We change the brake fluid on a VAZ-2112 with our own hands

Maintaining the required level of brake fluid is necessary for the proper operation of the vehicle's braking system. How much is needed can always be found in the service book, but often car owners are not used to looking into it, but act empirically or look for the answer on the Internet. It is these users that we will try to help figure out the question of how much brake fluid is needed for replacement and which one should be poured.

Brake fluid is the working fluid of the brake system, with its help the force created in the master cylinder is transmitted to the wheel pairs.

If the brake fluid level is below the minimum mark (by the way, this will be indicated by the corresponding icon on the instrument panel - a red circle with waves inside), then you need to top it up. It also doesn’t hurt to check the master brake cylinder and the brake system as a whole, since a decrease in the fluid level may indicate a malfunction or wear of the master cylinder gaskets. As a rule, the brake system of a passenger car contains from 0.55 to 1.0 liters of brake fluid. And its specification can very often be indicated on the body of the expansion tank or its cap.

When checking, do not forget to pay attention to the color of the liquid . The new TJ is transparent with a yellowish tint. During operation, it changes its color and becomes dark, this is mainly due to the accumulation of various impurities. If the fluid has darkened, this may mean that a complete replacement is necessary and simple topping up is not enough.

Experts recommend replacing brake fluid approximately every 2-3 years ; this interval is optimal, because the shelf life of the fluid can vary depending on hygroscopicity and susceptibility to temperature loads. For the brake mechanisms to function properly, the fluid must have a number of properties and also meet a certain standard.

Why do you need a pressure regulator?

Not every owner of a domestic “ten” will understand why the brake pressure regulator on a VAZ 2110 needs to be replaced. Simply, this name is not familiar to everyone. A popular designation for a regulator is a sorcerer.

This very sorcerer is located on the rear suspension of your car. It has a lever with a movable position. Depending on the moment of load on the spring, its position changes.

The voltage generated during actuation is directed and distributed to the brake piston. Pressing the piston pedal reduces the load on the rear pads. If the brake system is working properly, the loads are distributed evenly.

In order for the unit to function efficiently and without errors, it is necessary to adjust the brake pressure regulator on your VAZ 2110. This way you can prevent untimely wheel locking.

Why does the brake pedal fail when the engine is running?

Most often, the brake pedal fails when the car is running for the following reasons:

the main brake cylinder is faulty;

there is not enough brake fluid or it is of poor quality;

discs or pads are worn out;

the brakes are heated to too high a temperature, etc. If the pedal does not fall, but after starting it seems tight, and the car does not brake well, make sure that the VUT is in good working order. There are other signs of problems with this node:

engine speed fluctuates when you press the brake, although the fluid remains in the brake system reservoir;

When the engine is turned off, the pedal is always elastic, and not after several presses.

The vacuum brake booster is designed to reduce the driver's effort on the corresponding pedal during braking. Often problems arise due to damage to the vacuum diaphragm of the amplifier. Remember that this mechanism only works when the car is running.

Defects or wear in the diaphragm interfere with the vacuum in the booster chamber, so the brake feels very hard when applied after the engine starts. You can verify this by simply pressing the brake with the engine turned off: after 2-3 pumps, your leg should feel elastic, after which the engine starts. If the pedal does not become softer, you need to check the vacuum booster.

How to properly bleed the brakes on a VAZ 2110 yourself

Self-bleeding the brakes of a VAZ 2110, 8 valves or 16 – it doesn’t matter (as well as the type of power supply, carburetor or injector), is available in three ways:

  • exposure to pressure;
  • exposure to rarefaction;
  • by gravity.

Self-pumping under pressure

On the VAZ 2110, bleeding the brakes under the influence of external pressure is possible using additional equipment.

You will need:

A device for bleeding the brakes for one person (a cap with a nipple to create pressure in the system). Can be used as a special device such as a pump, compressor, inflated wheel (chamber)

  • compressor, pump or tank with compressed air (a spare tire will do);
  • air supply hose;
  • nipple for tubeless wheel;
  • TZ tank cap without sensor (from Zhiguli);
  • drill of a diameter corresponding to the fitting diameter of the nipple.

Before you bleed the brakes on a VAZ 2110 yourself, you need to take the reservoir cap and drill a hole in it. The nipple should be inserted into it so that it sits there tightly. This cap must be screwed onto the GTZ tank, after adding fluid to the maximum.

Then you need:

  1. Get to the brake fitting, remove the cap from it, put on a 8 or 10 key and a hose, immersing its end in a container (as described above).
  2. Connect the air supply hose to the nipple in the reservoir cap.
  3. Apply pressure to the tank through the nipple by pressing the compressor gun, pumping the pump or putting the hose on the spare tire.
  4. Unscrew the fitting to bleed air bubbles from the brake circuit.
  5. Wait until the fuel fluid flows through the hose in an even stream without bubbles.
  6. Tighten the fitting and stop the pressure supply.
  7. Repeat steps 3-6 for the remaining wheels.

Bleeding the brakes with vacuum

Instead of excess pressure, vacuum can be used to bleed the brakes of the VAZ 2110. To do this, you will need a large syringe (from 100 cubic meters) and a hose to connect it to the fitting.

The procedure is as follows:

  1. Open the reservoir on the GTZ and fill in the maximum amount of liquid.
  2. Place the key on the fitting and connect the fitting to the syringe with a hose.
  3. Open the fitting and pull the syringe plunger towards you, creating a vacuum in the brake circuit.
  4. After filling the syringe, close the fitting and drain the fuel fluid into the container.
  5. Repeat the manipulations from steps 2-4 until the liquid begins to flow into the syringe in an even stream without bubbles.
  6. Repeat steps 2-5 for all wheels, following the order of bleeding the VAZ 2110 brakes.

This method is less efficient and consumes more fuel fluid, so it is used when pumping with pressure is not possible. It should be remembered that it is not worth reusing the pumped-out fuel fluid, due to the presence of contaminants from the circuit and atmospheric moisture in it.

Bleeding VAZ 2110 brakes by gravity

Bleeding brakes 2110 by gravity is the simplest, but most expensive method in terms of using brake fluid. All you need is hoses, drainage containers and a DOT-4 bottle. Pumping is carried out in this order:

A dropper with which it is convenient to bleed the brakes yourself

  1. Open the GTZ tank.
  2. Place the hoses on the fittings and insert their free ends into the containers under the drain.
  3. Unscrew the fittings on the brake cylinders.
  4. Start pouring fresh fuel oil into the GTZ tank, while simultaneously observing the streams from the fittings.
  5. When the liquid begins to flow through the hoses smoothly and without bubbles, tighten the bleeder fittings one by one.

If, as a result of pumping, the liquid in the tank does not reach the Max level, you need to top it up. If there is too much TJ, the excess must be pumped out with a syringe. It is not recommended to reuse the fuel fluid drained from the fittings; it must be disposed of.

How to bleed the brakes of a VAZ 2110 without removing the wheels

It is not necessary to remove the wheels to bleed the brake system. This is necessary to facilitate access to the fittings, but you can do without this item if:

  • drive the car into a pit or overpass;
  • raise it on a lift;
  • use a high jack.

Since you can pump the front brakes on a VAZ 2110 purely by turning them out, this operation can be performed on any flat surface. To access the fitting for the left wheel, you need to turn the steering wheel all the way to the right, and for the right wheel, turn it all the way to the left. The gap between the wheel and the arch will be quite enough.

A pit, overpass or lift is needed to access the rear wheel fittings. You can use a jack to raise the rear end and straighten the strut spring to its highest position. The wheel will lower relative to the arch and the resulting gap will be enough to reach the fitting by hand. But since it is more convenient to unscrew 4 bolts, it is better not to “reinvent the wheel” and pump the brakes by removing the wheel.

Need for replacement

Replacing brake fluid (hydraulic solution) in a car can be done if its properties are lost, as well as if a malfunction occurs in the braking system. Loss of properties of the brake compound may occur during prolonged use under high load conditions.

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This is due to the fact that during braking the solution is compressed. As a result, it loses its viscosity and becomes more liquid. In addition, it is highly hygroscopic and becomes saturated with water during long-term use. Such water saturation reduces the boiling point of the working composition and leads to the loss of its properties.

In addition, during the operation of the vehicle, various mechanical malfunctions of the brake system may occur. For example, a grinding or knocking noise may appear when braking. In this case, creaking and vibration indicate complete wear of the pads. And most often the knocking is caused by caliper elements that have lost the strength of their fastening.

Such malfunctions lead to leakage of the hydraulic solution and the appearance of air in the system. Air pockets are not allowed because they prevent the vehicle from stopping effectively.

Properties of brake fluid

Liquid differs from gases in that it practically does not compress. When pressure is transferred to it in a short period of time throughout the entire volume that it occupies, the pressure will be the same, and with rapid braking it can reach 100 atmospheres. The transmission of fluid pressure occurs similarly to the transmission of electric current in a network. Just like wires, which are made of a special material, brake fluid must have certain properties for sufficient pressure transfer. The most important of them:

  • Remain liquid under all operating conditions: do not freeze or boil.
  • Retain its properties for a long time.

In recent years, brake fluid has been produced on the basis of dihydric alcohols - glycols and their derivatives. The DOT classification makes it possible to produce mixtures that are interchangeable and neutral to the metal and rubber parts of the vehicle’s braking system.

Advice: Do not mix liquids from different manufacturers and different classes, as this may change their properties. Glycol fluids should not be mixed with castor fluids.

The quality and properties of brake fluid depend on:

  • Boiling point, which also takes into account moisture absorption from two to four percent. The higher the temperature, the better the quality.
  • Viscosity-temperature indicators and their stability.
  • Lubricating and anti-corrosion properties.
  • Compatible with rubber materials.
  • The brake fluid on the VAZ 2112 should be replaced every one and a half to two years. Or 40,000 kilometers of car mileage.

Advice: Fluid that has changed its color to gray-brown must be replaced immediately. This indicates the accumulation of decomposition products, wear of parts or their friction. Dirt particles can cause brake failure or jamming.

  • The highest price is for “original” TOYONA, NISSAN, HONDA fluids, which can be used on cars of any brand, including VAZ 2112.
  • Brake fluid absorbs moisture from the environment, so it cannot be stored in an open container.

How to replace brake fluid on a VAZ 2113-VAZ 2115?

Note! To change the fluid, we recommend that you take an assistant with you, since with an assistant this operation will be much easier to perform than alone, and also perform this operation on a lift or on an inspection pit!

1) At the very beginning, first unscrew the cap (Indicated by the arrow, but it has already been removed) from the brake reservoir.

2) Then go down under the bottom of the car and be sure to look for the fitting on the rear right wheel, which is indicated by an arrow in the photo, but this fitting will be closed with a protective cap that you will need to remove (the cap in the photo has already been removed and it is in the person’s hand) .

3) Now that the fitting has been found, pick up the plastic bottle that you should have prepared earlier and then fill this bottle with a little new brake fluid, and after filling, first put the end of the hose on the fitting itself, and with the other end lower it into the bottle and be sure to in the bottle, immerse it in the brake fluid that you just poured into the bottle.

4) Next, ask your assistant to smoothly press the brake pedal several times (6-7 times), and on the last press, warn him to push the brake pedal all the way down and hold it there.

5) At this time, use a wrench to carefully loosen the fitting by 3-4 turns and see how the used brake fluid immediately flows into the bottle.

Note! While the used fluid is being poured into the bottle, be sure to monitor the level of fluid in the brake reservoir, under no circumstances lower it below 10-15 mm, otherwise air will get into the system and you will have to bleed the system, so there will be little brake fluid left in the reservoir , screw the fitting completely and tell the assistant to remove his foot from the pedal and then go up to the top and add new liquid to the MAX mark, and after adding, continue operations 2-5 from the beginning until new liquid begins to flow into the bottle!

And when new liquid begins to gradually flow into the bottle, immediately tighten the fitting and perform the same operations with the remaining three wheels in the sequence: Front left wheel, then rear left and then front right, but this is provided that you started pumping from the rear right wheel !

6) When you finish changing the fluid, press the brake pedal a couple of times and pay attention that the pedal travel and its resistance are the same, if the pedal travel and resistance differ, let’s say the pedal was pressed lightly the first time, hard the second time and lightly again the third time, then this means that air has entered the system, in this case you will need to bleed the brake system on the car. (For information on how to bleed the brakes, see

in the article entitled: “Bleeding brakes on a VAZ”)

We pump the brakes of a VAZ 2110 ourselves

Actually, bleeding the brakes alone is no more difficult than with a partner, and in some cases even easier. If, of course, we have certain additional equipment. This gadget is made from an old expansion tank plug and a nipple from the chamber (or a fitting of the appropriate diameter).

The purpose of the stray is to build up pressure in the system without affecting the brake pedal. To do this, we will use a spare tire (or an inflated chamber) with a pressure of no higher than 1 atm.

The pumping scheme is the same - add fluid to the maximum, tighten the auxiliary plug with the fitting and apply pressure to the system.

Controlling the liquid level, we bleed air from the system according to the diagram presented above. Instead of a spare wheel or a camera, you can carefully use a simple pump or compressor, but make sure that the pressure does not exceed 1 atm. After pumping, we check the level again, add fluid if necessary and test the operation of the brake system while driving.

Completion of work

At this time, there must be an assistant in the vehicle interior who will carry out the pumping process. To do this, he will need to press the brake pedal with sudden movements. In this case, it should be squeezed to the lowest position 5-6 times. After the required number of presses, the pedal must be locked in its lowest position.

The cylinder air valve should then be unscrewed 1/2 turn. This will cause the fluid to squeeze out and flow through the hose. After the brake circuit is completely released, the operating pedal in the passenger compartment will fall to the floor. After waiting until the hydraulic solution has completely flowed out, the outlet valve fitting must be tightened. A similar bleeding procedure should be repeated on the other rear wheel, and then move on to the front.

The main nuances of pumping the brake system on VAZ 2110 cars

The correct algorithm for bleeding the system should be observed, taking into account the diagonal separation of the brake circuits. If you do not quite understand what the diagonal separation of the contours of the VAZ brake system is, just follow the following sequence of actions:

  • bleed the system through the fitting of the rear right wheel, close it;
  • go to the front left, follow a similar procedure;
  • open the rear left fitting;
  • We complete the procedure on the front right wheel.

After all work, be sure to check the tightness of all fittings. Ask your partner in the car to press the brake pedal to the floor, and you yourself, wiping the fitting with a dry cloth, visually check for any leaks. Make sure the brake hoses and lines are completely dry. Only after you have checked all the fittings do you put caps on them.

If after several days of driving the brake pedal again becomes sluggish and the performance of the brakes has worsened, you should not be overly upset. Most likely, shrinkage of the brake fluid occurred (re-foaming of the brake fluid and bubbling of the lines with air). This could happen due to corrosion of both the system itself and poor quality of the liquid itself.

Replacing brake fluid on a VAZ 2110 sometimes results in the above-mentioned problems. Nothing wrong with that. We call our partner back and repeat the pumping procedure again. Checking the brake fluid level. Afterwards you definitely shouldn’t have any problems.


The task of the driver and car owner part-time is to constantly monitor the condition of the brake system.

Failure of one of its elements can lead to serious consequences. Therefore, you should know what exactly is included in the braking system.

The components of the vehicle are:

  • Brake fluid reservoir mounted on the GTZ;
  • Metal pipelines of two circuits;
  • Flexible brake hoses for front and rear wheels;
  • GTZ (brake master cylinder located in the engine compartment);
  • Brake cylinders of front and rear wheels;
  • Pressure regulator;
  • Brake fluid level sensor;
  • Vacuum booster.

Tank with TJ

According to the recommendations of specialists, the replacement of the TZ is carried out once every 3 years, but at least once every 45 thousand kilometers.

The main nuances of pumping the brake system on VAZ 2110 cars

The correct algorithm for bleeding the system should be observed, taking into account the diagonal separation of the brake circuits. If you do not quite understand what the diagonal separation of the contours of the VAZ brake system is, just follow the following sequence of actions:

  • bleed the system through the fitting of the rear right wheel, close it;
  • go to the front left, follow a similar procedure;
  • open the rear left fitting;
  • We complete the procedure on the front right wheel.

After all work, be sure to check the tightness of all fittings. Ask your partner in the car to press the brake pedal to the floor, and you yourself, wiping the fitting with a dry cloth, visually check for any leaks. Make sure the brake hoses and lines are completely dry. Only after you have checked all the fittings do you put caps on them.

If after several days of driving the brake pedal again becomes sluggish and the performance of the brakes has worsened, you should not be overly upset. Most likely, shrinkage of the brake fluid occurred (re-foaming of the brake fluid and bubbling of the lines with air). This could happen due to corrosion of both the system itself and poor quality of the liquid itself.

Replacing brake fluid on a VAZ 2110 sometimes results in the above-mentioned problems. Nothing wrong with that. We call our partner back and repeat the pumping procedure again. Checking the brake fluid level. Afterwards you definitely shouldn’t have any problems.

The brake system is one of the important systems in a car, because without brakes it is impossible to imagine a single trip, even the shortest one. The brake system is made up of many parts, but the blood in its veins is brake fluid. We choose high-quality brake fluid for the VAZ 2110.

Why do you need to change the brake fluid? Brake fluid is used under difficult conditions, as a result of which, even during quiet driving, it can heat up to +150-180°C. New high-quality brake fluid copes with its duties without difficulty. But during operation it inevitably absorbs moisture, which causes the boiling point to decrease. As soon as the brake fluid collects a large amount of water, it can already boil at 145-160°C. What causes “vapor blocking of the brakes” is when, due to the sharp expansion of the formed bubbles, part of the liquid is squeezed into the reserve tank, and when the pedal is pressed, the liquid remaining below cannot create the required pressure, because is saturated with bubbles, and the pedal falls through. How to check the condition and level of the brake fluid? The brake fluid level is checked by the level on the barrel. The condition of the brake fluid is determined by its color. If it is darkened or has a rusty color, then it should be replaced.

How long does it take to change the brake fluid in a VAZ 2110? According to the regulations, after 45,000 km or 3 years, whichever comes sooner.

Which brake fluid to choose for the VAZ 2110? Brake fluid, like fuels and lubricants, should be purchased from a trusted brand and in trusted places, this way you will protect yourself from buying a low-quality product. When choosing, you can rely on a review of VAZ brake fluid. survey results or comments.

What type of brake fluid should I choose for the VAZ 2110? Brake fluid is classified into DOT 3, 4, 5 and 5.1.

  • DOT 3 (glycol base) – for relatively low-speed vehicles with drum brakes or front disc brakes;
  • DOT 4 (glycol base) – on modern high-speed cars with predominantly disc brakes on all wheels;
  • DOT 5.1 (glycol base) - on road sports cars where the thermal load on the brakes is significantly higher.
  • DOT 5 (silicone) is practically not used on conventional vehicles.

Glycol-based brake fluid absorbs water and corrodes paint. Silicone brake fluid does not absorb water or corrode paint, but requires good brake bleeding. Otherwise, all the moisture in the hydraulic system will accumulate in one place and can cause localized corrosion in the hydraulics.

Brake fluid compatibility All brake fluids are interchangeable in nature. That is, DOT 3, 4, 5.1 are interchangeable, and DOT 5 is only interchangeable with itself.

How to replace brake fluid in a VAZ 2110? You can change the brake fluid according to these instructions.

So, let’s vote and leave reviews about brake fluid for VAZ 2110-12:

  1. What brand of brake fluid did you choose?
  2. What type of brake fluid do you use?
  3. What brake fluid was added before?
  4. How often do you change the brake fluid?
  5. Impressions and comments on brake fluid?

ps Off-topic comments will be deleted.


Some drivers don’t even know where to fill the brake fluid in the VAZ 2114 (even though the VAZ brake fluid reservoir is visible), not to mention the rules. DOT-4 needs to be added only if its level in the tank has dropped below the halfway point between the MIN and MAX marks. To do this, simply unscrew the tank cap and fill it to the top mark. The brake fluid volume should not exceed the maximum mark.

Do not under any circumstances mix products from different manufacturers and brands. This may lead to system failure, which will adversely affect your financial situation when contacting the service. Be sure to ask an expert how to add brake fluid.

In general, if all necessary conditions and rules are observed, everything is done quite simply. Any measures to normalize the operation of a car require certain tools and special clothing. This should not be forgotten, since contact with human skin of chemicals contained in fuels and lubricants is extremely dangerous to health.

But whatever one may say, in the quest for durability and reliability of your car there is nothing you can do. The acquired skills can be applied not only to the VAZ 2114, but also to other models of the domestic automobile industry. For example, the VAZ 2115 has an absolutely identical device.


AutoNews / Reviews / Tests

How to Bleed Brakes on a VAZ 2112 Video

As it is also called, together with a partner they brake a VAZ 2110

Almost all car owners are faced with the need to pump their brakes, regardless of the brand of car they drive. But let's talk about how to turn off the brakes

, read the rules, pumping order.

When it is necessary?

If our customer has nothing left to do, the brake components are working properly, the brake water paths are tight, then they do not require bleeding. But if there is a TJ leak due to the "overpass" being damaged and its level falling, it will be useful to repair the brakes and the stable pump.

This is a particularly necessary procedure, because airing the accounting system leads to the fact that at the moment when everything still needs to be done for our client, seconds are decided, the brakes do not work. Nothing will pump right now, no one.

Therefore, we will immediately take such a step if we find that the brake pedal has increased its travel; it becomes “soft,” as car owners say. brake. "cotton".

Hydraulic brake circuit

There are already other prerequisites for pumping:

  • For you, you had to interfere with the accounting system;
  • Cracks appeared in the hoses, TJ leakage;
  • The brake fluid turned out to be bad and requires a complete replacement;
  • You've changed your brake discs (sometimes you need to do this);
  • The water content of liquid fuel has increased (it is hygroscopic, i.e. it absorbs and retains water), so it must be changed as needed.

What can't be done?

You must add TZ for all brake repair work. Remember: you can only add “native” liquid. exactly the brand that is already filled in your VAZ 2110.

Brake water from different manufacturers

It is impossible to combine different brands under any circumstances, because the result is unpredictable! If not, this is the only way out. completely change TJ in the system.

a priority

There is a strict sequence for bleeding the brakes

on a VAZ 2110. It’s better not to violate it. To do this you need to drive right rear first and then front left. Later. rear left, and the last one. front right.

We work with a partner

The best thing. It's more convenient, safer, to turn off the brakes together. When more than 80% of VAZ 2110 owners create this operation.

First of all, make sure that TJ is not leaking anywhere, and everything else is tight. Then add water until it reaches the Maha rice.

Now let's start bleeding the brakes:

  1. The wheel where you will pump the mechanism needs to be hung; how to rotate the wheels correctly has already been said;
  2. The rear brake has a special pressure regulator. It must be unlocked by inserting a screwdriver between the piston and the plate;
  3. Locate the release valve on the appropriate brake mechanism. Wipe it down, remove the cap and put the rubber hose on your head;
  4. Pour some of the same brake water that is in the system into a previously prepared three-liter jar (otherwise into another transparent container), lower the end of the hose so that the hole is immersed in the liquid;
  5. The driving assistant presses the brake pedal sharply about 4 or 5 times at full speed. Holds the pedal when pressed for the last time;
  6. At this time, you open the valve halfway, saying ¾, and watch the TG run down the hose. There need air bubbles there. When the leak stops, close the valve completely;
  7. Only then can your assistant release the pedal;
  8. Then again the assistant “presses” the brake and holds the pedal down, and you repeat the manipulation of the valve;
  9. The brake mechanism is considered fully inflated when no more air bubbles are emitted. This is natural, it will take 3-4 steps;
  10. Now remove the hose, wipe the fitting, attach the protective cap to it;
  11. Repeat the same procedure with all brake mechanisms. Remember to use the diagonal principle correctly;
  12. Pull out the screwdriver in which the pressure regulator is blocked.

How to bleed the brakes on video 2112.


If there is no assistant, it is possible, although not so convenient, to brake the VAZ 2110 without assistance.

Naturally, the special device is the aerator, which they purchase, as they call it, without the help of others.

For this you will find:

  • brake reservoir cap (“classic”). without sensor, normally dark;
  • auto nipples;
  • Drill 14mm (use round ratchet).

Make a hole in the lid, insert the nipple tightly without gap. It's all on the device. It is necessary to connect the wheel valve (spare wheel or removed from the connected vehicle) to the tank valve.

Choosing new pads

When purchasing new front brake pads, it is important to pay attention to a few key points.

  1. Quality. Examine the part visually, check the assembly level. Some details even outwardly indicate that they are not worth buying.
  2. Certificates and packaging. Packaging can often say much more than the part itself. Study it to see if it matches the original. Nowadays, it’s not difficult to find manufacturers’ websites online and study how their products are packaged and certified. Never be afraid to ask sellers for documents for a particular spare part.
  3. Price. Good pads cannot be cheap.
  4. Manufacturer.

Set of brake linings
As for manufacturers, a certain group of leaders has now formed who produce high-quality brake pads suitable specifically for the VAZ 2114.

  • High-quality fibers are used for the linings, which makes the structure more technologically advanced and lighter;
  • An anti-noise plate is used to make the pads, preventing squeaks when triggered
  • A special groove is provided to prevent contamination;
  • The design includes a lining wear sensor

To work on replacing the front brake pads on a VAZ 2114 you will need:

  • Balloon wrench;
  • Jack;
  • A set of keys;
  • Support stand;
  • Flat screwdriver;
  • New brake pads;
  • WD40 product.

Now let's proceed directly to the procedure for replacing the pads.

  1. Place the car on a level surface, place supports under the wheels to prevent the car from moving, and be sure to turn on the handbrake.
  2. Loosen the fastenings on the rims, lift the car on a jack, and place a support stand. This will prevent the car from falling if the jack accidentally falls off.
  3. Remove the wheel from the car.
  4. The brake mechanism must be thoroughly cleaned and all dirt accumulated on it must be removed. If there are traces of oil, use warm water and detergent.
  5. When cleaning is finished, wait a while to allow all the moisture to dry.
  6. Under no circumstances should you wash it with gasoline or other caustic substances. This will cause the seals and gaskets to deteriorate and will have to be replaced. And this is not the easiest thing. Don't create problems for yourself.
  7. Remove the brake hose from the bracket. It is attached to the shock absorber strut.
  8. Check the level of the brake fluid in the reservoir. If the tank is completely full, use a syringe to remove some of the liquid.
  9. Using a flathead screwdriver, pry the brake pads away from the brake rotor. For this you will need a viewing window.
  10. On the other side of the caliper there is a bolt connecting the caliper to the bracket. You will need to bend the locking plate and remove the bolt using a 13mm wrench. At the same time, be sure to hold the pin so that it does not turn. You need to hold the element by the hex head.
  11. Lift the caliper up and lock it in this position.
  12. Get rid of the old front brake pads.
  13. Before replacing, be sure to measure the thickness of the brake disc itself. The working thickness should be 10.8 millimeters or more. If the thickness is less than recommended, you will have to change the disk itself.
  14. If everything is fine with the disk, proceed to cleaning the seats. This is necessary in order to prevent the slightest distortions and unevenness when installing new brake pads. If this is not done, the decks will be produced unevenly.
  15. Before installing the caliper, examine the condition of the fastening. In some cases it may require replacement. Even if the condition is good, be sure to lubricate the element.
  16. Check the stroke of the piston rod. If the stroke is maximum, this indicates wear of the element.
  17. Return the rod to its place, only carefully. If you do not pump out the brake fluid first, it will begin to flow into the reservoir. Let's hope you followed the replacement sequence.
  18. Replace the new efficient brake pads, replace the caliper and reassemble the unit in reverse order.
  19. Carry out a similar procedure with the second wheel. It is strictly forbidden to change the pads on only one of the front brakes. This will cause the system to work unevenly. The pads are always changed on two wheels at the same time, regardless of the degree of wear of one of them.

It is quite possible to replace the front brake pads on a VAZ 2114. Follow the instructions and purchase only high-quality spare parts.

Bleeding the system - (methods of execution: two people)

We prepare a clean glass vessel, a plastic or rubber tube corresponding to the volume of the outlet nipple, and a key for the nipple.

Remove the protective cap from the first nipple according to the order of work. We put the tube and key on the nipple, place the other end of the tube in a glass jug and fill it with brake fluid so that it closes the end of the tube. We check that the level in the reservoir with hydromechanical fluid is kept slightly above the MIN degree estimate in the operation of the entire process.

The assistant must depress the brake pedal all the way to the stop a number of times in order to generate pressure, then leave it in this state.

Unscrew the nipple (approximately one turn) and allow the liquid to drain into the jug. At the same time, the assistant must press the pedal all the way to maintain pressure and release it. if necessary. When all the liquid has drained. tighten the outlet nipple and tell the assistant to slowly release the pedal, then check the fluid level in the reservoir.

Repeat these steps until there are no air bubbles in the liquid coming out of the nipple.

Bleeding brakes on a VAZ 2110

Structurally, the brake system on the VAZ 2110 is unified; exactly the same configuration is used on other VAZ models. For beginners, it is better to use the method with an assistant who is more experienced in car repair and maintenance. The brakes are pumped strictly according to a certain pattern. First the back right side, then the left front, then the left back and finally the right side in front.

Method of pumping with the participation of an assistant

The procedure looks like this:

  1. Add fluid to the expansion tank to the maximum mark.
  2. If the vehicle is on a lift and the rear wheels are off, you should unlock the rear brake pressure regulator by inserting a flat-head screwdriver between the piston and the pressure plate.
  3. Clean all dirt from all outlet fittings on the wheel brake cylinders.
  4. Remove the protective rubber cap from the fitting for bleeding the system, put a rubber hose on it (suitable for a dropper) and lower the other end into a transparent bottle with brake fluid so that the end of the hose is in the liquid.
  5. At this time, the assistant should be in the driver’s seat and, at intervals of one or two seconds, press the brake pedal all the way, and then hold it pressed.
  6. When the brake pedal is pressed, you need to unscrew the fitting on the cylinder no more than one turn. Liquid with air bubbles will flow through the hose into the container. When the flow stops, you need to tighten the valve and repeat the procedure until clean liquid without air bubbles comes out into the container.

In this case, you need to constantly monitor the fluid level in the expansion tank and, if necessary, top up to the maximum mark.

After pumping one side, you can move to the other, so all circuits are pumped.

Bleeding the brakes without an assistant

To bleed the brakes alone without an assistant, you need to use a special device called an Aerator; it costs no more than 70 rubles, and if you wish, you can easily do it yourself. To do this you will need to purchase the following parts:

  • cap of the expansion tank of the “classic” VAZ without a sensor;
  • car wheel nipple;
  • round file or needle file

A hole with a diameter of 14 mm is made in the lid, where the nipple is installed. After this, the valve on the tank is connected to the valve on the wheel. The car is jacked up and the wheels are removed. After this, you can unscrew the bleeder fitting half a turn, and the pressure from the nipple will quickly expel all the air from the system. One tire inflated to 2 atmospheres is quite enough. In this case, air can be supplied in other ways, for example, with a car compressor for inflating tires. It is not recommended to supply pressure above one atmosphere to the system, especially if a compressor is used, which can create excess pressure.

Every car enthusiast should know how the brake system is pumped, because safety on the road depends on serviceable and effective brakes, not only for the driver, but also for passengers, as well as other road users. This simple procedure does not take much time, but if it seems too complicated, you can always contact the service, where the procedure will be carried out even faster and will give a guarantee on the quality of the work performed.

We recommend reading:

  • The procedure for replacing the VAZ 2110 timing belt
  • Malfunctions and replacement of the fuel level sensor on a VAZ 2110 car
  • The procedure for replacing engine mounts on a VAZ 2110
  • VAZ 2110: how to approach replacing the heater radiator?
  • Support bearings for VAZ 2110
  • We replace the pump on a VAZ 2110

Preparatory stage

First of all, let's unlock the pressure regulator. Why is a screwdriver or other gasket inserted between its piston and the plate? The air valve fittings of the VAZ rear cylinders and brake calipers are likely to be covered with a decent layer of dirt and dust. It should be thoroughly cleaned before starting work.

Unlock the pressure regulator

Open the hood of the car and the lid of the brake fluid reservoir. Then we unscrew the fittings on all four wheels and let the fluid drain from there by gravity, taking with it all the debris accumulated in the system. We wait for some time and fill the reservoir of the VAZ 2110 with new brake fluid.

Do not close the fitting until the leaking liquid stops bubbling. Thus, the air is replaced by brake fluid. After all the fittings have been closed, the system needs bleeding, since there is still air in the lines.

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