Self-repair, maintenance and tuning of the VAZ 2107 stove

The main function of the heating system of any car is to create and maintain a comfortable microclimate in the cabin. In addition, the stove prevents glass fogging and removes frost from them during the cold season. Therefore, maintaining the heating system in working order is important for any car owner.
  • Improvement of the heating system
    Fan replacement

    Video: modification of the VAZ 2107 stove

  • Replacing the stove body
  • Other stove tuning options
  • Basic malfunctions and ways to eliminate them
      The stove does not turn off in the summer
  • Heater radiator clogged

    Video: replacing the radiator of a VAZ 2107 stove

  • Repair and replacement of individual heating system elements
      Fan motor
  • Heater valve
  • Control block
  • Design and principle of operation of the VAZ 2107 heating system

    The VAZ 2107 stove creates and maintains a comfortable air temperature in the cabin and prevents the windows from fogging in cold and humid weather. It consists of:

    • heater;
    • fan;
    • control unit.

    Outside air enters the casing of the air intake chamber located in the engine compartment under the windshield through an opening in the hood. It is then sent to the heater, where most of the moisture it contains condenses. However, until the radiator is completely warmed up, slightly humid air will enter the cabin.

    The heater radiator is heated by coolant coming from the cooling system. The temperature is regulated by a special tap that partially blocks the flow of hot coolant going into the heating system. The more heated liquid enters the heater radiator, the warmer it will be in the car. The position of the tap is changed by a regulator from inside the cabin using a flexible rod .

    Air enters the cabin using a heater fan, the rotation speed of which is regulated by a special resistor. When the vehicle is moving at high speed, the heating system can operate without the fan turned on. The air flow entering under the hood creates increased pressure in the air intake box and forces warm air into the cabin.

    The heating system of the VAZ 2107 is quite simple (warm air flows are indicated in orange, cold air flows in blue)

    Through an air duct system, heated air is directed to different parts of the cabin, as well as to the windshield and side windows, preventing them from fogging in cold and humid weather.

    The operation of the stove is controlled using several knobs on the instrument panel. The upper handle regulates the position of the heater tap (the extreme left position is the valve is completely closed, the extreme right is fully open). Using the middle handle, the position of the air supply cover is changed. By turning it to the right and left, the intensity of the warm air supply increases and decreases accordingly. The lower handle regulates the dampers of the heated window ducts. In the right position, the air flow is directed to the side windows, in the left position - to the windshield.

    Through the air duct system, heated air is directed to different parts of the cabin, as well as to the windshield and side windows

    Find out how to replace the thermostat on a VAZ 2107:

    Reasons for decreased performance

    In addition to obvious malfunctions due to which the stove does not work or functions incorrectly, there are other problems with the heating system of the VAZ-2107 interior. The main one is a decrease in stove performance.

    If the stove heats poorly, then the reason lies in:

    1. Malfunctions of the power plant cooling system (reduced pump performance, stuck thermostat).
    2. Radiator clogged.
    3. Formation of an air lock in the heater radiator.
    4. The air intake damper seal is worn out.

    To find the cause of decreased performance, start by checking the heating of the heater radiator. To do this, heat the engine to operating temperature, fully open the antifreeze supply valve to the stove and hand check the degree of heating of the supply pipe before and after the valve and the radiator itself. If the pipeline is hot before the tap, but not after it, the tap is jammed. If the radiator does not warm up, the reason lies in severe clogging of the heat exchanger or a plug in it. If the pipeline does not warm up even to the tap, inspect the cooling system.

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    If the radiator warms up well, but it is noted that the stove heats worse, then check the functionality of the air intake damper and the condition of its seal. It wouldn’t hurt to check the stove body and air ducts for leaks and cracks.

    To ensure that the VAZ-2107 heater heats well, before the winter period check the functionality of the tap, replace the antifreeze (with flushing the system), inspect the control mechanism and the functionality of the dampers.

    Improvement of the heating system

    The design of the VAZ 2107 stove is far from perfect. Therefore, car owners modify it in a variety of ways. First of all, attempts are being made to improve the tightness of air ducts, especially at joints. This allows you to slightly increase the efficiency of heating the interior.

    VAZ 2107 owners modify the heating system in a variety of ways

    Fan replacement

    Often, to improve the operation of the stove, car enthusiasts replace their original fan with a more powerful one, used in other VAZ models (for example, VAZ 2108). The factory fan motor is mounted on plastic bushings, which wear out quickly. As a result, shaft play appears, and a whistling noise becomes audible in the cabin when the fan is operating. Repair and lubrication of bushings in this case, as a rule, do not bring the expected effect. The VAZ 2108 fan electric motor is mounted on bearings. Therefore, installing it in the VAZ 2107 stove will not only increase the efficiency of heating the interior, but will also make the operation of the fan more reliable.

    Usually, along with the fan electric motor, a number of other elements of the stove control unit are also changed . The rotation speed of the VAZ 2107 factory fan at a current of 4.5A is 3000 rpm. The VAZ 2108 electric motor consumes 14A at a frequency of 4100 rpm. Therefore, when replacing, you should install the appropriate fuse, resistor (usually from a Niva) and speed switch (for example, from a Kalina).

    Video: modification of the VAZ 2107 stove

    To dismantle the fan you will need:

    • flat and Phillips screwdrivers;
    • keys for 7 and 10;
    • round nose pliers.

    The fan is removed in the following order.

    1. The instrument panel, shelf and glove box are dismantled.
    2. Use a 7 key to loosen the casing of the air damper control cable. The cable loop is removed from the lever.
    3. Use a 10mm wrench to unscrew the nut securing the heater housing.
    4. Use a flat screwdriver to remove the left and right air ducts from the heater body.
    5. Use a flat-head screwdriver to remove the latches that secure the fan to the stove.
    6. The wire terminals are disconnected.
    7. The fan is removed from the stove body.
    8. The impeller is removed. If necessary, use pliers.

    The size of the new fan (from VAZ 2108) is slightly larger. Therefore, its installation will require some changes in the design of the stove. If only the motor is changed, it will be necessary to make an additional hole in the grille through which warm air enters the lower part of the cabin. If this is not done, the motor housing will rest against the grille.

    Replacing the stove body

    When installing a fan from a VAZ 2108, you will need to make a new frame, usually from plexiglass. This is quite labor-intensive and will require certain skills.

    The material for a homemade frame when modifying the stove can be plexiglass

    When making a new frame, all dimensions must be strictly observed. The slightest inaccuracies can lead to vibration or failure of the new fan. Having assembled the structure, you should lubricate the joints with sealant and install the new housing in place. After this, the noise level in the cabin usually decreases, and the stove begins to heat the air better.

    The air intake should ALWAYS be from the street, especially in winter, otherwise the windows will sweat (and freeze in winter). Air intake from the cabin is done only when the air conditioning is turned on (in the seven this issue does not arise). The fact that one “sleeve” is not blowing is possible: a) when tampering with the stove, the sleeve did not fit into the right place and the stove is blowing somewhere under the panel, b) some kind of crap got into the nozzle (foam rubber or something like that ).


    When making a new frame for the motor, all dimensions must be strictly observed.

    Other stove tuning options

    Sometimes the design of the air ducts is modified. Additional holes are made in the stove body into which plumbing hoses are inserted. Through these hoses, connected to the side and bottom air ducts, when the engine is running, an additional flow of warm air is created onto the windows and into the legs.

    Often the cause of poor interior heating is a clogged heater radiator. The coolant begins to circulate more slowly or completely stops circulating through the heating system, and the efficiency of air heating decreases noticeably. Usually in these cases the radiator is replaced with a new one.

    A clogged heater radiator leads to a decrease in the efficiency of heating the interior.

    Stove modernization

    Very often, in parallel with the prevention of stove malfunctions and its settings, the driver modernizes the heating system for more efficient operation.

    Most often, for these purposes, the standard fan and resistor are replaced with products from the figure eight. The new fan is larger in size, due to which a larger amount of warm air is supplied, and the vehicle interior warms up faster. The new fan fits into the standard seat with virtually no modifications. It is only necessary to cut off one of the aerodynamic ridges from the impeller. After such improvements, it will also be necessary to replace the standard fan button with a product from the figure eight.

    Sometimes, for better airflow of the driver’s side windows, additional small fans are installed in the deflectors. Such improvements, combined with preventive maintenance, will ensure comfort and warmth in the cabin even in the coldest times.

    Basic malfunctions and ways to eliminate them

    The most typical malfunctions of the VAZ 2107 stove include:

    1. Air entering the cooling system. This usually happens after the system has been filled with antifreeze. Removing the airlock normalizes the heating process of the interior.
    2. When the heater tap is open, coolant does not flow into the radiator. This most often occurs when water is used as antifreeze. Scale forms in the system, clogging the faucet and impeding the passage of coolant. The problem is eliminated by dismantling the tap and then cleaning or replacing it.
    3. Poorly functioning or failed water pump. If the pump does not pump coolant, this can lead not only to a lack of heating of the interior, but also to more serious problems, such as engine overheating. The water pump does not work, as a rule, when the generator belt breaks, as well as when it jams as a result of wear on the bearings.
    4. Clogged stove radiator honeycomb. In this case, the supply pipe will be warm and the outgoing pipe will be cold. The radiator often becomes clogged when water is used as a coolant, as well as when oil or additive particles enter the system to eliminate leaks. Cleaning or replacing the radiator will help restore normal operation of the stove.
    5. Displacement of the partition in the radiator. If both radiator hoses are hot, but warm air does not enter the cabin, then most likely the partition in the radiator has shifted. The only solution to the problem is to replace the radiator with a new one.

    More information about the VAZ 2107 pump:

    If an oily residue appears on the floor or glass, you should look for an antifreeze leak, which may be:

    • on tap;
    • on pipes;
    • on the radiator.

    If a faucet or pipe is leaking, it should be replaced. A leaking radiator can be temporarily sealed, but it will still need to be replaced soon.

    The list of possible stove malfunctions is not limited to this.

    It can be quite difficult to get to some elements of the VAZ 2107 heating system

    The stove does not turn off in the summer

    Sometimes during the warm season it is impossible to turn off the stove by setting the upper handle of the control unit to the extreme left position. If you cannot turn off the tap, the tap itself or its drive cable is faulty. The tap can be found under the instrument panel on the passenger side. If you also cannot close it manually, you should not apply much effort. The faucet may break and antifreeze may leak into the cabin.

    You can replace the faucet after purchasing a new one at any car service center. However, you can try to do this yourself. It should be noted that changing the faucet with your own hands is quite inconvenient due to its location. First, open the hood and disconnect the pipe going to the tap. Since coolant will flow from the pipe, it is necessary to place a previously prepared container under it. After this, you need to remove the storage shelf and, using a 10mm wrench, unscrew the two nuts securing the faucet to the heater body from the passenger seat. Then the tap is removed from the studs, removed and replaced with a new tap in the reverse order.

    The reason for the inability to turn off the heater is usually a faulty heater valve.

    Heater radiator clogged

    You can clean a clogged stove radiator yourself. To do this you will need:

    • two new rubber gaskets;
    • two worm clamps;
    • a set of keys;
    • coolant;
    • container for collecting coolant.

    You can clean a clogged stove radiator yourself.

    Flushing the radiator is performed on a cold engine in the following sequence:

    1. Rags are placed under the pipes that will be removed.
    2. The clamps securing the radiator pipes and faucet are loosened.
    3. The pipes are removed. The coolant from them is drained into a pre-prepared container.
    4. Use a key number 7 to remove the seal fastening from the partition of the engine compartment.
    5. The heater valve drive is disassembled.
    6. The fan casing is removed.
    7. The heater pipes are pulled out through the hole. The radiator is removed.
    8. Using a 10mm wrench, unscrew the bolts securing the radiator outlet pipe.
    9. The old gasket is replaced with a new one.
    10. The heater valve is disconnected and cleaned.
    11. The radiator is cleaned from the outside of leaves and dirt.
    12. The pipe is cleaned from the inside using a brush.
    13. The radiator is washed with Karcher under a pressure of 5.5 atm until clear water comes out of it. This will require about 160 liters of water.
    14. If you don’t have Karcher, you can use caustic soda for washing. The soda solution is poured into the radiator and left for one hour. The solution is then drained and its color is compared with the color of the fresh solution. The procedure is repeated until the color of the drained and filled liquids becomes the same.
    15. After washing with caustic soda, the radiator is purged with a compressor.

    Installing the radiator is done in the reverse order. It is recommended to replace all clamps and gaskets with new ones.

    The removed radiator can be disassembled by unsoldering its top and bottom using a gas torch, and cleaning its insides with a metal mesh mounted on a drill. In this case, you can use a special washing liquid, alkali or citric acid. The radiator is then sealed and returned to its place. This procedure is quite labor-intensive, so it is often more advisable to replace the radiator with a new one.

    Video: replacing the radiator of a VAZ 2107 stove

    Repair and replacement of individual heating system elements

    In addition to the radiator, the heating system includes a fan with an electric motor, a tap and a control unit.

    Drivers who have been driving Zhiguli cars for many years often say that the VAZ 2107’s stove sometimes does not heat well. The most common cause of malfunctions in a system such as the VAZ 2107 stove is a leak in the radiator, as well as in pipes, taps and connections located directly between them. To this can be added switch failures for electric fan modes, damage to the device wires or oxidation of their components.

    Marina Adulyan—ploho-greet-ustroystvo-pechki-vaz—zamena-radiatora-pechki-vaz—svoimi-rukami

    Fan motor

    The electric motor of the stove is considered one of the weakest points of the VAZ 2107. This is due to the material of the bushings on which the rotor rotates. When these bushings wear out, the fan operation is accompanied by a characteristic whistle. This happens after two to three years of using the car. The electric motor can be brought back into working condition by cleaning and lubricating. However, after a short time the whistle from the stove fan will appear again. In such cases, experts recommend replacing the standard electric motor with a new one - a bearing one . As a result, the whistle will disappear, and the reliability of the unit will increase. The replacement process is associated with certain difficulties, since the electric motor is located in a rather inaccessible place. Nevertheless, after installation, the bearing motor is guaranteed to work for several years.

    The factory electric motor of the VAZ 2107 heater fan is usually replaced with a bearing one

    Read about the design of the radiator fan on the VAZ 2107:

    Heater valve

    The heater valve is replaced when it jams, leaks, or in other cases when repair is impossible. Experts recommend installing a ceramic faucet in this case.

    The metal heater valve usually opens in the fall and closes in the spring. During periods of inactivity, it can sour, become covered with scale and simply fail. The result can be extremely unpleasant for the car owner. These disadvantages do not exist with a ceramic faucet. There is practically no scale accumulation on ceramics, and it is not subject to corrosion. As a result, even after a long period of inactivity, the heater valve will be in working order.

    The standard faucet of the VAZ 2107 stove is often replaced with a ceramic one

    Control block

    The heating system is controlled from the interior of the VAZ 2107 by several levers on the instrument panel, connected to the controlled elements by a flexible rod (steel wire). Using these levers you can:

    • adjust the degree of opening of the air dampers;
    • open and close the heater tap;
    • distribute air flows between the windshield and side windows;
    • take air from the engine compartment.

    Each of the control unit levers is responsible for the operation of a specific unit.

    In addition, there is also a lower damper (air distribution cover), which is controlled by a special lever located under the instrument panel on the driver’s side.

    Thus, any car owner can perform most of the work on repair, maintenance and replacement of elements of the VAZ 2107 heating system independently. In addition, recommendations from experts will help you modify the stove yourself and make it work more efficiently.

    Let's sum it up

    Timely diagnostics, preventive cleaning and inspection of elements of the vehicle’s heating system is a guarantee of high-quality operation of the stove. Experts recommend checking the heating system on the VAZ-2107 at least twice a year - in autumn and spring. Any driver can handle preventive cleaning and adjustments of the stove on his own; to do this, you just need to understand the structure of the heating and ventilation system of the cabin and the principle of its operation. The easiest way to do this is to always have a visual instruction manual for your car nearby.

    Don’t put off any further work to improve the functioning of your car’s heating system. Proper care will ensure uninterrupted operation of the heater and a comfortable temperature in the interior at any time of the year.


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