs on the secondary winding. The secondary winding of the B117A coil at room temperature should have a resistance of 7 to 9 kOhm. The secondary winding of coil 27.3705 should have a resistance of 5 kOhm.
  4. If all of the above values ​​are met, the ignition coil can be considered serviceable.

Video: we independently check the serviceability of the ignition coil

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