Why won't the Chevrolet Niva start? ways to solve problems

One of the most unpleasant situations that can happen to a vehicle owner is when the car does not want to start. To fix this, you first need to find out the cause of the machine breakdown. Unfortunately, even experienced motorists cannot always install it. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the main causes of the breakdown so that you can determine why the Chevrolet Niva does not start.

Electrical reasons

First of all, you need to remove the cap from the spark plug (any one) and install spark plug A17 DVRM. Holding it with pliers, turn on the starter.

To remove the cap, hold the spark plug by the hexagon (pliers with insulated handles are suitable). It is necessary that the spark plug body touches the “ground”. As a result, you will be able to see a spark. In the case where there is no spark, this indicates:

  • malfunction of the ECM or lack of voltage;
  • combustion of the ignition coil module;
  • damage to high-voltage wires.

By the way, a spark “in the air” does not guarantee its presence in the engine. Spark plugs can be faulty, there is a gap violation, etc.

The immobilizer blocks engine operation

When the immobilizer is activated, one way or another, it will block the engine from starting. This happens when, with the ignition on, the indicator starts flashing for 15 seconds and then goes out. Next, the system sends sound signals.

It’s time to disable the module on the Chevrolet Niva APS-4. Here you will need a training key (red), but APS-6 cannot be turned off. Basically, the ECM is forced to flash. There is no need to panic: the blocking is probably due to a broken reader in the cable.

Disabling the immobilizer yourself

As mentioned above, the need to carry out a procedure to disable the immobilizer may arise if it is unstable or the device breaks down. Pay attention to where the immobilizer is located, because if you don’t know, finding it is quite problematic.

This is what the immobilizer unit under the dashboard looks like.

Principle of operation

While the device is being programmed, it saves all information into an independent energy memory ( EEPROM ). All the source code and the pair of keys that come with this device are also stored there.

Disabling the entire immobilizer can only be done if it is physically disabled, that is, the power will be turned off, and all information will be erased from the ECU memory. In simple words, you need to turn off the power to the device and delete all information about it.

The procedure for shutting down a Chevrolet Niva

  1. If you decide to dismantle it yourself, then you will need a special jumper, which, after turning off the power, will ensure the ability to restore data exchange between the ECU and the diagnostic connector.

It clearly shows which contacts should be closed.

Then you need to determine what type of ECU is installed on the car, and most often it is usually Bosch M1.5.4.

  1. Afterwards, it is necessary to replace the “stock” chip with a special one, in which software is “built in” to clear the control memory.
  2. After this, turn on the ignition for a while so that the memory is cleared and “flashed.”
  3. After such manipulations, the engine should start normally, without any problems.

Nuances when disabling the immobilizer

  • On some cars where the VS.1 or January 5.1.x protocol is installed, it may be necessary to resolder the chips by physically removing the memory or using third-party software.
  • Please note that when performing this procedure, you will need not only a special cable and programs, but also an old firmware file, which must be reprogrammed on a desktop PC and “uploaded” back into the device.
  • On cars with the Bosch MP7.0H protocol, in order to turn off the immo, only desoldering the microcircuit and flashing it separately will help.

A little about the fuel rail

There is a control fitting 3 on the ramp with regulator 5. The latter is hidden by a cap; you need to unscrew it and carefully press the spool. Fuel poured out - therefore, it entered the ramp. However, it is possible that the required pressure is not generated. The reasons may be clogged filter cylinder, damage to the pump, etc.

The pressure must show 350 kPa, that is, 3.5 bar. To control it, unscrew the spool and then install a pressure gauge. On the eve of the test, you should reduce your blood pressure. If there is no fuel supply, you need to pay attention to whether the pump turns on or not when turning the key to the “I” mark. When cold, the pump should operate for 10 seconds with the engine running.

Note: What happens when there is water in gasoline? In the summer - nothing. But in winter, the food system sometimes becomes clogged with ice.

Functions and purpose

What should those who purchased a cheaper version of the Chevrolet Niva, but after a certain time still decided to install an immobilizer, do? You will have to understand its structure, operating principle and install it.

The immobilizer has a single and simple purpose - to prevent your car from being stolen. That is, when you try to gain access to your car, the immobilizer blocks its ability to move in every possible way. This is achieved in different ways: the fuel pump can be turned off, the air supply or air supply to the engine can be cut off, the main thing remains that the Niva remains immobilized and nothing can be done with it.

There are two methods for implementing blocking; they differ in the speed of implementation:

  • Instant.
  • Consistent.

The first looks like an instant blocking of the car as soon as they try to start it using a non-original key or without a key at all. That is, as soon as the thief tries to do something, the car becomes motionless. The other option is completely opposite. The car starts easily and comes completely under the control of the thief, but after 15-20 minutes it will instantly lock up and simply stall. As a rule, the car stops driving straight on a busy road, where there is no time to figure out what happened to the car, whether it broke down or the immobilizer was triggered. In this case, most often the thief simply runs away from the car and hides, because he won’t be able to do anything anyway. This further increases the vehicle's ability to remain with one owner.

So we come to the question of how does Niva know that the owner is next to the car and it is he who starts the engine? There are two detection methods:

  • Contact.
  • Contactless.

The first is that the car marks the correctness of the key being inserted based on its shape. That is, the immobilizer reacts to which key is inserted into the ignition switch. Here the calculation is made that the thief does not know which key is suitable for this or that car, but he still won’t be able to match each car, then the lock will work immediately. And the thief would have to carry a hundred or two keys with him, because the factory had invented enough different locks for the Niva car.

Another option is that the immobilizer and the car carry out constant radio exchange with each other. A special chip is built into the key, which generates a unique signal for identification by the car. There are also small variants of the device here. It may be that identification will be made only when the key is inserted into the lock, that is, the signal receiver is located above the keyhole. Another option is when the immobilizer has a more powerful transmitter and the Niva senses the location of its owner within a radius of 500 meters - 1 kilometer. This method is the most progressive, if only because it does not require a special, expensive lock, which will be equipped with microcircuits for signal recognition. In addition, when the owner moves a certain distance away from the car, the car is immediately blocked, because it already knows that the owner has gone far enough and he can’t start it now.

Fuel supply filter

There is always a small amount of moisture in the fuel. When this amount is increased, this is what can happen:

  • the first start always goes without problems;
  • After leaving the car in the parking lot, after 2-3 hours the driver will no longer be able to start the engine without repairs.

Everything mentioned should be attributed to the injection internal combustion engine. And here the fuel filter will be a candidate for failure. So, in the Chevrolet Niva it is located under the bottom in aluminum form. By the way, this is thought out on many machines.

Give way to fools...

There are different people (drivers) on the roads, and they can be divided into several groups:

  • Competent drivers - these include people (drivers) with extensive driving experience and experience who read the road situation well, can predict the behavior of other drivers and their behavior is understandable to other road users. These include drivers with little driving experience, who constantly improve their driving skills in their free time from driving and who know how to work on mistakes;
  • Beginners are people (drivers) with little driving experience who make a large number of mistakes while driving. They often create a nervous environment around them on the road, which can lead to an emergency.
  • Fools are people (drivers) who are not burdened with knowledge of driving behavior and do not want to acquire it. These also include people who are tyrants, who believe that they know everything and they are always right;
  • Sick or tired are people (drivers) who are in a state of fatigue or poor health, forced to drive due to certain life circumstances that forced them to drive in such a state;
  • Fraudsters are people (drivers) whose main activity is the illegal taking of money or property from the population through fraudulent actions on the roads;
  • Bandits are people (drivers) who engage in robbery and murder;
  • Psychopaths are people (drivers) in a state of passion or with mental pathologies;
  • Reckless drivers are people (drivers) who are capable of meaningless, harmful or offensive actions for the sake of dubious pleasure;
  • Sleepy – people (drivers) who fall asleep or are in a sleepy state because... did not spend enough time on your sleep;
  • Drunks are people (drivers) who are driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol.

For comfortable and safe road traffic, it is necessary to realize and understand that all of the listed groups of drivers are on the road in one proportion or another. You need to come to terms with this, calm down and treat it with understanding. You should not waste your nerves and health on the not entirely adequate behavior of this or that driver. There are not enough nerves and health for everyone.

It is not necessary to accurately determine who is driving a particular car.

Don't bother yourself with this, as human attention is limited. You can't keep track of everything

If a car appears near you, the driver of which behaves strangely (performs dangerous maneuvers or provocative actions), stay away from it. If this is not possible, then take all possible measures to avoid problems associated with such a driver:

  • increase the distance;
  • pull over to the side of the road;
  • change your braking style;
  • contact law enforcement agencies;
  • move to busy places;
  • turn on the emergency lights.

There is no need to teach fools how to live. They could be scammers or bandits. Remember that scammers or bandits can disguise their behavior as that of newcomers!

There is no need to teach newbies life. Due to their inexperience, they can cause such an accident, after which you will have to sort out problems for a long time.

Sometimes drivers may do strange or inexplicable things due to limited visibility.

You need to be more lenient towards people (drivers) on the road, since you were also a newbie and sometimes you also make mistakes!

Pumping up excess air

As you know, a Chevrolet engine sometimes does not want to spin because too much air is drawn into the intake manifold. Therefore, it is worth checking the fixation of all pipes and more.

The cause of excess air is damaged VUT. The engine on a Chevrolet Niva does not start while the starter is turning, which means you need to look for the problem in the brake system. But you can do it simpler:

  • remove the vacuum supply hose (from the amplifier side);
  • close the hose gap with your finger by performing a test run;
  • the engine starts, which means the problem has been found.

Despite its apparent simplicity, damage to the air supply is difficult to see. It is worth checking how the hoses are seated on the fittings and making sure the clamps are tight.

Damage to the starting system

Failure may manifest itself in improper operation of the starter device. Let us highlight 5 main malfunctions of this mechanism:

  1. The starter does not turn. The reason lies in a violation of the contact units, a break or short circuit in the starter circuit, or damage to the traction relay.
  2. When starting the starter on a Chevrolet Niva, there are repeated clicks. This indicates a malfunction of the traction relay, which is held by the winding, a discharge of the battery, or loose contact connections in the starter circuit.
  3. The starter starts, but the armature either does not rotate or rotates slowly. The cause may be a discharged battery, broken contact connections, burnt contacts of the traction relay, worn brushes, dirty commutator, interturn/short circuit of the windings.
  4. The starter turns on, the armature rotates, but the flywheel does not move. The problem may be loosening of the starter to the clutch housing, breakage of the flywheel teeth or drive gear. This would also include slipping of the freewheel of the drive and damage to the lever.
  5. The starter does not turn off after starting the Chevrolet Niva engine. The reason is a malfunction of the freewheel of the starter device, sintering of the contacts of the traction relay. If this damage occurs, stop the engine immediately.

Electrical faults

  1. First of all, for all types and models of cars, you should pay attention to the battery - it can be worn out or simply discharged.
  2. The starter has become wet or has become unusable.
  3. The terminals may have oxidized, resulting in poor battery contact.
  4. Malfunctions are often due to defects in spark plugs, which occur when using low-quality fuel. Also, the spark plugs could simply wear out, forming a large gap.
  5. Another reason is a blown fuse.
  6. Broken ignition relay.
  7. It is possible that the wire supplying the starter or injector has been torn off.
  8. The immobilizer is not working.

Why do you sometimes have to disable the immobilizer?

Chevrolet Niva - gaining access is very difficult, pay attention to the photo. Lada Kalina - the immobilizer is located behind the climate control elements; you need to remove the trim on the center console.

If you decide to disable the immobilizer and dismantle it, you need to restore the diagnostic line. For this, a special jumper is used to restore the possibility of data exchange between the diagnostic block and the engine ECU. To use other device options, you can simply cut and connect the wires, as a result of which the K-line will be restored. In this case, the connector will have to be installed in its original place. To do this, disconnect the electrical connector from the anti-theft device.

To do this, use a key to loosen the clamp on the battery terminal and disconnect it. All work is carried out with the on-board network turned off in order to prevent possible short circuits and voltage drops. Then you need to provide access to the installation site of the blocker. Installing it in the tunnel next to the driver’s right foot is not the most reliable option. It is better to place the lock on the steering column.

Comments and reviews

To do this, dismantle part of the cladding, unscrew all the screws that secure the plastic linings, and remove them. Make sure that there are no moving elements at the installation site; their impact could damage the blocker.

Provide access for laying wires to the device installation site. At the next stage, the main control unit is installed. Lock it in place. During movement, the module should not be exposed to vibration, otherwise the device will fail.

Finding out the cause of breakdowns

If you want your Chevrolet Niva to start, you must determine the problem. You can do this yourself or take it to a mechanic. But the second option requires serious financial investments. The best option, without significant investment of time and hard earned money, is to try to determine for yourself the reason why your car refuses to start. If you are unable to figure out the damage to your car on your own, you will have to contact a specialist.

When you turn the key, you can diagnose battery problems. If the panel, as they say, is silent, then you need to charge the battery. Recharging does not take much time, a few hours is enough. Perhaps the battery has already failed, then it needs to be replaced with a new one.

The cause of the malfunction is the starter. It can only be stated if there are no problems with the battery panel. It happens that you turn the key, the starter clicks, but does not start. Experts say that in this case the battery does not conduct the required amount of current to start the engine. To make sure there are problems with the starter, you need to measure the current and voltage with a volt and ammeter.

Sometimes problems with a car arise due to problems with the battery contacts. They can be detected by lifting the hood and visually assessing the level of oxidation. Unfortunately, car owners cannot always do this, due to the presence of rubber pads on the terminals.

If you suspect the source of the problem is the spark plugs, remove them from the cylinder and carefully inspect them. If they have black deposits on them and are wet, this indicates they are damaged. Dark brown is a normal candle color.

Glow plugs

The engine does not start in the cold - the first sign of failure of the spark plugs. When in good condition, candles heat the space from the inside. In the event of a breakdown, starting the engine is complicated by low temperatures and the formation of condensation.

We check the spark plugs with a multimeter and replace them with new ones as necessary. We also inspect the spark plug start relay. It should make a slight clicking sound.

The method described above is effective for the injector. In the case of a carburetor, the checking mechanism is as follows:

  • open the hood, wait until the engine cools down to a safe temperature;
  • remove the cradles one by one, unscrew the spark plugs, check them for a spark;
  • install new spark plugs, replace them if defective ones are found;
  • assembly in reverse order.

Why the Chevrolet Niva does not start: the starter turns, but the engine does not catch

It happens that the starter works fine, but the engine stubbornly refuses to start, although the Check lamp does not light up. In such cases, if we talk about the VAZ-2123 engine, we can immediately name 10 different reasons. All of them will be quite real, and not at all from the category of “contacts have oxidized.” In general, sometimes the Chevrolet Niva does not start, but the starter turns the shaft properly, and the reason should not be looked for there. Well, let's try to learn to recognize different reasons, that is, to distinguish one from the other.

Example in the video: the APS immobilizer blocked the engine because it was in learning mode!

Нет подачи топлива

Нередко двигатель РЅРµ запускается РїСЂРё неисправной РёР »Рё неправвльно отрегулподачи тов їР »РёРІР°. Попытки R·Р°РїСѓСЃРєР° такого дввггателя RѕR±S‹С‡РЅРѕ SЃРѕРїСЂРѕРІРѕР ¶РґР°СЋС‚СЃСЏ S…лопками, выстрелами РІ глушитель, появлением S‡РµСЂРЅРѕРіРѕ RєРѕРїС‚ящего дыРјР° Рё СЃРельного запаха бензина РёР· выхлопной трубы. Неисправность РІ карбюраторном двигателе обычно R ѕРїСЂРµРґРµР»СЏРµС‚СЃСЏ визуально.

RRѕSЃS‚аточно посветить S„онариком РІ перввичную РІРІС‚ оричную камеры. Если РЅР° стенках Ремеются SЃР»РµРґС‹ бензина, Р° РёР· СЂР°СЃРїС‹Р»РёС‚РµР»С Џ ускорительного насосР° топливо РЅРµ распыляется, Р° вытекает тонкой струеР№, — необходимо срочно выявить Рё устранить неисправность. Чтобы точно определить неисправность РІ инжекто SЂРЅРѕРј двигателе – необходимо SЃРїРµС†Реальное оборудованке, подключаемое Рє диагностическому СЂР° зъему автомобиля, СЃРїРѕСЃРѕР±РЅРѕРµ считывать РєРѕРґС‹ РѕС€РеР±РѕРє Рё неисправностей.

Чтобы определить РѕЃРїСЂР°РІРЅРѕСЃС‚СЊ S„РѕСЂСЃСѓРЅРѕРє, следует RѕS‚соеднить РїРѕС‚ рампы, после S‡РµРіРѕ RїРѕРїСЂРѕСЃРёС‚СЊ RїРѕRјR ѕС ‰РЅРёРєР° прокрутить двигатель стартером. Если РїСЂРё этом бензин вытекает РёР· сопла форсунки S‚олс S‚РѕР№ струей, Р»РеР±Рѕ РСРµ вытекает вообще, такую S„РѕСЂСЃСѓРЅРєСѓ SЃР»РµРґСѓРµС‚ РїСЂРѕРјС‹S ‚СЊ РІ ультразвуковой ванне Рели Р· аменить.

Чтобы Резбежать SЂР°Р·Р»РёС‡РЅС‹С… неожиданностей РІ пути, рекомендуется всегда перед выездом проверить РІСЃРµ SЃРёСЃС‚емы дввгателя, устранРёРІ РїСЂРё этом мелкие неисправности. RќР°РїСЂРёРјРµСЂ, ослабление RєРѕРЅС‚акта, наличРеРµ S‚рения RїСЂРѕРІРѕ РґРѕРІ Рё S€Р»Р°РЅРіРѕРІ Рѕ различ ные выступы, потеки масла Рё РґСЂСѓРіРіРёС… жидкостей Рё С‚.Рґ.

R' SЌS‚РѕРј SЃР»СѓС‡Р°Рµ РІС‹ RјРѕР¶РµС‚Рµ РЅРµ S‚олько SѓСЃС‚ранить RјРµР»РєРёР µ поломки, РЅРѕ также РІС‹СЏРІРёС ‚СЊ Рё предупредить более SЃРµСЂСЊРµР·РЅС‹Рµ, которые RјРѕРіСѓS ‚ привестк значительным Р·Р°С‚СЂР°С ‚ам СЃРёР» Рё средств. Оставайтесь всегда РјРѕР±Рельными. RЈРґР°С‡Рё РЅР° РґРѕСЂРѕРіР°С...!

оценок, среднее:

РёР· 5).


The ability to independently diagnose car faults will allow you to save money on a trip to a car service center, and very significantly. If your Chevrolet Niva does not start, do not rush to call a tow truck or use paid diagnostic services. Perhaps the problem lies on the surface and you can fix it yourself.

Chevrolet Niva does not start: three different sensors

The crankshaft position sensor will not indicate its failure in any way. The Check light will not light up, the engine will simply not start. Finding this sensor is easy if you know where the alternator belt is (see photo).

DPKV sensor connector

Here we check the serviceability of the wiring, as well as the distance from the sensor to the “teeth” (0.8-1.2 mm).

The second suspicious element will be the temperature sensor. The engine may not start only if it breaks. In this case, the electric fan should work without turning off. That is, a break in the DTOZH sensor circuit is easily recognized.

Element “6” is DTOZH

In the photo there is a sensor, and to get to it, the air duct is removed.

If the idle speed control malfunctions, the engine on a Chevrolet Niva does not start, but the starter turns. By the way, the Check lamp may be on. Diagnostics:

  1. Just lightly press the gas and turn on the starter;
  2. If the engine starts, but without gas it does not start, it means the IAC is faulty.

Correct installation

The installation procedure is as follows:

  1. Turn off the ignition in the car, open the hood and turn off the power to the on-board network. To do this, use a key to loosen the clamp on the battery terminal and disconnect it. All work is carried out with the on-board network turned off in order to prevent possible short circuits and voltage drops.
  2. Then you need to provide access to the installation site of the blocker. Installing it in the tunnel next to the driver’s right foot is not the most reliable option. It is better to place the lock on the steering column. To do this, dismantle part of the cladding, unscrew all the screws that secure the plastic linings, and remove them. Make sure that there are no moving elements at the installation site; their impact could damage the blocker. Provide access for laying wires to the device installation site.
  3. At the next stage, the main control unit is installed. Lock it in place. During movement, the module should not be exposed to vibration, otherwise the device will fail. Securely secure it with self-tapping screws. It is important that the immobilizer is disguised, this will prevent it from being disabled in the event of a break-in or illegal entry into the car. You can hide the device in the standard wiring harness.
  4. All the wires that come with the kit are laid at the installation site. Depending on the immobilizer model, the number of cables differs. They can be used not only to block the power unit, but also to control other systems and components. If the device is not contactless, then you need to connect the wires to all mechanisms, from the ignition switch to the auxiliary systems. To do this, use the diagram that is included in the package.
  5. At the next stage, the installation of blocking relays or sensors is carried out; here everything depends on the type of blocker.
  6. A diode indicator is installed in the car interior. There are two installation options - hidden and open. Sometimes mounting a light bulb openly can deter potential thieves. But some car owners choose a hidden installation option, then the criminal will not know about the presence of IMMO and engine blocking may confuse him. The attacker will need time to find the blocker and disable it.
  7. At the last stage, the procedure for programming and training the blocking device is carried out. The process is carried out in accordance with the indicators specified in the service manual.

If you have not encountered the process of connecting an immobilizer on a Niva Chevrolet, then it is better to entrust this procedure to specialists.

Auto electrician Sergei Zaitsev spoke about self-installation of the blocker.

Set of "electrical" reasons

The first step in diagnostics: remove the cap from any spark plug, install spark plug A17DVRM and, holding it with pliers, turn on the starter.

How to remove the cap

The spark plug must be held by the hexagon, the pliers must have insulated handles, and the spark plug body must touch the “ground”. As a result, a spark can be observed. If there is no spark, it means:

  • The ECM is faulty or is not receiving voltage;
  • The ignition coil module burned out;
  • High voltage wires are faulty.

The drawing for point “1” is given below.

Power supply point to the ECM

The presence of a spark “in the air” does not guarantee its presence in the engine. The spark plugs may be faulty, the gap may be incorrect, etc.

The number of reasons why the Chevrolet Niva does not start, but the starter turns, has increased to 7.

Immobilizer blocks engine starting

If the immobilizer has been activated, then sooner or later it will block the engine from starting. It happens like this: when you turn on the ignition, the indicator flashes for 15 seconds, then goes out. And then the system produces sound signals.

“2” – immobilizer lamp

The APS-4 module can be disabled. For this you need a “red” training key. Well, the APS-6 unit cannot be turned off. Usually you have to flash the ECM.

There is no need to panic right away: perhaps the blocking occurs due to irregularities in the “reader” wiring.

It’s so good that Blamper.ru exists! Now you don’t need to re-read hundreds of car forums.

There is no fuel injection, the spark plugs are dry, when fuel is injected into the cylinders with a syringe, it starts and immediately stalls. the spark plugs are dry, when fuel is injected into the cylinders with a syringe, it starts and immediately stalls

Hello. Dear! Try starting the engine using the second key, then you need to carry out diagnostics with a scanner and check the operating parameters of the immobilizer. Because of this, there is no impulse to the injectors.

Balakovo, Kia Ceed

Russia, Subaru Legacy

I tried the second and third, to no avail. I live in a remote village, no diagnostics, is there an easier way to get around this? I’ve already seen these answers for free.

Krasnoyarsk, Chevrolet Niva

Tell me, is an additional alarm system with auto start installed?

Balakovo, Kia Ceed

If a malfunction of the immobilizer or engine ECU is to blame, then there are no treatment methods away from diagnostic equipment. Unless you turn off the power to the entire car for a long time, several tens of minutes, and then try to start it. If the immobilizer warning light continues to indicate that the start is blocked, then no syringe with fuel will help. You can buy a new ECU as a last resort. Disable the immobilizer completely and the new ECU will start the engine.

Moscow, Chrysler Voyager

Will a Bosch 7.9.7 ECU work? Do I have 7.0?

Krasnoyarsk, Chevrolet Niva

There is Mongoose, I turned it off, the same picture.

Krasnoyarsk, Chevrolet Niva

No, 7.9.7 will not work. Need 7.0. And disabling the alarm may not restore the immobilizer circuit if a remote start and immobilizer bypass are installed.

Moscow, Chrysler Voyager

I found an online store with 7.0. It costs 8000 rubles, I’ll order it. It didn’t seem like there was a launch, I bought it used. It’s just a long wait with our mail. And what, there’s no way to get rid of this car with a key? I also turned off the immo, the check disappears. And it still won’t start. I’ll have to wait a month for a new Bosch. Thanks for the info.

Krasnoyarsk, Chevrolet Niva

Only with a new controller should the immobilizer be completely disconnected, otherwise it may block it again.

Moscow, Chrysler Voyager

I don't understand what to pay for? The car didn’t start, nothing was 100% resolved, anything could happen. In my opinion, the first 59 rubles. a lot for such advice.

Krasnoyarsk, Chevrolet Niva

Moscow, Chrysler Voyager

Fuel rail

On the ramp next to regulator 5 there is a control fitting 3. It is closed with a cap, which is unscrewed and then carefully pressed on the spool.

If fuel flows, it means it is entering the ramp. But perhaps the necessary pressure is not created. Reasons: clogged filter cylinder, pump malfunction, etc.

The pressure should be 350 kPa (3.5 bar). It is controlled by unscrewing the spool and installing a pressure gauge. Before checking, you need to reduce the pressure!

If fuel does not flow, notice whether the pump turns on when the key is turned to the “I” mark. When the ignition is turned on “cold”, the pump should run for 10 seconds.

What to do if your car catches fire or another emergency occurs on the road.

Most drivers, when faced with an emergency on the road, may simply panic, which can ultimately lead to a serious accident. Many motorists believe that the more experience they have in driving a car, the more prepared the driver is for dangerous situations that may arise while driving on the highway. But statistics say otherwise. Many experienced drivers, when faced with an emergency situation on the road, begin to panic and ultimately make unforgivable mistakes, which subsequently lead to an accident. Yes, this is true, when a tire in your car unexpectedly breaks and goes flat, or animals suddenly run out onto the road, for example, a dog, elk, wild boar, etc., and the brakes also disappear, these phenomena immediately cause panic in most drivers, which will only increase their risk of getting into a car accident. Therefore, according to experts, every driver, regardless of driving experience, should be well prepared for any of these emergency situations. He must clearly understand what he needs to do or do in certain circumstances.

There are many scary and dangerous things that can happen suddenly, especially when you are driving. But knowing how to react to emergency situations, you may be able to avoid an accident completely, or minimize the consequences of a traffic accident as much as possible. Here's what you need to do in the most common situations that happen on the roads while your car is moving.

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