How to directly close the car starter: available methods

During the operation of a car, problems with the starter quite often arise. Moreover, even if the battery is charged and power comes to the starter after turning the key in the ignition, the device still does not work and the engine does not start.

In such a situation, there are only two ways to start the engine:

  • starting the engine “from the pusher”;
  • attempt to close the starter directly;

Although the second method is less common, in some cases this method is more “convenient”. The main thing is to know how to bridge the starter correctly to start the power unit. Read more in our article.

Why doesn't the starter work?

The car starter is actually an electric motor that is “attached” by its gear (Bendix starter gear) to the flywheel (flywheel crown), rotates the crankshaft and is then disconnected after the engine starts.

In this case, there are a number of reasons why the starter does not work:

  • problems with wiring and contacts;
  • the starter relay does not work;
  • The starter solenoid relay is faulty.
  • the starter winding burned out;
  • the overrunning clutch has worn out, etc.;

As a rule, the main and most common problem is the failure of the starter solenoid relay. If the retractor is faulty, the starter will not turn the engine. A problem with the retractor is indicated by a click that can be heard when turning the ignition key.

If the starter clicks, the relay is turned on, but the overrunning clutch is unable to turn the crankshaft. In the case when the starter does not work precisely for the specified reason, you can try to supply power to it directly (close the starter).

Starting the engine while towing a vehicle

This is another common method for starting a car engine with a faulty starter.

Important! This method is not suitable for vehicles equipped with an automatic transmission, since due to certain features of its design, towing the vehicle is strictly contraindicated.

To implement this method, you will need a tow rope and another car. It is extremely important to strictly follow the following sequence of actions during towing:

  • the leading machine should start moving smoothly and start moving at low speed to tension the cable;
  • the driver of a towed car should not brake sharply;
  • after the vehicle starts, it will begin to accelerate sharply;
  • you should stop only after the leading car stops;
  • Do not turn off the engine while unhooking the cable, otherwise it may not start, and towing will be required again.

How to close the starter

To close the starter, you need to connect the starter power contacts with a metal part of a suitable tool. This will allow voltage to be applied to the winding directly. To do this, you need an assistant who must turn the key in the lock to the “start” position.

In general, the process looks like this:

  1. the car is put on the “handbrake”, the manual transmission is switched to neutral or the P mode is switched on “automatic”;
  2. The contact plate is removed from the starter, after which the contacts need to be short-circuited with the tip.

In this case, it is important that a current conductor of suitable length and cross-section be used as a jumper. Typically, a screwdriver with a thick shaft or a wrench with an insulated handle is used for these purposes.

To understand how to close the starter with a screwdriver, you need to pay attention to the following:

  • you need to close the contacts of the power line precisely on the solenoid relay.
  • All actions should be performed carefully and carefully, without touching other elements under the hood;
  • Do not touch the starter housing with a screwdriver, etc.
  • after starting the engine, the screwdriver must be removed;

In this case, closing two power contacts on the solenoid relay with a screwdriver is similar to closing them from the inside with the relay armature. In fact, the operation of a retractor starter motor for connecting the electric motor is simulated. If the ignition is turned on, the starter will start working with such a short circuit and the engine will start.

Please note that when the contacts are closed there will be sparks, since the starter connection is direct. Another disadvantage of the method is that not all cars have direct access to the starter (it is impossible to close the contacts on the solenoid relay). After the engine starts, the screwdriver will need to be removed from the contacts, after which the starter will turn off.

If we take a closer look at the question of how to connect the starter directly, pay attention to the following points:

You need to find the control (pin that looks like a petal). Other contacts (one with potential +12 has a thick wire). Another contact is an electric motor contact. You need to close the control terminal (usually closed with a rubber cap) and the contact tab (usually closed with a plastic plug).

Scheme, theory and practice

Let's see what the wiring diagram of any electric starter looks like. Contact B is constantly supplied with voltage.

Starter and its external circuits

In the diagram we see three “positive” contacts and one negative (8), which is always connected to the body. What needs to be closed:

  1. Before closing the starter, locate the S terminal. It is often made in the form of a petal;
  2. How to distinguish contacts B and M: the first will have a potential of “+12”;
  3. You need to close contact B with terminal S. This is done briefly and after turning on the “neutral”;
  4. Contacts M and B cannot be closed.

We move from theory to practice. On a VAZ-2114 car everything looks simple.

Terminal B here is covered with a rubber band, and petal S is in contact with the terminal in plastic. The plastic plug is removed before “shorting”.

Closing the starter contact with a screwdriver

Make sure that the metal of the screwdriver does not touch the relay body when closing. Otherwise, we will simply close the “+” contact to “ground” (dangerous). All work is carried out with the ignition on.

  • B – Bold, “thick” wire;
  • M – Motor (electric motor);
  • S – Start.

Connecting the starter directly from the battery

It happens that problems arise with the wiring or contact group of the ignition switch. In this case, the engine can be started by supplying power from the battery to the starter. To do this, you need a copper wire, a connector and an alligator clip.

The wire is soldered to the connector. Next, the power wire to the starter is disconnected, and a copper wire with a connector is inserted instead. Then the “crocodile” must be connected to the “plus” of the battery. If the starter is working properly and there are no other problems, the engine will start. After starting, you need to remove the crocodile from the battery terminal.

The main thing is to perform all actions carefully, connecting the starter directly to the battery. Do not short the wire with any elements under the hood. After starting the engine and removing the copper wire from the connector, the starter plug can be returned to its place. It is also important to remember that you should not connect the wires to the battery and the connector for a long time, so as not to drain the battery.

Method for VAZ 2107

This machine has a starter that can be started using a special handle. To do this, insert it into the provided hole in the body and by quickly rotating the car the car should start.

In the end, I would like to add that all the described methods should be used when, for various reasons, it is not possible to get professional help or tow the car to a repair shop. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you contact professionals, and before solving the problem yourself, carefully study the problem that has arisen and its solution in order to further avoid negative consequences. Good luck on the roads!


  1. It is important to ensure that contacts other than the control terminal and spade contact are not short-circuited or accidentally connected.
  2. Taking into account the fact that access to the starter is usually from below, you need to be prepared for the need to remove standard or additional protection
  3. On many cars, the control terminal has the form of a threaded outlet (a nut is screwed onto a bolt), while the terminal is of the “petal” type.
    We also recommend reading the article about what to do if the alarm blocks the engine from starting. From this article you will learn how to remove the engine blocking alarm if a failure or error occurs.

    If there is such a possibility, it is better to close the contacts not with a screwdriver, but with a wrench that has a handle (the handle should be well wrapped with insulation).

  4. After completing the process of starting the engine, you should check the fuses separately, as they can burn out if mistakes are made;
  5. Considering that the traction voltage uses 30-50A and higher, the connection points may stick.
  6. Owners of old cars, where the switch does not control the voltage supply to the coil, need to remember that when the starter closes, the coil may fail;


Let's look at diagram 1 again. If the key is not turned to the Start label, terminal S is “hanging in the air.” This can be done for any car, even if the circuit has an additional relay. This means that it will not be necessary to disconnect the standard wire from terminal S... And in the case of a VAZ, the disconnection is carried out in order to gain access to the terminal.

We removed the filter, disconnected the plug, and tried to close it...

If the engine filter cannot be removed or access is blocked by the battery, we do it differently - we use only the crank.

It is better to close the contacts not with a screwdriver, but with any wrench (see photo). It is desirable that the handle be insulated.

12 Volt voltage is not dangerous, but errors can result in blown fuses. Good luck.

For those who do not understand everything: the filter must be removed from the mounts, but not from the “corrugation”. The filter housing is placed on the battery.

What's the result?

As you can see, if the engine does not start, the starter may be the main cause of this problem. In this case, the culprit is often the starter solenoid relay or problems with contacts, wiring, etc.

We also recommend reading the article about why the starter clicks but does not turn the engine. From this article you will learn about the main reasons why the starter makes clicking noises but the crankshaft does not turn.

In any case, you need to know how to start the starter directly from the battery or by closing the contacts if the engine starting system has failed. However, it should be understood that connecting the starter directly is a last resort and is used only in emergency cases.

If there is such a possibility, it is better to refuse to try to start the engine from a pushrod in a car with any type of automatic transmission, and also not to try to directly connect or close the starter. In some cases, a short circuit of the starter or errors when trying to close the device lead to a short circuit, blown fuses, breakdowns of the vehicle’s electrical equipment, etc.

Finally, we note that knowing how to close the starter with a screwdriver to start the engine still does not solve the problem. First of all, this method may not be effective in many cases. For this reason, it is important to accurately determine the nature of the malfunction, and only then decide on which method to start the power unit.

We start the car without interfering with the engine compartment

If the car has a small mass, and there are assistants nearby and space that allows unhindered acceleration, then you should resort to the method popularly referred to as “push”. To do this, the driver needs to turn the ignition key, then, with sufficient acceleration of about 10-20 km, depress the clutch and engage second gear, then confidently, but slowly, depress the pedal, as soon as the car starts, it is recommended to engage neutral gear and allow the engine to warm up to operating temperature.

Please note that this method only works on cars with a manual transmission. In winter, it is recommended to start in third gear to avoid wheel slipping.

There is also a way for cases where there are no assistants or the necessary space for maneuver.

Important! Only suitable for vehicles with front wheel drive and a working handbrake.

We place a jack under one of the front wheels, after lifting, wrap a cable or any other similar rope around it and with a sharp movement try to turn the wheel in the direction of travel. Just remember to turn on the ignition and second gear first. If the engine starts successfully, put the car in neutral and lower the car; if the attempt fails, repeat the action.

It is worth mentioning the towing method; as a rule, car owners are always ready to help a fellow driver in a difficult situation, so do not hesitate to ask for help. The principle of operation is the same as with a pusher, just be careful when the car starts up not to hit the car towing you.

We are trying to make a “friend” without his “atrium”

TIP - before closing the starter, it is advisable to inspect it and make a diagnosis.

Initially, it would be good to try to find out the reasons for the failure of the starter - what if you are lucky and the problems associated with its failure can be eliminated yourself.

The most common breakdowns are the following:

  • Starter relay failure.
  • The solenoid relay does not operate fully.
  • Severe wear on the teeth of the Bendix gear, namely, the gear rotates, but does not engage with the teeth of the engine flywheel ring.
  • The stator winding in the starter burned out.

So, let’s start the “heart” of the car.

Method 1, or how to start a car from a push, or “from a pusher”?

Everything is quite simple, but at the same time very reliable. Its essence is that the driver needs to find at least a couple of people, let them be, for example, neighbors in a garage cooperative who sympathize with him. And they don’t need to be of strong build, the main thing here is the number of participants: the more, the better. The entire team (company) rests their hands on the trunk, rear pillars, etc., and begins to push the car, accelerating it. The driver, in turn, sitting behind the wheel, already with the ignition on and, better yet, with third gear engaged, as well as with the clutch depressed, after waiting for the car to accelerate, the clutch is already released. After this, the engine “sneezes” and starts. The higher the acceleration speed, the faster the engine will start.

Method 2 Also effective and popular among drivers. This auto-folk method of starting a car without a starter is called “towing” - this is when your iron friend is pulled by another vehicle on a tow rope until the engine starts.

With this method, it is important to remember that after starting the engine, the car will begin to accelerate and you must immediately depress the clutch and turn off the gear, but, of course, do not turn off the engine!

Starter connection diagram for 2105

  1. generator;
  2. accumulator battery;
  3. stator winding shunt coil;
  4. starter VAZ 2105;
  5. serial stator winding coil;
  6. holding winding of traction relay;
  7. pull-in winding of the traction relay;
  8. starter relay;
  9. mounting block;
  10. ignition switch.

Checking the serviceability of the starter - video with example

Sometimes there are situations when you need to close the starter contacts directly to start the engine.
Knowing how to do this is recommended for every owner of a domestic car. For example, a person stops along the way for a while to rest, and after 15 minutes it is no longer possible to start the engine. Agree – this is a rather unpleasant situation. When the starter refuses to work, and you need to start the internal combustion engine here and now, then knowing how to short-circuit the starter to start the engine will greatly help you.

Closing with a screwdriver

To close the starter using a screwdriver, you need to set the gearshift lever in the neutral position and tighten the brake. Under these conditions, the screwdriver will act as a pull-in relay. We insert a screwdriver between the power terminals, closing them.

In order to start the car directly through the starter, it is best to resort to the help of an assistant. So this will make things easier. One will insert the screwdriver, the other will close the contacts. With an assistant, everything will go much faster and easier.

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Starter failure is familiar to most motorists. This can happen at the most unexpected moment. You have to start the car in alternative ways, for example, by closing the contacts. How to properly connect the starter is described in detail below.


It is necessary before the motorist wants to take active action. If you can identify the reasons for this behavior of the starter, then they can be eliminated right on the spot, without even going to a car service center and without wasting extra time. The basics of starter repair teach us that the most complex breakdowns are the following:

  • The starter relay has failed;
  • The solenoid relay has deteriorated;
  • The bendix is ​​worn out;
  • The starter winding is burnt out.

If at least one of the above breakdowns is confirmed, you have to look for ways to start a car with a non-working starter. They exist, but they are very few. But they will help you cope with the problem 100 percent.

Starter circuit for VAZ 2110, 2111, 2112

Starters of type 57.3708 were installed on VAZ-2110 cars and had the following technical characteristics:

  • Rated power 1.55 kW
  • Current consumption at maximum power no more than 375 Amperes
  • Current consumption in the inhibited state is no more than 700 Amperes
  • Current consumption in idle mode no more than 80 Amperes

The connection diagram for the starter for the ten is shown above, here is its explanation:

  1. battery
  2. generator
  3. the starter itself
  4. egnition lock

1 – drive shaft;20 – contact bolts;
2 – front cover bushing;21 – output of “positive” brushes;
3 – restrictive ring;22 – bracket;
4 – gear with the inner ring of the overrunning clutch;23 – brush holder;
5 – overrunning clutch roller;24 – “positive” brush;
6 – drive shaft support with liner;25 – armature shaft;
7 – planetary gear axis;26 – tie rod;
8 – gasket;27 – back cover with bushing;
9 – lever bracket;28 – collector;
10 – drive lever;29 – body;
11 – front cover;30 – permanent magnet;
12 – relay anchor;31 – armature core;
13 – holding winding;32 – armature shaft support with liner;
14 – retractor winding;33 – planetary gear;
15 – traction relay;34 – central (drive) gear;
16 – traction relay rod;35 – carrier;
17 – traction relay core;36 – gear with internal teeth;
18 – contact plate;37 – layering ring;
19 – traction relay cover;38 – hub with the outer ring of the overrunning clutch.

What to do if there is no key

The method we just looked at is not the only way to start the starter.

There are several more options. The first involves starting the starter from inside the car. To do this, you will need to remove the plastic panel that is located under the steering wheel of the car. The next step is to separate the wiring harness going to the ignition switch.

Find the wire that goes to ground (could be black, green, or yellow with a black stripe). It is possible to determine the required conductor using a tester. Connect one tip to the wire being tested, and the other to the car body. If the display shows zero, then that's what we need.

Strip the neutral wire, insulate it and move it to the side. Power to the starter on the VAZ-2114 is supplied through a red or yellow wire. To avoid confusion, check with a tester.

Next you need to determine the conductor that is responsible for the starter. To do this, connect the supply wire with the remaining ones in turn. From which the mechanism will work, we will continue to work.

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