Reasons why the speedometer of a Lada Granta car does not work
Information about the current speed of movement on the on-board computer of the Lada "Grant" comes from an electronic sensor.
Calibration data for carburetor DAAZ 21073-1107010 Solex
As a rule, they select the types of jets for the Solex 21073 carburetor during its adjustment
Repair of steering rack VAZ 2114
VAZ 2114: DIY steering rack repair, symptoms
It is important for every driver that the car obeys him well in any situation. One of
Reviews from the first owners of Xray Cross speak for themselves
Reviews Lada XRAY Cross The car comes with a 1.8 liter engine with 122 hp,
Description of the instrument cluster on the VAZ 2109 car
Low panel VAZ 2109 - device, repair, replacement
The standard interior of the VAZ 2109 is quite boring and unattractive. However, resorting to tuning can not
How to properly remove a torpedo on a VAZ-2110 without damaging it: step-by-step instructions
Without a doubt, the dashboard is the most noticeable interior detail in a car, because it
Do-it-yourself valve adjustment on the Lada Granta.
Good day, dear readers! In this issue of the in-flight magazine we will talk about how
Starline A39 alarm review and operating instructions
The Starline A39 alarm system is popular among many Russian car enthusiasts. The complex combines excellent security
Steering - how to repair the steering column on a VAZ 2106, 2107 with your own hands
Hello, dear car enthusiasts! Without any doubt, one of the most important for safe driving
Where is the starter relay located on Niva 2121
Purpose of fuses, relays and their replacement Niva VAZ 21213, 21214, 2131 lada 4×4
Almost all electrical devices on these cars are designed for 12 volts. At
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