Where is the oil pressure sensor located on the 16-valve VAZ-2112?

The oil pressure sensor is a fairly important part in any car, thanks to which it is possible to monitor the oil level in the engine and the pressure created by it, as well as take all necessary measures if the system for some reason begins to fail.

In the case of a VAZ-2112 car, you can find the oil pressure sensor on the left side of the engine with 16 valves. The element is located on the end surface of the housings near the camshaft bearings. This part serves to transmit information to the driver about the condition of the oil in the engine, namely its pressure in the system.

Below is a table that lists the common DDM installed on the VAZ-2112, as well as the article numbers and prices for them.

Sensorvendor codeCost, in rubles
Oil pressure sensor Lada 21120124325089200
Oil pressure sensor (BCG)OS3530-BCG150
Oil pressure sensor (FKQ) VernetOS3518150

Where is the oil level sensor located in the VAZ-2110 for 8 and 16 valves

The VAZ-2110 oil level sensor is needed to measure the amount of oil in the desired engine compartment.
The sensor itself is located almost close to the oil filter located in the engine crankcase. The sensor is needed to send a signal to the display unit built into the interior of the VAZ-2110. Many VAZ-2110 owners have a completely logical question related to the amount of oil that needs to be filled in for successful engine operation. The optimal volume is considered to be from 3.3 to 4 liters. The main criterion when choosing oil for a given machine is the viscosity indicator. The main reason why oil requires replacement is its contamination during operation.

It is recommended to change the oil after 30 thousand kilometers. Don't put your car in poor condition by buying bad oil.

In the interior of the VAZ-2110 there is an indication unit, thanks to which you can obtain the following information: whether the doors are closed, whether the lamps are working, whether the seat belts are fastened. But the main thing is that it shows whether there is sufficient oil level in the engine, as well as water in the washer and cooling system. When the oil level is below the specified level, the upper left icon lights up. The functioning of this measuring device occurs due to closed-open contacts. If the sensor fails, it must be replaced.

To replace oil level sensors, some drivers use a unique alternative called a “plug”. They were installed briefly in old engines. The plug is easy to remove and return the sensor

It is important to remember that the recorded oil level will not change until the next time the engine is started when using the plug. Therefore, it is important to replenish the oil supply if its level drops.

How to replace the oil filter? To avoid burns or other types of injury, check the engine and make sure it is cool before replacing. Unscrewing the oil filter is not difficult. The only thing that can interfere with this process is that it is usually screwed tightly, but do not be afraid to use a strap wrench or a screwdriver and apply a little force, since it is still advisable to throw away the filter after changing the oil. The wire must be stretched, otherwise it may rub against the drive. When installing a new oil filter, lubricate the rubber ring. It is recommended to buy only high-quality filters, since only they can provide the car with the required oil purification.

Important information that everyone should know

It also happens that when replacing the DDM, oil leaks out again. If you change the sensor again, believing that this is the reason, oil will flow out of it after a certain time. What is the reason? It turns out that in most cases the reason for this lies in sensors that are produced either in the country of the Celestial Empire or in fake workshops. Specialists, car mechanics, drivers - they all often complain about defective sensors purchased on the market. Such fake DDMs have to be changed two or even three times.

Signs of a malfunction of the oil pressure sensor on a Priora and methods for checking for serviceability

A characteristic sign of a malfunction of the device is the glow of an indication in the form of an oil can on the instrument panel when the engine is running. The indicator may also glow intermittently at high crankshaft speeds (over 2000 rpm), which also indicates a breakdown of the product. If you use a dipstick to check that the oil level is normal, then most likely the oil pressure sensor (oil pressure sensor) has failed. However, this can only be confirmed after checking it.

You can check and make sure that the cause of the glow of the oil can on the instrument panel is DDM by performing its test manipulations. The easiest way to check is to install a known-good sensor together with the standard product. And although it is inexpensive, few people are in a hurry to buy it, and in vain, because DDM on the Priora is one of the many diseases of the car.

To check the oil sensor on a Priora for serviceability, you need to remove it from the car. How to do this and where it is located is described in detail below. After removing the product, you need to assemble the circuit, as shown in the photo below.

From the thread side, compressed air from the compressor must be supplied into the hole. In this case, the lamp should go out, which indicates that the membrane is working properly. If the lamp does not light up when assembling the circuit, this may indicate that the membrane is jammed in the position with open contacts. You can verify this by testing the product with a multimeter.

Oil pressure sensor VAZ 2110 – check, replacement, duplication

Most owners of a VAZ 2110 car sooner or later have to face a situation when, at the most inopportune moment, an emergency light begins to shine, indicating a dangerous decrease in pressure in the oil system. Fortunately, quite often the cause of such an extremely unpleasant alarm is not a real oil leak that can lead to complete engine failure, but simply a failure of the corresponding sensor or its main circuits.

In other words, if such a problem occurs, after you have made sure that the oil level in the system is within normal limits and before performing the rather labor-intensive procedure of monitoring the actual pressure and checking the serviceability of the oil pump, it is recommended to perform more accessible actions to determine the cause of the problem .

When the limit value is reached, the contacts of the VAZ 2110 membrane oil pressure sensor open (which means the light comes on), from which it becomes clear that to check the integrity of the circuit, it is enough to disconnect the signal wire from the sensor and touch it to the nearest “ground”. If the lamp goes out in this position, the specified wire is in perfect order.

Certain information can also be obtained by direct inspection of the sensor: its oiliness, the presence of significant contamination and oxidation of the housing, damage and oxidation of the contact - all this may indicate that the cause of the malfunction lies in the sensor itself and in the event of such manifestations it must be replaced.

If we talk directly about the technological operation of replacing the sensor, then to perform it it is enough to have a key on hand for “21”

Attention is drawn to the need to have a spare o-ring in stock, without replacing which it will most likely not be possible to achieve the required tightness of the new sensor. Don't forget to also check the integrity of the dust cover.

As for the question of where the oil pressure sensor is located, in this case it all depends on the specific car model. So on the VAZ 2110 and VAZ 2111, equipped with an eight-valve engine, the indicated indicator can be found on the right side of the engine block, below the level of the valve cover and in the immediate vicinity of the shield.

In turn, on a VAZ 2112 with a 16-valve engine, this sensor is located on the left side of the camshaft bearing housing. However, regardless of the car model, the same sensors are installed and the process of replacing them is practically no different.

Installation of actual oil pressure meter

Of course, everything is simpler when a problem with an oil pressure alarm on a VAZ 2110 occurs in an urban environment and nothing prevents you from quickly getting to the garage and without hassle completing the entire list of work necessary to eliminate the failure. But what to do if a problem happened on a remote route and even the new sensor in the stash does not guarantee a complete solution to the problem (there are too many defects among these elements and it is recommended to have several of them in stock)? In such a situation, the presence of an additional indicator of real oil pressure in the cabin can provide invaluable assistance, based on the readings of which you can accurately determine whether it is worth “ringing the bells” or not.

Meanwhile, installing such a pointer on a VAZ 2110 is quite simple and for this you will need to purchase:

  • An adapter in the form of a tee from a VAZ 2106, which allows you to apply oil pressure to both an additional sensor and a signaling device;
  • Additional pressure sensor;
  • A pressure indicator (again from a VAZ 2106) that will be fixed in the cabin.

To install the auxiliary measuring circuit, remove the minimum oil pressure indicator and, together with the additional sensor, fix it on the adapter/tee, not forgetting to install two sealing gaskets (usually included with the adapter). Next, we screw the resulting assembly assembly into the socket on the engine, previously intended for the signaling device.

The connector of a standard pressure sensor has four contacts and to connect it we lay the following wires:

  1. +12V - from the power supply of the size lamps (Ш2-8);
  2. General minus “-” from the nearest body point;
  3. Signal wire - we stretch it into the cabin, to the location of the indicator;
  4. Plus for the illumination of the indicator - we also extend it to the driver’s seat.

Some versions of the indicators have their own emergency pressure indicator and, if desired, you can get a duplicate warning alarm.

Tags Sensor, vaz, do it yourself

How to replace

The replacement is easy to do with your own hands; you don’t even have to go to the garage or visit a service station, where the car owner will be charged a tidy sum.

Replacing a sensor is a task similar in complexity to replacing a wheel. What will be useful for work:

  • spanners;
  • gloves to avoid getting your hands dirty;
  • new device.

Instructions for disconnecting the old sensor and installing a new one:

  • Disconnect the wire going to the device.
  • Remove the sensor using a 21 mm wrench.
  • They take it out.
  • Together with the DDM, the sealing ring, usually made of aluminum, is removed. It is also better to replace it with a new one.
  • Install and tighten a working sensor.
  • Connect the wire that was disconnected at the very beginning.

This is what the procedure for replacing a node looks like. You should be careful when buying DDM, since now about 40% of these products are fakes.

What oil pressure should be on a VAZ-2112 16 valves

Questions regarding what is the optimal pressure value in the engine are asked by a large number of car enthusiasts, regardless of the make of the car. After all, such discussions arise only because the standard instruments installed on the instrument panel do not represent dial or graphic indicators, but only a warning lamp. It signals extreme pressure, when the car may no longer be safe to use. Thus, monitoring the state of oil pressure in real time is simply unrealistic.

In the video, the low oil pressure warning light on a VAZ 2110-2112 came on.

How to check the pressure in the system?

A warning light that indicates an emergency condition of oil pressure is absolutely necessary.

However, like all electrical appliances, it can burn out, its contacts can become unusable, and there are also a number of cases when its signals can be false. Therefore, checking the oil pressure should be carried out periodically.

For diagnostics, we will need a special pressure gauge to monitor oil pressure; if you don’t have one, we recommend purchasing one, fortunately, it is inexpensive and can always come in handy.

  1. We start the engine and wait for its temperature to rise to operating temperature, that is, 90°C.
  2. Next, we turn it off, find the oil pressure sensor, unscrew it and screw the pressure gauge into the vacant space.

It's easy enough to rip off the nut and then just unscrew it by hand.

Then we start the engine and let it idle. We record the readings on the pressure gauge.

The pressure gauge readings are increasing.

  • Then, using the gas pedal or throttle cable, we raise the engine speed to 5 thousand and also record the indicators.

Please note that if you have an on-board computer, it is possible to connect data coming from the fuel pressure sensor and then they will be accurately visible in digital form

Engine oil operating pressure indicators

Any car operating manual indicates what operating oil pressure in the engine is required specifically for each engine. As for the 16-valve VAZ-2112 engine, the figures are equal:

At idle speed: 2 BAR. At 5 thousand revolutions: from 4.5 to 6.5 BAR.

Installation of an additional oil pressure indicator on a VAZ-2112

Judging by the comments on various VAZ-2112 forums, more and more owners of this car are installing additional sensors that record the oil pressure in the system. A regular sensor from the “classics” does this job very well.

The sensor is ready for installation.

If you decide to connect it, it can be easily mounted according to the following picture with the part numbers.

This scheme is completely working.

And in Soviet times there was an oil pressure gauge

Oil pressure indicator for VAZ-2106

Even on old Soviet cars there was a mechanical meter, and with just one glance it was possible to personally diagnose the condition of the oil inside the engine both at idle and at high speeds. However, now that no modern cars, including the VAZ-2112, are equipped with such a sensor from the factory, it is very difficult for beginners to determine the true value of oil pressure. This issue is discussed quite often in most forums, and our article will help everyone understand this.

Purpose of the oil

Engine oil is the most important element for stable operation and functioning of the engine.

After all, it is only thanks to oil that all moving parts, elements and components work without creating unnecessary friction. Therefore, the pressure in this system must be optimal, delivering oil even to the most inaccessible places. Due to a drop in oil pressure in the system, the moving parts lose their lubricating properties, which may cause excessive heating and result in failure. Based on this, it can be understood that stable pressure in the system is the key to long-lasting and consistently smooth operation of the engine.

see also

Comments 93

Hello, what brand are the devices from?

Damn, everything ingenious is simple) That's what I was missing!) Thank you!

yes no) keep in mind that the MM393A pressure sensor will not work with every device. It seems to differ in the number of wires

I very much doubt that THIS sensor (MM393A) gives correct readings with THIS pointer device. The sensor has a sequential rheostat connection into the circuit of a pointer device, which, in essence, is a current meter in the circuit. Those. designed for a specific device with its own shunt. Those. more or less accurate readings will be ONLY with a dial instrument from the classics (2103, 2106) with a scale from 0 to 8 atm and 4 atm IN THE MIDDLE of the scale. With all other non-compatible pointer instruments, the MM393A sensor will show the weather on Mars.

This means I picked a suitable pointer device with similar parameters by chance)

Surprisingly, the VAZ sensor gives readings that seem to be understandable for the sensor... a honeydew sensor costs 200-300 rubles, while for Chinese barrels they ask for 2k +

yes) but the VAZ sensor is not suitable for all sensors (((

in this case, very lucky, there will be no problems with the replacement

yes) but the VAZ sensor is not suitable for all sensors (((

hi. It turns out you need to buy a sensor and take a guess? They just sell sensors without a sensor, so I want to buy one.

As far as I remember, there are sensors with 1 wire and 2 wires (maybe I’m already confused, I don’t remember it was 4 years ago))). Here is the VAZ one with 1 wire

hi. It turns out you need to buy a sensor and take a guess? They just sell sensors without a sensor, so I want to buy one.

no, listen, I lied) I don’t remember how they differ, but there seem to be 2 types. Sorry, I can’t tell you more precisely, after 4 years it’s hard to remember something (

Surprisingly, the VAZ sensor gives readings that seem to be understandable for the sensor... a honeydew sensor costs 200-300 rubles, while for Chinese barrels they ask for 2k +

What comes with Chinese DM sensors is complete garbage, the primary sensors quickly fail and generally most often show anything but real oil pressure. With the six, the primary sensor is very reliable and it won’t be difficult to find it, but all imported sensors go up to 10 bar when with the six it goes to 8 bar. The device itself is a simple voltmeter with an oil pressure scale, and the primary sensor is also a simple variable resistor which at low pressure gives high resistance and less voltage goes into the device. In theory, the error should be 0.25 bar for every real bar in the engine. That is, 1 bar in the engine = 1.25 on the sensor, 2 bar in the engine 2.5 bar on the sensor, etc.


Where is the oil pressure sensor located on a 16-valve VAZ-2112? If the oil pressure warning light on your car's dashboard comes on, one of the reasons may not only be low oil pressure, but also a faulty sensor that senses the engine's internal lubricant pressure. You will learn how to replace it and diagnose its malfunction in our article below. The advantage of replacing this device will not take much time.

The video discusses the process of replacing the oil pressure sensor for the VAZ 2110-2112 family:

Where is the oil pressure sensor located?

The oil pressure sensor is indicated by an arrow and a circle.

On 16-valve VAZ-2112 engines, the sensor is located on the left side of the engine, at the end of the housing on the camshaft bearings.

Using the sensor for its intended purpose

The oil pressure sensor is designed to quickly and accurately inform the driver about low lubricant pressure inside the internal combustion engine. Therefore, by detecting such a fault as early as possible, unnecessary problems and even more engine failures can be avoided as soon as possible. It's no secret that dry engine running can lead to very serious engine damage. But on the other hand, don’t panic right away and don’t draw conclusions; just check the sensor first.

Mistakes in hasty conclusions

When the oil pressure light comes on, many car owners sound the alarm and begin to solve the problem in all but the most important ways, which include:

Detailed description of the sensor

insufficient oil

in the engine of a

Oil pressure sensor. VAZ 2112. How to remove the sensor?

How to properly remove the sensor

oil pressure indicator light

in the
VAZ 2112
pressure sensor

  • Change the oil and replace the fuel filter.
  • Wash it.
  • Measure your blood pressure.

But after this there is no result! Therefore, always check the oil pressure sensor first as this is the most common and common cause.

Sensor check

To check the functionality of the sensor, you must do the following:

  1. We remove the wire from the sensor and rely on ground, this is possible on the engine body.
  2. Make sure the instrument panel lights are on.
  3. If the light no longer illuminates, the wiring is fine and you can proceed to the next step to remove the faulty sensor.
  4. And if it continues to burn, it is necessary to scroll the wires at all stages from the sensor to the dashboard to detect an open or short circuit in the circuit.

Replacing the oil pressure sensor

We only need the key for "21" to work.

Replace as follows:

  1. When the sensor is located, clean the surface of the sensor and any dirt or deposits adjacent to it to prevent some of the dirt from getting into the engine.
  2. Then turn it off.

When removing, check for defects and damage.

Just unscrew the nut, then just unscrew it by hand.

Pay attention to the quality of the connection. This is not difficult, the work of replacing the sensor can be considered complete

This is not difficult; the work of replacing the sensor can be considered complete.


It happens that after replacing a new sensor, oil begins to flow through it. This occurs less often due to insufficient tightening, but most often due to poor gasket or poor quality sensor. Therefore, after purchasing, keep your receipt so that you can return the faulty item.

Poor oil pressure in the VAZ-2112 engine: causes and repairs

If the oil pressure light comes on, what does it mean? Has the pressure dropped or the sensor has failed? What is the best way to determine the problem? What could this mean for the engine? Such questions concern many of those whose pressure light came on on a VAZ-2112.

Causes of poor engine pressure

There may be several reasons for this. The most common are:

  1. The oil level in the engine is lower than it should be, and therefore it does not completely enter the system.

This is how the oil in the editorial car was drained. Through the O-ring of the oil dipstick.

  • The oil pickup is cracked. Through such a crack, air enters the system, and viscous oil cannot reach components and sensors.
  • The oil pump does not work well due to worn parts.
  • There is oil loss in the lubrication system.
  • Inoperative oil filter.
  • The oil is diluted. A replacement is required, we have already written in more detail about the choice of oil for the 16-valve VAZ-2112 engine.

The light may also come on when the oil pressure sensor is broken or a wire has simply come off it. In this case, you need to play it safe and double-check everything.

Low engine oil level

Checking the oil level

Oil cannot be sucked into the oil pump. In this case, there will be air at the outlet. In the VAZ-2112 engine, the oil receiver is located in the lowest part of the crankcase so that it is always immersed in oil.

During engine operation, the oil may burn out or leak, in which case its level decreases and the oil receiver cannot fully pump oil into the system.

If you do not regularly add oil and do not control its level, this can negatively affect the operation of the engine. The oil will also lose its properties. It will not be able to wash the rubbing parts, and will also fall on them in the form of sediment. A particularly thick mixture will clog the oil receiver mesh, preventing it from sucking in full oil.

The solution in this situation is to constantly monitor the oil level and add it. It is also necessary to carry out a complete oil change in accordance with the regulations. It is not recommended to drive more than 15,000 kilometers on one oil. The oil change on the VAZ-2112 should be done every 10,000 - 15,000 km.

Oil pickup cracked (clogged)

Cleaning a clogged oil receiver

An oil receiver is located between the pump and the oil. When it cracks, a vacuum occurs in the tube and oil cannot enter the system. The cause of such a breakdown may be engine vibration, which results in the formation of a crack. It can increase during operation, taking less and less oil. This could also be caused by a manufacturing defect. This will require a complete replacement of the part.

Oil pump failure

Oil leak from oil pump

In this option, the pump will pump less oil into the system than it may need. As a result, the pressure in the system will not be sufficient. This will be especially noticeable when starting the engine.

There may also be a reason in the drive of the pump itself. But this happens quite rarely on the VAZ-2112.

Losses in the lubrication system

To distribute the oil evenly between all components that require lubrication, one pump will not be enough. This will require coordinated work of other parts. Among these we can note:

  1. Oil nozzles.
  2. Crankshaft bearings.
  3. Gaps at the oil filter mounting location.
  4. Broken bushing on the balance shaft.

Through such cracks, oil will escape from the system and will not lubricate the components. As a result, the pressure in the engine will be reduced.

Oil dilution

Since liquid oil passes through all the cracks that are in the system, the pump cannot create sufficient pressure in it. Such unsuitability of the oil may occur due to the fact that it loses its performance properties. Its additives stop working, and it can additionally be diluted with gasoline.

Oil filter failure

In the context in the literal sense of the word. Look how much dirt it filtered out. Here is the answer to the question about his role!

The filter has valves and an element that cleans the oil. When the latter becomes clogged with dirt during operation, it can no longer pass oil through itself. Then the bypass valve helps him. It is normally in the closed position. When the filter becomes clogged, oil begins to flow through the valve. But if the valve hangs in the closed position, then there is nowhere for the oil to come from in the system. In this case, the engine begins to starve of oil. The way out of this situation is to timely change the oil and filter.

Replacing the DUM

In practice, replacing the DUM looks quite simple. Therefore, do not rush to take your car to a service station and pay unreasonably large amounts of money for the services of specialists. You can easily do their work yourself, plus save a lot of money.

Follow the step-by-step instructions so that your old DUM can retire to its well-deserved rest, and the new device can begin to perform its functions.

  1. Place the car on the inspection pit. An alternative could be an overpass. Someone here already has what.
  2. Turn off the ignition, disconnect power from the battery. To do this, simply disconnect the negative terminal on the battery.
  3. Remove the engine protection. If you performed a test and it showed that it was not working, then your protection has already been removed.
  4. Near the oil filter, find a wire tip that should be removed from the sensor block.
  5. Using dry, lint-free cloths, clean off any dirt that may have accumulated on the surface of your sensor over time.
  6. Using a 10 mm socket wrench, remove the fastening element holding the oil level meter.

Disable DUM

  1. Rock the sensor from side to side with your hands, which will allow you to gradually remove the device from the socket. Proceed carefully, otherwise you can easily damage the float.
  2. Arm yourself with a new sensor and put it in place.
  3. Assembly is performed strictly in reverse order.
  4. At the final stage, do not forget to test the new device in action.

Disconnecting the wire block An important element of the warning system about malfunction of the engine lubrication system is the DADM. Many people confuse the emergency oil pressure sensor with a conventional pressure meter. You shouldn't do this, since the devices are completely different.

DADM consists of a housing, inside of which there is a membrane and a transmitter, that is, a mechanism for transmitting information. The membrane is capable of bending and changing its position, closing and opening contacts.

Verification methods

  1. To make sure the emergency meter is working, you should remove the old one and put a new one in its place. But to do this, you should have a spare sensor on hand.
  2. If you don't have one, arm yourself with a pressure gauge. Replace the sensor and start the engine. At idle, the pressure gauge should show at least 0.65 kg/cm2. If the indicator turns out to be like this, everything is normal with the pressure in the system, because the DADM has simply failed and needs to be replaced.
  3. There is another, popular method of checking DADM. It is relevant for those cases when the red emergency oil level light comes on while on the road, when there is neither a pressure gauge nor a spare measuring device at hand. You will need to remove the meter and spin the starter without starting the engine. Oil should flow out of the device socket. If this happens, it means that the pressure in the system is normal, and you can at least get to the garage or the nearest service station.


Replacing DADM is probably easier than in the case of DUM:

  • Remove the decorative trim, which is located on the engine of your VAZ 2114;
  • Find the top part of the device, remove the boot;
  • The power wire is located underneath it;
  • Remove the wire;
  • Now you can unscrew the emergency sensor from the power unit block, and then put a new one in its place.

Possible faults

There are a number of situations that lead to the breakdown of the DDM on the VAZ-2110 8 valves:

  • the membrane is damaged;
  • the resistive layer is worn out;
  • the heating element of the bimetallic plate has failed or is deformed;
  • the channels through which oil is supplied are clogged;
  • Wires are oxidized or torn. This leads to “parasitic” resistance;
  • The sensor relay has failed. The relay's job is to sound a buzzer if there is not enough pressure in the system. It just starts at certain engine speeds (more than 1500). At idle, it is inactive, because the pressure does not even reach mark 1.

This is interesting: Thresholds for Toyota Camry 40: covers, how to remove


Where is the oil pressure sensor located on a 16-valve VAZ-2112?

If the oil pressure warning light on your car's dashboard comes on, one of the reasons may not only be low oil pressure, but also a faulty sensor that senses the engine's internal lubricant pressure. You will learn how to replace it and diagnose its malfunction in our article below. The advantage of replacing this device will not take much time.

The video discusses the process of replacing the oil pressure sensor for the VAZ 2110-2112 family:

Where is the oil pressure sensor located?

The oil pressure sensor is indicated by an arrow and a circle.

On 16-valve VAZ-2112 engines, the sensor is located on the left side of the engine, at the end of the housing on the camshaft bearings.

Using the sensor for its intended purpose

The oil pressure sensor is designed to quickly and accurately inform the driver about low lubricant pressure inside the internal combustion engine. Therefore, by detecting such a fault as early as possible, unnecessary problems and even more engine failures can be avoided as soon as possible. It's no secret that dry engine running can lead to very serious engine damage. But on the other hand, don’t panic right away and don’t draw conclusions; just check the sensor first.

Mistakes in hasty conclusions

When the oil pressure light comes on, many car owners sound the alarm and begin to solve the problem in all but the most important ways, which include:

Oil level sensor in the VAZ 2110 engine: what is it, where is it and how to replace it!

Detailed description of the sensor

in the engine of a

Oil pressure sensor. VAZ 2112. How to remove the sensor?

How to properly remove the sensor

warning lamp
for oil pressure
in the
VAZ 2112
pressure sensor

  • Change the oil and replace the fuel filter.
  • Wash it.
  • Measure your blood pressure.

But after this there is no result! Therefore, always check the oil pressure sensor first as this is the most common and common cause.

Sensor check

To check the functionality of the sensor, you must do the following:

  1. We remove the wire from the sensor and rely on ground, this is possible on the engine body.
  2. Make sure the instrument panel lights are on.
  3. If the light no longer illuminates, the wiring is fine and you can proceed to the next step to remove the faulty sensor.
  4. And if it continues to burn, it is necessary to scroll the wires at all stages from the sensor to the dashboard to detect an open or short circuit in the circuit.

Replacing the oil pressure sensor

We only need the key for "21" to work.

Replace as follows:

  1. When the sensor is located, clean the surface of the sensor and any dirt or deposits adjacent to it to prevent some of the dirt from getting into the engine.
  2. Then turn it off.

When removing, check for defects and damage.

Just unscrew the nut, then just unscrew it by hand.

Pay attention to the quality of the connection. This is not difficult, the work of replacing the sensor can be considered complete

This is not difficult; the work of replacing the sensor can be considered complete.


It happens that after replacing a new sensor, oil begins to flow through it. This occurs less often due to insufficient tightening, but most often due to poor gasket or poor quality sensor. Therefore, after purchasing, keep your receipt so that you can return the faulty item.


The oil pressure warning light comes on when the engine is warm

If we are talking about oil pressure, then naturally the problem is in the engine, namely in some components and parts. To determine the causes, it is necessary to know the structure and operation of the power unit, since without this it will be impossible to eliminate malfunctions. So, let’s look at the reasons why such a warning light may appear on the instrument panel:

  • There is a malfunction in the sensor and wiring.
  • The oil level has dropped below normal (see “how to check the oil level”).
  • Signal to change the oil.
  • The oil pump has failed.
  • The malfunction is hidden in the cylinder head or directly in the cylinder block itself.

When all the reasons have been considered, it is necessary to move on to a consistent definition of the problem and options for eliminating it.

Solution methods

In order to eliminate an engine malfunction, you will need a set of tools, as well as knowledge of the structure of a car engine. So, let's look at how to fix the problem.

Sensor and wiring

Before you start panicking, you need to turn to the most harmless solution - a sensor. If it fails, the contacts close, so the lamp on the instrument panel can remain on constantly. To solve the problem, it is necessary to dismantle the sensor itself and check it, replacing it if necessary.

Removing the oil pressure sensor wire connector

If replacing the sensor did not yield anything, then you should check the wiring for insulation and continuity. Maybe a wire broke somewhere and that was causing the problem. Using a multimeter, it is worth diagnosing the wiring, which will take a few minutes. If a break is detected, in order not to go to extremes, it is necessary to clean the break site and solder the wiring, then insulate it from external factors. This can be done using a crimp tube or electrical tape.

Insufficient oil level

Insufficient oil level in the power unit can also cause the indicator to appear. This is due to the fact that with a small amount of lubricating fluid, the pressure in the engine itself also drops, and therefore the sensor transmits a signal to the ECU that the compression is not enough. To eliminate the malfunction, it is necessary to add oil to the engine until the level is between the maximum and minimum marks.

A dipstick that shows how much oil is in the engine

Change of oil

Another reason why the oil pressure indicator on the dashboard starts to light is the production of lubricating fluid. Thus, the loss of physicochemical and technical qualities can cause the pressure to drop to a minimum and lead to a signal. The way to solve the problem is to simply replace the lubricant and, accordingly, the filter, which, most likely, is also not in the best condition.

The oil filler neck is unscrewed to fill the liquid

Oil pump

More complex reasons and solutions for the appearance of an oil pressure indicator is the failure of the oil pump.

A pump malfunction makes it impossible for oil to circulate through the system, and therefore it is not possible to create the required pressure. So, its replacement will require disassembling and repairing half of the power unit, and therefore, as practice shows, motorists carry out major repairs of the internal combustion engine.

Oil pump removal diagram

Block head and power unit

The last reason that can catastrophically affect the loss of pressure in the main power unit is the malfunction of this unit. Thus, small gaps in the gaskets and regular loss of oil reduce the pressure, which in turn leads to increased wear of the entire assembly. Another reason for the drop in pressure in the engine and the activation of the indicator can be the wear and tear of the connecting rod and piston group, crankshaft and camshaft, as well as oil seals.


What to do if the sensor lights up

While the VAZ-2112 is operating, the oil pressure light on the dashboard may light up periodically.

The main causes of the malfunction are:

  • decrease in engine oil level;
  • electrical circuit break;
  • sensor failure;
  • failure of the oil filter;
  • clogging of the oil receiver structure.

Since there are many possible reasons, you will need to check each of them. First of all, the car owner should inspect the engine oil level, since this reason is considered one of the most common.

To do this, you will need to turn off the engine and give it time to cool, after which you will need to inspect the pan for the amount of oil that has leaked out. If the level is OK, then you should start checking for another reason, and it is best to entrust the work to professionals at a service station.

Thus, the operation of a car, especially a domestic one, requires a responsible and attentive attitude on the part of the owner.

If you regularly inspect all elements, systems or various devices, which include the oil pressure sensor, you can avoid any serious breakdowns and, as a result, costly repair work.

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