How to lower a VAZ 2107? cutting springs is ineffective

Good day . Guys, is it worth sawing the springs at the front 2 turns at the back 3. Or you shouldn't do it. There’s just no money for a sports suspension yet, but I’m tired of driving an SUV)))


by Adminrive · Published 05/17/2011

Although the gene kills all the rules

by Adminrive · Published 12/14/2015

Hey guys, this crap is damp under the passenger mat

by Adminrive · Published 06/14/2016

  • Comments 16
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dude, you understand everything yourself. Why the fuck should I ask?

Show Control Panel

  • Published: July 15, 2018
  • ***************************************** Channel Auto_Repair will help you troubleshoot your car with your own hands. We do not waste your time, but try to make our videos as informative and short as possible to save your time. No water, just the essence. On our channel you will find various information on car repair and operation. No water, just the essence. There are also many more interesting experiments in the plans, subscribe to the channel, write comments, like, we are always happy to have live communication. Our peculiarity is that the material is presented in an accessible way, even a child can understand it, but if we miss something, feel free to ask, we are always happy to help. ***************************************** Our affiliate program AIR: avto_remont Subscribe We recommend watching: We are on VK: Music: Copyright Owner (Created by): “Awards Media Group Limited Partnership” !/? /> Auto/Moto

How to cut springs on a VAZ 2114

Recently, there has been a tendency among young people to undervalue their cars. As they say: “A low pelvis is pleasing to the eye!” I’ll say right away that if you decide to lower your VAZ, you can do this in several ways, but the easiest and cheapest is to cut the springs. But, I want to warn you that on bumps it will not be very pleasant, due to the fact that all the impacts will go to the bump stops, the spring will not smooth them out much. If this doesn’t stop you, as in principle it doesn’t stop me, then this article is for you  And this article is also for those who don’t like the fact that the back of the VAZ 2110 is much higher than the front. To level them, you can cut off just a couple of turns - this will not affect the behavior of the car.

Well, less words, more action.

How to trim springs

  1. Immediately you need to jack up the rear wheel and remove it.
  2. Next you need to remove the shock-absorbing strut of the VAZ 2110, you can read how to do this here: DEVICE AND REPAIR OF THE REAR SUSPENSION.
  1. Using a puller, remove the spring from the strut.
  1. A turn is considered a complete revolution in a circle. That is, to cut one turn, you need to put a mark under the end of the spring on the next ring. (At your discretion, decide how many turns to cut, you can remove one at a time and put the spring in place, see how it looks, but this is a labor-intensive process, so I advise cutting 2-3 turns)
  2. Next we will need a grinder, we cut it according to the mark.

  1. If you are cutting springs into 3 or more turns, then it is advisable to cut off the bump stops, so the suspension will have some movement.

When assembling, keep in mind that the sawn-off side of the spring should be at the top. And also make sure that the spring is clamped in the cup and plate of the stand. If the spring is cut incorrectly, or the spring is installed incorrectly, it will constantly fly out of the bowl.

What threatens the low landing of the VAZ 2110

If you cut the spring by 3-5 turns, I assure you, you will immediately feel the difference in the suspension. It will become very hard and there will also be a knocking noise. But we, young people, are not afraid of this, play full music or put on a forward flow that will drown out the knocking. You can get used to this, but if you want to do everything the right way and the smart way, then purchase and install shortened racks.

if possible, how?? maybe photo video))

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I jacked it up, took off the wheel, and pulled the spring off with pullers. ONLY tighten the part that remains after splitting. you cut where necessary, pull out the coils. then you open the pullers and use a crowbar to set the spring as needed. just look, there are grooves on the racks for the edges of the springs. you need to get into them. at least to the bottom one. otherwise it might come off. this is a legend.

the rear ones are easier. – I jacked it up higher so that the spring would dangle freely and they could drink right away without pullers. collapse branch

Of course, it is much easier to go to the store and buy new springs for the VAZ 2108 car, but we are not looking for easy ways, and besides, we want to save money. So we will make the springs ourselves. Do you really have to take a strong steel rod and bend turns on it? No, we will modify the standard springs if they are intact.

So, you need to lower the VAZ 2108, for this you will need to cut off the springs, the car will become lower, and the suspension will be stiffer. First of all, we need to decide at what height we want to lower the VAZ 2108. Keep in mind that the quality of domestic roads leaves little to be desired, this factor is especially relevant if you have to drive not only on city asphalt. The front axle can be cut so that the top support and nut press against the top cap so that there is a slight amount of interference when the rack is fully assembled.

The cut end of the spring must be bent. The bend angle does not have to be 90 degrees, because in any case it will be pressed by the top cover. Due to the fact that the supports have flat covers, we will have to weld a corner in the place where there is a possibility that the spring will jump out from under the cover with the cut end. If desired, the spring can be cut even further, but when the stand is fully assembled it will begin to dangle. In this case, you will need to tighten it so that it does not make extraneous noise. Next, we make adjustments so that the spring does not rotate when the wheel is loosened. If you follow these tips, you will then be able to enjoy a low and stiff suspension.

Lowering options

Includes shortened springs, shortened rod shock absorbers, as well as strut cups and rebound buffers. The manufacturers of these sets offer the entire range of lowering, minus 50, minus 70, minus 90, minus 120.

This option is the most correct, but is suitable for those who are not strapped for money, since these sets are quite expensive. Plus, in addition to the lowering kit, you will have to pay the technicians at the car service center who will install the kit.

IMPORTANT! Self-installation is not advisable due to the fact that the warranty will not apply to parts installed outside of a specialized service!

Most VAZ 21099 owners prefer a more budget option. For example, it’s commonplace to remove the stock springs and cut off the required number of turns with a grinder and install them back. But in this case, you need to be prepared for the fact that the shock absorber strut with such a spring will be in a compressed state and its stroke will be less.

This is fraught with the fact that if you hit an obstacle, or if you fall into a hole, the strut will work until the spring is fully compressed, and the impact will be in the glass, which does not contribute to their long service.

It is possible to lower the VAZ 21099 by moving the shock absorber cup lower than in the factory version. This option is acceptable if the weld itself is reliable, which is not always possible to do with sufficient quality. Even if you are an experienced welder yourself, it is not clear how the stand itself will withstand spot heating. This type of lowering of the VAZ 21099 is often carried out by enthusiasts on their cars; a specialist will not recommend such a procedure.

The average choice between an outright collective farm and a VAZ 21099 tuning kit would be to replace the standard springs with special ones with a shorter coil stroke. In this case, the spring will be stiffer, while at the same time being able to support the permissible load. It is worth taking a closer look at lowered springs with uneven pitch, which will help maintain sufficient softness when moving and at the same time allow you to move calmly on uneven surfaces.

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1 Topic by Ivan86 2009-04-01 12:58:16

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Topic: How to Sawing Springs Correctly!

Tell us how to properly cut the spring stock, whether they are necessary and how to bend them. And how long can you cut!

2 Reply from kentboy 2009-04-01 13:25:19

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Re: How to Sawing Springs Correctly!

get ready to catch stones thrown at you

3 Reply from barsyya 2009-04-01 13:28:16

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Re: How to Sawing Springs Correctly!

You can cut it however you want, you can cut all the turns except one.

4 Reply from RIDER 2009-04-01 13:29:22

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Re: How to Sawing Springs Correctly!

there's nothing special here. you drink and that’s it. but for how much, depending on what kind of shock absorbers - if they lowered it, then they drank that way (for example -30 or -50) Because if you cut more, they will cover up quickly. Using a grinder, I cut off as much as needed, and made the plane flat so that it would fit on the cup (cut at an angle). Well, that's basically it. If you cut a lot, don’t forget to tie the spring. Good luck

5 Reply from greenlittlecrocodile 2009-04-01 13:39:56

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Re: How to Sawing Springs Correctly!

It's right not to cut the drain ;D

6 Reply from kirillat 2009-04-01 15:56:35

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Re: How to Sawing Springs Correctly!

The right guys gnaw them with their teeth, and grind the remains in a meat grinder and eat them with graphite lubricant! If your teeth are not strong enough, then sawn springs are not for you.

7 Reply from Ivan86 2009-04-01 17:06:14

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Re: How to Sawing Springs Correctly!

The right guys gnaw them with their teeth, and grind the remains in a meat grinder and eat them with graphite lubricant! If your teeth are not strong enough, then sawn springs are not for you.

Yes, I’ll see, you’re a self-taught wit, have you been training for a long time?

8 Reply from Sir YareG 2009-04-01 20:06:46

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Re: How to Sawing Springs Correctly!

Exactly. And not just stock!

It’s better not to cut at all, because that’s not what the engineers invented and calculated for.

heater, washer, heated glass

Topic: stove, washer, heated glass

Tell me where to look for the problem?

The heater, heated rear window, heated mirrors, rear wiper, rear washer, and front washer do not work.

Where is their common point?

I removed the fuse box, cleaned it, and changed the relay. I cleaned the contacts (where there were oxides), but it still doesn’t work.

If it’s not difficult, tell me where to look for a break or a loose contact? blink

Tell me where to look for the problem?

The heater, heated rear window, heated mirrors, rear wiper, rear washer, and front washer do not work.

Where is their common point?

If it’s not difficult, tell me where to look for a break or a loose contact? blink

all of the above is tied to 1 fuse

After reading and understanding the diagram, it turned out that the stove is powered and turned on through the ignition relay.

This relay was replaced - and voila everything worked.

It is located under the panel, to the right of the steering wheel. (attached with a screw), can be found by the wires from the ignition switch (4 thick wires)

I have a VAZ-21083 with an injector.

I have about the same problem. everything worked. when suddenly the heater and the windshield washer stopped working, that is, the sprayer is completely silent. and at the same time it stopped working, the fuses are intact.

Thank you all for the efficiency laugh I figured it out myself

SO write what happened.

The stove only works in one position, the third.

and it seems like a tape recorder is connected through the stove.

But only the fastest fan position works for me. First, I removed the speed switch and checked the chip with wires that connects to it. The chip has a “+” and 1, 2, 3 - a total of 4 wires. I took a regular insulated piece of wire with stripped ends. I connected one end to “+”, and tried to plug the other (with the ignition on) into connectors 1, 2, 3. It turned out that only 3 was working. So I checked whether the switch was working. What should I do next? It turns out that there is no connection somewhere. Please tell me, it’s winter outside.

Check the chip and resistor. Only the chip is not exactly on the driver’s feet, but much higher on the stove body, it’s hard not to notice if you look inside.

12 Reply from Vitamin 2009-01-03 15:16:11

Check the chip and resistor. Only the chip is not exactly on the driver’s feet, but much higher on the stove body, it’s hard not to notice if you look inside.

They can not only “fly”, but also “fly away”, i.e. just fly off from its regular place - I had this happen, stuck it in place - everything worked.

13 Reply from yJIuTkO 2009-02-15 20:08:41

what does the ignition relay look like? and where exactly is it located?? Today I changed the resistor (I folded all the mats while I was unscrewing them) but I still don’t understand where to look for the relay ((

14 Reply from alexeykamf 2009-02-16 06:31:08

It could be under the panel, where the suction is, or maybe under the hood on the wall where the stove is. I have both, but the one under the panel is disabled.

15 Reply from yJIuTkO 2009-02-16 19:53:55

It could be under the panel, where the suction is, or maybe under the hood on the wall where the stove is. I have both, but the one under the panel is disabled.

which I changed under the panel today, still nothing works(((I’ll look under the hood tomorrow. I don’t know what to do if it doesn’t help((

16 Reply from Kirey 2009-02-24 18:01:37

what does the ignition relay look like? and where exactly is it located?? Today I changed the resistor (I folded all the mats while I was unscrewing them) but I still don’t understand where to look for the relay ((

The ignition relay looks like all the others - a black plastic box with four (five) contacts, rarely iron (this is from Soviet times). It is attached with a screw under the instrument cluster; a chip from the ignition switch with five wires, 4 to the relay, 1 to ground, fits into it.

17 Reply from AlekX 2009-02-28 15:28:23

We cut the springs of a VAZ 2114

Good day . Guys, is it worth sawing the springs at the front 2 turns at the back 3. Or you shouldn't do it. There’s just no money for a sports suspension yet, but I’m tired of driving an SUV)))


by Adminrive · Published 05/17/2011

Although the gene kills all the rules

by Adminrive · Published 12/14/2015

Hey guys, this crap is damp under the passenger mat

by Adminrive · Published 06/14/2016

  • Comments 16
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dude, you understand everything yourself. Why the fuck should I ask?

Show Control Panel

  • Published: July 15, 2018
  • ***************************************** Channel Auto_Repair will help you troubleshoot your car with your own hands. We do not waste your time, but try to make our videos as informative and short as possible to save your time. No water, just the essence. On our channel you will find various information on car repair and operation. No water, just the essence. There are also many more interesting experiments in the plans, subscribe to the channel, write comments, like, we are always happy to have live communication. Our peculiarity is that the material is presented in an accessible way, even a child can understand it, but if we miss something, feel free to ask, we are always happy to help. ***************************************** Our affiliate program AIR: avto_remont Subscribe We recommend watching: We are on VK: Music: Copyright Owner (Created by): “Awards Media Group Limited Partnership” !/? /> Auto/Moto

Comments • 41

Is this possible on the second golf course?

I don't know, I haven't tried it, but I think it's possible

the owner has changed his shoes!!

Good afternoon, can you tell me which company to buy the rear struts for 2108?

I can't advise

Cool explanation, I watched this video and only then I understood how to do it

How are the front ones sawed?

Please tell us about the front struts of the 2110. They are dry, but in a hole they come out with a bang.

they don’t keep you for relegation, it happens, maybe pumping will help, but it’s rare

Did you just saw the backside? Or before too? I want to cut off the butt 2 turns

only sawed the backside

So did you cut 2 or 3 turns?

Fucking landing

The option is really optimal than filming everything. Thanks for the advice! But how many turns should you cut at the front and how many at the back if you need to achieve a result of -50?

@Auto_Repair I think 2-3 turns will be normal

To be honest, I didn’t delve deeply and I don’t know the exact changes in characteristics

It's easier to remove the stand and not fuck it. Xia

it will take more time

no brother it’s not easier there’s no fucking here

Did you cut it on the tag? And how much to cut max so that the movement of the racks works and so that it rests on the bumpers?

I think that more than three is already superfluous, on the spot everything is the same

Statham is beautiful, soulful channel

Hello. please tell me))) viburnum 8kl, e-gas. symptoms: after the rain it took a long time to start, it started. It doesn’t respond to the gas pedal, it stutters, and it starts to smoke a lot (it smells like oil). I unscrewed the spark plugs, there was a huge layer of soot on the first one, after replacing the spark plug it worked for 2 minutes smoothly and started again (it didn’t stop smoking) the first spark plug was again covered in soot. My guess is that the piston ring or baffle broke. please tell me if there are other possible reasons? I want to open the engine on Saturday. Thank you ))

Reasons for spring break

There are five main reasons why rear and/or front springs fail completely or partially.

  1. Metal fatigue and spring wear. This happens naturally over time. During operation, the metal becomes softer and more flexible, respectively, and the spring becomes softer. In addition, when the coils collide, the springs rust and microcracks appear. Particularly harmful to bars are the violent impacts that occur when a car hits a pothole or a high-speed impact.
  2. Constant friction of revolutions; weakened or heavily loaded spring between them. For this reason, the stiffness of the spring decreases, and the surface of the coils becomes not round, as it was initially, but has an expanded plane. Accordingly, for this reason the bar becomes thinner and therefore the spring weakens.
  3. Overload the car and drive it in this state at high speed over bumps or distances. In such conditions, all suspension elements, including springs, suffer.
  4. Corrosion of metal springs. This is a very common cause of spring failure. Over time, the paint on their surface peels off, and water and road reagents do their job. Interestingly, if corrosion has only eaten up 0.15mm of a 10mm spring wire, the cross-section of that wire will be reduced by as much as 6%!
  5. Incorrect spring installation. In particular, this can happen due to incorrect choice of part. Another variant. Manufacturing defects. It often happens that springs with different stiffnesses are placed in one package.

READ How to Disassemble a Bosch Kettle

Why is it necessary to change springs on time?

So, what can happen if a vehicle's spring has reached the end of its life or has broken completely?

There are several negative consequences of this problem:

  1. The vehicle's ground clearance decreases, which can lead to damage to other vehicle parts due to contact with poor-quality road surfaces (potholes, bumps, and much more).
  2. The rubber of the wheels in the rear arches of the car begins to feel double friction, which means it wears out more often.
  3. Transport control deteriorates, as it may begin to tilt to one side and swing during the trip.
  4. The service life of the depreciation-type system quickly begins to decrease.

It turns out that a spring that has failed can lead to serious problems in the future. Therefore, the next question is absolutely logical: when should the replacement be carried out?

Most often, manufacturers claim that their product can last for about 10 years. But they mean that vehicles will only move on level roads, without auxiliary loads. This is almost impossible to do on Russian roads, so it is best to replace it three years after the start of use.

Difficulties after replacement

Before the owner decides to intervene in the design of his car such as lowering the suspension, he must clearly understand that he will not be able to drive his car in the same manner. If you, at least occasionally, travel outside the city, where the road surface leaves much to be desired, not to mention country roads, then you should forget about lowering the suspension.

Such cars are designed for driving within the city, on smooth asphalt. Otherwise, the car’s suspension will not withstand frequent rebounds and will fall apart. Just like body elements such as bumpers and sills will be at least scratched.

Features that the best springs for a VAZ should have

Many people wonder what rear springs to put on a VAZ 2114?

There are several points that the owner of domestic transport should pay attention to:

  1. Spring diameter. Affects the level of suspension stiffness.
  2. Number of turns - the more there are, the lower the rigidity.

Hard rear products are liked by those people who require a good level of steering control. True, in this situation, adhesion to road surfaces decreases. That is, any option has its advantages and disadvantages. But all the same, you can always choose the appropriate type for any Russian model.

It is impossible to accurately answer the question - which springs to put on a VAZ 2114, since everything depends on their purpose, which is established by the indicated marking.

Features, advantages and suspension lowering

Raising the position of the car body by lifting its rear part is quite easy with the help of special spacers under the rack mounts. The reverse procedure is more complicated, it raises many questions, but it can be implemented in many ways. The most common is understatement. In this case, you should decide how many coils of the spring need to be cut off on the VAZ 2109. Lowering the suspension not only makes the car sporty, but also has certain advantages:

  • at high speeds, especially when entering a turn, the car rolls much less, which means additional stability is provided;
  • directional stability is also at a high level, the car’s response to steering movements improves.

However, the disadvantages of a low seating position include the discomfort of driving on slippery surfaces. A stiffer suspension will not compensate for centrifugal force by lateral roll on a dangerous turn. The wheels can skid, and the car runs the risk of simply leaving the track

Therefore, it is very important to decide how many turns of the spring need to be cut on the VAZ

In order to increase rigidity, front and rear stabilizers from a VAZ 2110 are most often installed. The most optimal and simple solution would be to purchase special tuning kits. They already contain springs shortened to the desired level, adapted struts and additional parts that will be needed during installation.

The buyer no longer faces the question of how many turns of the spring need to be cut on a VAZ. At the same time, this option is quite expensive: you will need to replace the springs and the entire suspension. Not only do sellers often inflate the price of such a product, but the car owner will have to pay extra for the work if he decides not to do it himself.

Selecting products by labeling

So, the driver came to the store to buy new springs. How to make the right choice?

The decoding of the markings shown below can help with this:

  • 2101 - perfectly fits standard sedans equipped with rear-wheel drive;
  • 21012 - rigid springs, which are mainly used on special vehicles;
  • 2102 - originally created for Russian station wagons. When installing this product, the vehicle's ground clearance increases, which is quite important if the vehicle is operated off-road;
  • 2018 - usually installed on any vehicle with front-wheel drive, except for Oka and those cars that have a 16-valve power unit under the hood;
  • 2110 - these products were created for expert Russian models from VAZ;
  • 2111 - work on models such as VAZ 2111 and 2113. Only on rear-type suspensions;
  • 2112 - analogue of 2111, only for front-type suspension;
  • 2121 - most often installed only on all-wheel drive vehicles. First of all, this is a simple Niva.

The markings are easy to understand. But it is still necessary to understand how the manufacturer influences the choice of springs.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of such a procedure?

When the car is lowered, the center of gravity becomes lower, which in turn has a positive effect on the stability of the car. The car rolls less when cornering and holds more confidently in a straight line (this moment is especially noticeable at high speeds).

On the other hand, there is a high probability of flying off the road due to drift or skidding. Due to changes made to the design of the car, the stiffness of the suspension increases compared to what was installed by the manufacturer and the car does not have enough lateral roll to compensate for the centrifugal force when turning, and, as a result, the car skids.

Choice depending on manufacturer

Often, when components break down, people try to buy original, factory-made replacement ones, not wanting to try something new. But you can find decent products from other manufacturers; there are springs that are far from worse than the original ones.

List of the most popular manufacturers:

    Sirius. An experienced manufacturer with a huge range of products and the ability to individually order components according to customer drawings.

Having studied all the manufacturers, you can make your own choice and understand which rear springs are best installed on the VAZ 2114.

A few important tips when searching for the right products

You can always find tips to help you cope with problems. There are several questions from Russian car enthusiasts that have answers. For example, the question is VAZ 2114 – what should I buy? Answer: It all depends on where the machine is used. If it is mainly used for off-road use, then it is better to take the 2112 model as it can increase the ground clearance.

Actually, when it comes to springs for cars, there are quite a few different options. Therefore, it is best to first seek advice from an intelligent and experienced specialist before making a replacement.

Materials you will need for work

It is worth taking care to find not only free time to make a mattress, but also to prepare materials for its implementation; before making a mattress with your own hands, you will need certain materials.

The main ones are:

  • Sheathing. A dense type of canvas that can be used to wrap the frame and other parts;
  • Threads. They must be very durable;
  • Sewing machine;
  • Foam rubber.

You will definitely need a hard foam rubber cover that can be used endlessly. The density of foam rubber for a mattress is a relative indicator. The denser it is, the better. Otherwise, he will quickly wash out.

Such products have a certain classification. There are those that are used only for upholstery. They are soft and porous. Those that are useful for a mattress are elastic, almost non-porous. Soft foam is only suitable for sound insulation.

Polyurethane is often called foam rubber. This is right. If you can find latex-type polyurethane, which is used specifically for upholstery, then you can consider yourself lucky.

This is exactly the material you will need to make your own mattress. Latex-based items are classified as “orthopedic”. So, without overpaying, you can get an excellent, soft substrate. It is known that an orthopedic type model costs a lot of money, especially a branded one.

It is important to choose a particularly durable case. The hardest thing to make is spring mattresses

But it's worth the effort. Given that there is a reliable cover, and felt as protection on all sides, you can get an excellent mattress model without overpaying. After all, branded products are very expensive.

You only need to pay for the materials. For the rest, a person will not spend a penny, but only his efforts. However, you will also need some more details to help make the mattress:

  • Springs;
  • Slats made of wood;
  • Long, wide nails;
  • Hammer;
  • Stapler.

Installation Tips

Do not forget that the springs on the suspension must be installed of the same class. For example, people installed A-class parts on the front suspension, it turns out that class “A” also needs to be installed on the rear suspension. If there are no products of the same class for the rear suspension, then, as an exception, class “B” is installed on the rear part.

If the front suspension has B-class springs, then it is prohibited to install “A” class springs on the rear suspension. Place suspensions of the same class on the left and right sides of the same axle.

The VAZ 2114 suspension is very durable, and the need to replace components appears very rarely. Therefore, not all drivers of 2114 cars know that it is better to choose from the large assortment that is available on the markets. Sometimes parts from 2112 are installed on a VAZ 2114, they are a little stiffer, designed for a different weight, so they slightly raise the 2112 - by a couple of centimeters, which means this can improve cross-country ability. If, on the contrary, there is an idea to lower the car, then it is better to buy an Eibach, with the front ones being -5 and the rear ones -7, so that the vehicle does not ride up.

So, the choice of springs for VAZ is very wide. The most important thing is to choose the right stiffness characteristics that will suit the vehicle load and conditions of use. You can find all kinds of advice on the Internet. Of course, it is better to first consult with a specialist. Refusal of original components in favor of other manufacturers may be dictated by the idea of ​​​​improving the running parameters of the vehicle, but be sure to compare the price of tuning and the result obtained.

Club VAZ 2108-09, 2110-12, 2113-15, 2116, 2170-72 | Thread Posted by: Hannibal

Manual for DIY repair, maintenance and operation of VAZ 2108, 2109, 21099 1. Characteristics and information 2. Operation and maintenance 3. Engine 4. Chassis and steering 5. Brake system 6. Body 7. Electrics, circuits, fuses 8. History of the car and articles from magazines Manual and repair instructions for VAZ 2109, 2108, 21099 (21093) Lada Samara Sputnik (VAZ nine) Useful and simply interesting: Articles from magazines of different times about these models This website is an excellent online guide and instruction.

Did you wash down the rear springs without removing them? – Suspension and steering – Lada.CC.

I heard people yelling that it is necessary (possible) to saw the rear springs without removing them, is this realistic, and if so, I’m waiting for a description of the process and.

We cut Priora springs on a VAZ 2110 – YouTube

27 Feb 2022 – 29 sec. – Added by user Eduard PaySprings from Priora. They say you can't cut it because it's conical. It turned out that it is possible.

sawing the springs of a VAZ 2114

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  • Published: July 15, 2018
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Comments • 62

A spring without a side will fall off the landing

Show me how to cut before sawing

Will it be normal if the springs are Technoresor -50 at stock, auto grant. Will anything break or will the spring move around the strut?

Personally, I’m not happy to see this, but it happens and I haven’t heard of the consequences

Well, now everything will hang out

Guys, don’t cut it, save up some money and buy lowered struts, but if you don’t mind the car, then cut it, I’ve been driving for a year and a half on sawn springs, now I’m already thinking about putting back stock, because the car just falls apart because of this, every bump it feels like you're riding on square wheels

every week I drink two or three cars, every second gypsy and everyone is happy to the ass after taking a drink, thank you for the comment but you can’t convince them

I cut 3 turns, I only have 2 fingers to fit in

This video is about how not to cut springs

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