Several simple ways to open a VAZ without a key

Several simple ways to open a VAZ without a key

No one is immune from unpleasant situations, we are all human, sometimes we forget about some things. For example, we forget to take the keys to a VAZ car. At least once, a situation happens to car enthusiasts when they either left their keys at home and have no access home, or lost them and don’t want to call a tow truck. Of course, there is such an opportunity as calling a specialist who will help open the car.

If you need help opening a VAZ car in Rostov-on-Don, then our service experts are ready to help you with this at any time of the day.

Don't want to contact the service? Then reserve your nerves and try to open the car yourself. The process is not very complicated, but it requires some skill and some simple tools.

Next, we will look at several ways to open a VAZ without a key.

Use this knowledge only to open your own car, or a friend's car.

Before starting the autopsy

Before you take decisive action, remember if you left spare keys with someone you know just for such a case. If not, then take note of this method, perhaps someday you will leave your keys at home/lose your keys again.

Several simple ways to open a VAZ without a key

Several simple ways to open a VAZ without a key

No one is immune from unpleasant situations, we are all human, sometimes we forget about some things.
For example, we forget to take the keys to a VAZ car. At least once, a situation happens to car enthusiasts when they either left their keys at home and have no access home, or lost them and don’t want to call a tow truck. Of course, there is such an opportunity as calling a specialist who will help open the car. If you need help opening a VAZ car in Rostov-on-Don, then our service experts are ready to help you with this at any time of the day.

Don't want to contact the service? Then reserve your nerves and try to open the car yourself. The process is not very complicated, but it requires some skill and some simple tools.

Next, we will look at several ways to open a VAZ without a key.

Use this knowledge only to open your own car, or a friend's car.

Before starting the autopsy

Before you take decisive action, remember if you left spare keys with someone you know just for such a case. If not, then take note of this method, perhaps someday you will leave your keys at home/lose your keys again.

Quick solution to the problem

If you don’t have time to fuss with opening the doors, then, as a last resort, you can break the glass with a brick or stone. True, then you will have to replace the broken glass, which will cost a lot of money. You can also cut out the seal. In this case, the glass will not be damaged, the machine will be open, but to do this you will need a stationery knife. In addition, you will need to purchase a new seal, so you should think in advance where suitable seals are sold. Do not forget that the driver of a domestic vehicle will be able to find the necessary seal in the first auto store he comes across. Owners of old foreign cars will have a hard time in this situation.

How to open a car door using a ruler.

Simple ways to open a VAZ

Now let's get down to the methods. Conventionally, they can be divided into two groups: radical - when actions are decisive and not always justified, and delicate - calmer, conservative methods:

Open the door with wire

As you understand, it is better to use delicate methods, since more decisive and drastic ones will lead to the fact that you will have to pay for repairs. For example, if you break the lock to your vehicle, you will have to order it along with new keys and wait a long time until the order is fulfilled. Thus, you will not be able to use the car. Well, having broken the glass, you will have to install a new one.

Let's look at delicate methods

Method 1: Open the trunk

To open the trunk of a VAZ, you will need:

  • Using an open palm, strike the area below the trunk lock. The blow must be strong and sharp enough.
  • Take an awl (if it’s not there, then buy a nail file at the nearest stall, and you don’t have to open the trunk).
  • Using an awl or nail file, try to get under the door seal and press the tongue.
  • The door is open!

Method 2: Open the hood

  • You will have to crawl under the car to get the lanyard connected to the hood latch. If you can't find it, try to find it through the radiator mesh.
  • Mechanically press the tongue or simply pull the cable, the hood will open.
  • On the car battery, find the terminals with the “minus” value, click them on the mount a couple of times.
  • Since the body has a “minus” value, disconnecting it with the terminal will cause the doors to unlock.

Method 3: Open the VAZ door


To avoid such trouble, you just need to choose a person whom you trust to store your spare keys. If something happens, you can go to him or he will bring you the keys himself.

It also makes sense to save in your phone the number of a locksmith who can help you solve such an unpleasant problem.

If you have no experience or even an understanding of how locks are made, then it is better to immediately call a specialist who will do everything quickly and accurately than to try to open the car with your own hands, especially since there is a high risk of damaging it.

Using your phone

It is the simplest option with the only drawback - sometimes it is impossible to use it. Every car has a pair of keys, the second of which is located at home. It is enough to call one of your relatives to have them deliver a spare key.

In order not to provoke criminals, you should not leave the car unattended if the keys are inside it. You can ask a security guard to watch the car so that strangers do not take advantage of the situation. This method does not make sense if an unpleasant situation occurred far from home and there is no way to open the doors with a second key.

How to open a VAZ 2107 without a key

Unforeseen situations associated with the unexpected slamming of a car door when the keys remain inside the car are a fairly common problem. How to proceed in this case? How to open a VAZ 2107 without keys and the help of specialists - we will further consider solution options and step-by-step guides to action.

Option 1: use rope or fishing line

The VAZ 2107, as standard, is equipped with door plugs with a characteristic “hat”, using which you can open the car door without a key.

So, first we need to find a fishing line or thin rope of suitable length. The length should be such that it is enough to tie a small “loop”, the “tail” of which corresponds to the height of the glass. Now you need to push the resulting device into the interior of the solon through the upper corner of the car door (usually there is a small gap there). If this free space is not enough, you can use a wooden wedge to slightly widen the opening.

When the fishing line or twine is inside, we perform simple manipulations to put a loop on the shutter cap, tighten the loop around the “cap”. By pulling the ends of the rope, we open the doors.

Option 2: use wire

An alternative way to open a VAZ 2107 is to use steel (or any other, but hard) wire. The main difficulty of this method is to find a wire of the appropriate size: it should be enough for a “hook” 2-3 cm long, bent at an angle of 45 and the height of the car door itself. When the necessary tool is ready, we begin active actions.

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How to open the trunk of a VAZ 2107 without a key?

Probably, unpleasant situations can happen to every car owner. For example, keys are lost or broken. In this case, you need to gain access to the luggage compartment. Today there are several ways to open the trunk. Next, we’ll take a closer look at how to open the trunk of a 2107 without a key?

— If you can go into the car, then you should try to open the luggage compartment from the inside. First you need to dismantle the back of the rear sofa. After this, you need to remove the plywood that blocks access to the compartment. Next, there should be free space so that you can stick your hand inside the trunk. If the keys are left in the trunk, you can pick them up with a hook. To do this you need to use a flashlight.

— If you were unable to pull the keys out of the trunk using the previous method, then you need to try unscrewing the two nuts securing the lock. To do this, you need to take a 10 mm socket and attach it to the extension rod. This way you can unscrew the two nuts. After this, it is recommended to press the lock from the outside and press it inward. The lock should simply fall into the trunk and after that the door can be safely opened. In this case, you will have to make a lot of effort to unscrew the nuts from a distance.

To answer the question: how to open the trunk of a VAZ 2107 without a key, you need to try one more method.

— It is recommended to hit it hard with your fist a little above the license plate. After the impact, the lock tongue should bounce back and thereby open the trunk.

— Sometimes it is possible to open the lock of a VAZ 2107 with an ordinary wire or a nail file.

— There is a seal around the perimeter of the trunk lid, which you can try to remove with an awl. After this, you should try to feel the lock tongue with the same awl.

— You can try moving the trunk lid in a horizontal plane. Some people manage to open the trunk using this method.

“You can also always turn to specialists who will complete all assigned tasks in a second.

— A radical method includes a screwdriver that simply drives into the lock. After this, use pliers to turn the screwdriver until a crunch appears. Usually after this method you need to change the lock. Therefore, it is better to turn to specialists.

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    What to do

    Like any other passenger car, the VAZ model 2107 is equipped with a storage compartment located in the rear of the body. The lid, locked with a separate lock, protects its contents from bad weather, prying eyes and the criminal element. Accordingly, it is difficult to open it without a key.

    The locking mechanism of the VAZ-2107 is structurally simple. Of course, any professional burglar can easily get into the trunk if he needs anything there. The owner of a VAZ-2107, who has lost the key, will fumble for a long time, not understanding where to start.

    There is no need to panic. Better remember if you have a spare set at home. If there is, then it’s better to go get it. It’s easier to open anything with your own key than with improvised means.

    It’s another matter when the trunk slams shut and the bundle remains inside. So you won't be able to leave. In large cities, the situation will be corrected by contacting a company specializing in hacking. Professionals will open the rear compartment of a VAZ-2107 in a couple of minutes, but they will have to pay.

    If the cabin is open, then calm down - you can save money by climbing into the luggage compartment from there.

    First of all, pull out the rear sofa 2107. Dismantling is not difficult - the seat is attached to two clamps, and the backrest is held in place at the top by plates inserted into the shelf, and from the bottom by wire loops.

    Proceed in the following order:

    • open the door and, holding the pillow frame, sharply pull it up;
    • do the same with the opposite side;
    • remove the seat;
    • then use a screwdriver to bend the fasteners from the bottom of the backrest;
    • lift it, release the hinges and pull out the top plates;
    • remove the element from the interior.

    Now you need to remove the plywood insert - it covers the gap above the trunk. After this you will easily get to the keys. If they are far away, then use, for example, a wire hook. Next, all that remains is to unlock the lid from the outside. This method is the most gentle, but it is not suitable in all cases.

    Second option

    If the key is lost or broken, when a part remains in the well, the option described above, of course, is not suitable. How to get to the depths of the trunk of the 2107 model in such a situation?

    We'll have to act more radically. You will need a strong screwdriver (regular flathead) with a wide tip. Press (or hammer) the end directly into the cylinder. After this, forcefully turn the latter in the desired direction. Remember, after such a barbaric opening, the core will probably have to be changed.

    Button does not work

    If the electric drive stops working, then, first of all, it is recommended to disassemble the button itself and try to short-circuit the wires connected to it directly.
    When the trunk does not open, it means that the activator relay has failed. Usually specialists place it next to the button. Replace it with a good one.

    Sometimes this doesn’t help, then you have to look for a break in the wires. Use a tester for this.

    It would also be a good idea to inspect the fuses. If the lock has been lubricated for a long time, then the work of the traction overloads the electrical system of the car, and the fuse-link of the protective device may not withstand it.

    When none of the above tips work, you will have to climb into the trunk through the interior by removing the rear seat, as described above.

    Break glass

    We suggest saving a simple, trouble-free and cost-effective scenario as a backup and not getting excited. It is very likely that you will open the door without extreme measures, although it is not a sin to use such a barbaric method if there is nothing else left, and the current situation threatens, if not your life, then at least your health.

    Shutterstock/VOSTOCK Photo

    Let's say you are standing in front of a locked car on a winter highway at night, the weather is not conducive to experimentation, and wolves are already looking at you from the dark forests. If you decide, remember that breaking glass with your hand or foot can cause injury. It is better to hit with a handy tool not in the middle of the glass, but in the corner. It will probably be easier and more efficient.

    Castle repair

    The 2107 locking mechanism itself is extremely simple, so it rarely fails. Mostly problems arise with the larva. It has to be replaced when the key is lost or broken, and besides, it itself can fail over time.

    To install a new lock on the trunk of a VAZ-2107, prepare the following tools:

    • 10 mm socket wrench;
    • installation (needed for subsequent adjustment).

    Also stock up on silicone grease and the lock itself or a serviceable element to replace the one that has failed.

    First of all, open the lid. Next you need to do the following:

    • draw a line around the lock mechanism (this way you won’t have to adjust the new one);
    • unscrew the two nuts securing the mechanism;
    • pull out the lock;
    • close the trunk;
    • push the larva inside.

    Then a new device is installed, adjusted by installation and tested for functionality.

    How to get to the salon

    Gaining access to the interior of a VAZ-2107 will not be difficult, since additional security systems are usually not installed on this car. To gain access to the interior, you can use wire or fishing line. Let's look at each option in detail:

    1. In the VAZ-2107, standard buttons with a larger diameter “cap” are installed on the doors. They are the ones who can help get rid of the problem of a locked door. Find a fishing line or thin rope that is long enough that you can make a loop in it and still have about 1.5 meters left. The loop should be in the center of the fishing line so that you can tighten it by the loose ends. There is a small gap in the upper left corner of the door through which you can push the fishing line inside the cabin. If it is too small, then take a wooden wedge and widen the opening. Next, all you need is sleight of hand - you need to hook the bolt by the upper part with a loop, tighten the fishing line, after which all you have to do is pull up to lift it.
    2. The second option is to make a special tool from wire. Take a piece of thick wire that will hold its shape well. Its length should be equal to the height of the door. You can take it a little longer, about 3-4 centimeters, to make a hook bent at 45 degrees. Carefully inspect the door; you need to find the place where the edge of the rubber seal is located (between the window and the door body). Bend the seal to get inside the door. A couple of centimeters of free space is enough to lower the wire. It should collide with the locking mechanism, which you need to go around and plunge the rod below. After this, move the wire to the center and feel the lock lever with the hook, pull it up.

    These simple manipulations will help you open the door with minimal damage to the car. The last option is the most gentle - you just need to put the seal back in place, and there will be no traces of tampering on the door.

    We use improvised means

    There are several options for opening a locked mechanism using improvised means. It is unlikely that you will be able to open a new foreign car - these remedies are effective only against domestic and old models.

    Rope loop

    The method requires a rope/strong fishing line/lace from a shoe, a wooden peg, and a piece of electrical tape/duct tape.

    1. Cover with tape/duct tape the area of ​​the body panel where you will be working with the tool. This way you will avoid possible scratches to the coating.
    2. Bend the corner using a wooden peg or a kitchen spatula.
    3. Insert one of the available items between the back corner of the door and the counter.
    4. Bend it a couple of centimeters, insert another object on top.
    5. Tie the rope in a knot and thread it through the gap.
    6. Place the loop from the inside over the release button, secure it, and pull it up. The car should open.

    Metal hanger

    Suitable for horizontal, vertical locks. For cars with electrical accessories, it is better not to use this method - it will damage the wires.

    1. Bend the hanger so that one end is a hook.
    2. Insert it between the glass and the rubber seal.
    3. Grab the door pull leading to the button.
    4. Carefully pull the hook upward to unlock the lock.

    Using a tennis ball

    When the doorway is completely jammed, open the car using a tennis ball, an awl and a knife:

    • make a finger-sized hole in the ball;
    • attach the ball to the lock as tightly as possible;
    • sharply squeeze the ball with your hand - the air flow will raise the flag, the machine will open.


    If access to the car is blocked, but the window is slightly open, you can remove the wiper and try to reach the unlock button with it. Or try to pick up the keys with the end of the windshield wiper. You can also press down the power window button and open the window wider.

    Car antenna

    If you are the owner of an old model car, then the car is equipped with an antenna and the car can be opened by lifting the handles up. Unscrew the antenna, carefully guide it through the inside of the handle and begin moving it until the lock button begins to rise and fall. As soon as you notice that the button begins to move due to your movements, slide it forward and open the door.

    Wire Application

    Opening car doors without a key in the presence of a wire, electrode, or knitting needle is a proven method. You will also need a manicure file, electrical tape, and a small screwdriver.

    1. Turn off the alarm.
    2. Cover the most exposed areas with electrical tape to avoid scratches and chips.
    3. Remove part of the rubber seal by bending the door corner and prying up the rubber with a screwdriver.
    4. Insert a wire into the gap formed, one end of which is bent with a hook.
    5. Once you feel the door lock with the wire, move it to the left by pulling the lock button.

    Opening with a ruler

    The method of opening the door with a ruler seems stupid at first glance. However, this option is used on older models; the main condition is that the “opener” must be thin but durable.

    1. Take out the seal in the lock area and insert a ruler.
    2. Having felt the pull, point the ruler upward, being careful not to break it.
    3. Open the car.

    New foreign cars do not lend themselves to this option!

    How to open the trunk

    If you need to access the trunk, you can do this through the interior:

    • remove the back of the rear seat and the plywood wall located behind it;
    • remove the two 10mm nuts that secure the luggage compartment lock;
    • get out of the car or have an assistant press the lock from the outside;
    • open the luggage compartment.

    The most difficult thing in the described method is to unscrew the nuts from a distance. Therefore, some car enthusiasts give different advice. For example, punching a little above the license plate will help open the trunk. If you are dexterous enough, you can try to pick the lock with a metal pin, wire, a narrow ruler or a sharp nail file. Another way is to use an awl to bend the lock tab. To do this, you will need to bend the seal that runs along the perimeter of the trunk lid.

    Opening with a discharged battery

    In winter, car owners are faced with frozen door locks. The situation becomes hopeless, especially if the battery of a car with central locking is dead. When the battery is discharged, use a similar power source.

    Most car owners ask nearby drivers to connect their battery to the discharged battery.

    1. Open the hood and place the spare battery next to the car.
    2. Take a pair of cigarette lighter wires, first connect the minus of the battery and the base, second connect the plus of the battery and the starter.
    3. Have an assistant unlock the car using the key fob.

    Another way: open the hood, take out the hood lock cable, pry it, then pull it sharply.

    How to start a VAZ-2107 without a key

    The most difficult task is starting the VAZ-2107 engine without a key. You need to act according to the instructions:

    1. Open the hood. Remove the positive wire from the battery terminal.
    2. Move the gear shift lever to neutral.
    3. Remove the cover from the steering column using a Phillips screwdriver.
    4. Remove the bundle of wires from the ignition switch.
    5. Take the red wire to the side and twist the rest together so that they are in contact with each other. Secure the bun with a paper clip so that it does not fall apart when moving.
    6. Pull the carburetor choke control handle towards you. Set the parking brake and depress the clutch.
    7. Using the red wire and twist, start the engine - to do this, you need to momentarily connect the exposed contacts. To prevent the starter from malfunctioning, insulate the red wire and keep it separate from the rest. When the engine is running steadily, lower the clutch and push in the carburetor damper control handle.

    The problem is that the steering wheel is locked, which will prevent you from starting to drive. Many car enthusiasts recommend simply using force, but then you will need to repair the steering.

    Failed hijacking


    MOSCOW, September 28 – RIA Novosti. An attacker in the south of Moscow drove over while trying to steal the owner of a car and attacked police officers while trying to escape, said Russian Interior Ministry spokeswoman Irina Volk.

    According to her, the duty station received a report of the theft of a car parked on Brateevskaya Street. The police who arrived at the scene found that the owner of the foreign car left the keys in the ignition and got out of the car. The attacker got behind the wheel and started the engine, the car started moving. The owner grabbed the door with his hands and, as the car picked up speed, found himself under the wheels. The car crashed into a fence.

    “One of the eyewitnesses held the attacker, and the rest lifted the car and removed the victim from under it. He was subsequently hospitalized. At that moment, when the police were questioning the culprit of the incident, he suddenly hit one of the inspectors and tried to escape, but was detained,” Volk said.

    A criminal case was initiated under the article of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Wrongful possession of a car.”

    How to Open a VAZ 2107 Without a Key Video

    Unexpected situations involving sudden impact of the car door while the keys are left inside are a common problem. How to proceed in this case? How to open a VAZ 2107 without keys and the help of professionals - we will further explore solution options and step-by-step controls for action.

    Option 1: Use rope or fishing line

    The VAZ 2107, as a standard in its own configuration, is equipped with door plugs with a corresponding “plug”, with which you can open the car doors without a key.

    So, first we need to find a line that is the right length or a narrow rope. The length should be such that it is enough to tie a small “loop”, the “tail” of which corresponds to the height of the glass. Now you need to push the resulting device inside the salt through the upper corner of the car door (usually there is a small gap). If you don't have enough space, you can use a wood wedge to widen the gap a little.

    Once the hairline or twine is inside, we make simple manipulations to place the loop over the hat cap, tighten the loop around the “hat.” Pull the ends of the rope, open the door.

    Option 2: use wire

    Another way to open a VAZ 2107 is to use a metal (or at least some other, but hard) wire. The main difficulty of this method is to find a wire of the appropriate size: it should be enough for a “hook” 2-3 cm long, bent at an angle of 45 and the height of the car door itself. When the tool is ready, take action.

    Found a way to turn your old Microsoft OS into Windows 10 for free

    Normal heroes always take a detour

    Despite the fact that Microsoft ended its campaign to upgrade Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 systems to Windows 10 for free back in 2016, there is still at least one official way to do this.

    To update a system running one of Microsoft's outdated OS, you need a licensed copy of Windows 7 or Windows 8/8.1, as well as a small Windows 10 Media Creation Tool utility, which can be downloaded from the Microsoft website. The method was successfully tested on December 2, 2022 in the CNews editorial office for updating Windows 8.1.

    According to one of the Reddit authors under the pseudonym newtekie1 , who called himself “one of the Microsoft employees,” the free upgrade to Windows 10 for a whole year was a “marketing blunder” of the company, launched in order to maximize the speed of the transition to the new operating system. Currently, the thread with user newtekie1's claim for a free upgrade to Windows 10 has been removed from Reddit.

    According to him, writes the BleepingComputer website, a free upgrade is still available, while “the old license for Windows 7 is converted into a digital license for Windows 10,” and then you can perform a clean installation of the new OS without any problems. “After all, Microsoft had four years to close this loophole, and there are no such restrictions in the Windows 10 EULA... so it’s unlikely that such an activation workaround would be a violation, especially since the manufacturer never closed it,” noted Reddit author in his post about a workaround for activating a license on Windows 10.

    Initially, Microsoft provided the opportunity for a free transition from Windows 7 and Windows 8.x to Windows 10 to all owners of a licensed copy purchased with a computer or separately until July 29, 2016 - that is, within the first year from the date of its release (July 29, 2015 G.).

    The most amazing thing in this story is that this particular method of upgrading to Windows 10 using legal copies and keys of Windows 7 and Windows 8.x is completely officially described in general terms on one of the technical support pages of the Microsoft website. According to the page, the recommendations were created in April 2022 and were last updated today, December 2, 2022.

    How it works: tested by the CNews editorial team

    To upgrade to Windows 10 for free, the user must first visit the official Windows 10 download page, and then click on the Download Tool now button to download and install the Media Creation Tool utility on a system running Windows 7/8/8.1.

    The next step is to launch the Media Creation Tool and accept the license agreement.

    Then select the “Upgrade this PC now” option and click on the “Next” button.

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