Why the speedometer on the VAZ 2110 does not work - reasons and repairs

As you know, devices installed in a car allow you to monitor the situation while driving on the streets and monitor the operation of the engine and all other systems. Among others, the speedometer occupies a special place. It is located on the dashboard directly above the steering wheel. With its help, the driver finds out at what speed the car is moving.

In a situation when the speedometer and the injector installed on the VAZ-2110 do not work properly, the person behind the wheel puts both his own health and the lives of passengers at risk. At the same time, he can easily “earn” a fine from a traffic police officer for speeding too high. Thus, a working speedometer allows you to avoid a considerable amount of trouble.

Why does the speedometer break?

It is worth noting that in some cases it is not difficult to repair the speedometer yourself.
In others, you will need the help of specialists. Thus, oxidation of contacts is considered a fairly easy to fix fault. It is characterized by the “jumping” of the arrow, despite the fact that the speed of movement remains stable. The problem is resolved by cleaning the contacts.

The wires are frayed. This reason can be suspected by the chaotic movement of the needle when starting the engine. Meanwhile, experts note that sometimes the problem does not manifest itself for a long time. It can be identified using a tester.

Sensor failure. A speed control device whose performance is questioned is replaced with a known good one. If the speedometer begins to function normally after this procedure, then there is no point in further looking for damage. Often sensors become unusable after their housing is destroyed and water or dirt gets inside.

Connectors. They are located in the VAZ-2110 in a place where they are constantly exposed to dirt. As a result, the contact is broken and the speedometer needle moves chaotically. The connectors must be completely cleaned and the connection must be checked for reliability.

Often the speedometer also begins to malfunction due to shaft wear. In this situation, it will be possible to get rid of the problem only after completely replacing the above-mentioned part.


First of all, they check the pads - dirt, grease and soot get on them, and this is enough for the device in question to stop functioning.

Review all contacts carefully. If necessary, clean them with a regular stationery eraser until they shine. Gently tug the wires - one of them may have come off.

Make sure all fuses in your 2110 are intact.

When this does not help, test the wires with a tester. After detecting a break, replace the unusable wire with a whole one - do not try to repair it, as twists increase the resistance, which puts a greater load on the electrical system of the machine.

You should also not particularly trust insulating tape - it can come off due to vibration or cold and cease to perform its insulating function. Accordingly, the exposed wire will probably close at the first opportunity.

Purpose and principle of operation of the speedometer

The car speed meter kit consists of a speed sensor (DS), connecting wires, a mains fuse and an indicating device. On the “tens”, a dial speedometer is installed. It is located on the dashboard and is made in a single unit with other instruments and indicators. When the car is moving, the speedometer needle shows the true speed, and the odometer records the distance traveled. Readings are displayed either on the LCD display or on the drum counter.

On VAZ-2110 cars of the first production, a mechanical speedometer drive was used, made in the form of a cable in a metal braid with tetrahedrons on both sides. For fastening to the device and the drive device there were special union nuts. The torque from the secondary shaft of the gearbox was transmitted directly to the indicating device via a cable.

The VAZ-2110 electronic speedometer is installed on models with injection engines.

The operating principle of the device is based on the Hall effect. The signal from the DS is transmitted to the electronic control unit (ECU) and, converted, enters the input of the speedometer circuit. In addition, it is involved in the ignition system and fuel supply to the injectors. DS is an asynchronous generator excited by permanent magnets. The signal enters the ECU in the form of electrical impulses proportional to the speed of the vehicle. For example, while a car travels a distance of 1 km, about 6 thousand of them enter the control unit.

How to check the speed sensor

After examining the contacts and wires for oxidation, contamination, damage, if they are not found, then it is necessary to check the sensor itself. There are reliable methods for determining the performance of a device.

How to check the DS for functionality? The procedure for determining the health of the sensor can be carried out using a portable oscilloscope. It measures the signal coming from the device and displays it.

Using this method, you can visually determine not only that the sensor is faulty, but also try to determine the cause of the failure. You can get an idea of ​​the nature of the signal using a conventional multimeter.

For diagnostics, it is necessary to connect the sensor wires to the measuring device, and rotate the device itself, holding the core. You can fix the sensor in the screwdriver sleeve. Then a rectangular image should appear on the oscilloscope screen. After one rotation, six pulses should be shown. This is what the signal from a working sensor looks like.

What the oscilloscope shows

If the speedometer on an injection-type VAZ 2110 does not work, and a signal is sent to the device, then the complaint is most likely to the speed sensor drive. If the edges of the shaft are mechanically damaged, then the functionality of the system can be restored only after replacing the DS.

Important! The DS test can be performed without dismantling the device. If you lift the front wheel with a jack, then by rotating it you can get the same effect as using a screwdriver.

Signs and causes of DS problems

VAZ “tens” are equipped with pointer indicating devices, i.e. the speed is judged by the angle of its deflection. If, while driving, the speedometer needle jumps and jumps, lies at “zero” or shows values ​​that do not correspond to the true ones, and the odometer does not record the distance traveled, then this indicates a breakdown of the DS.

This situation occurs due to contamination of the sensor contact block, since the primary device is located on the gearbox housing under the hood and is not protected from dirt. The pad may be exposed to oil vapors penetrating through damaged seals. This leads to loss of contact and, as a result, incorrect speedometer readings. Such a breakdown can occur both with sensors with a square connector and with a round one. The difference between them is that the former are used in Bosh systems, and the latter in January 4 and GM.

When the speed sensor fails, unstable engine idling is often observed, and fuel consumption also increases. In this case, the DS is replaced. When choosing a working sensor, it is advisable to choose a model that is identical to the old one. Preference is given to products whose pinouts are indicated in the form of “-”, “A” and “+” rather than a digital designation. This will help when repairing the device and measuring the output signal.

The DS drive rod must be metal, not plastic. Otherwise, the service life will be no more than six months. When purchasing a working device, check that it is complete, that there are no backlashes, and that there is a washer on the rod. Replacing the DS is carried out independently and does not cause any difficulties.

Every measuring device has an error

This is an immutable rule of metrology. Absolutely every device can lie, not just the one located in the car. For example, any pilot will tell you that airplane instruments regularly do not show the truth, so they have to take into account various corrections to the instrument readings. Otherwise, pilots simply will not be able to be confident in the reality of the values.

Therefore, the question will not be whether the devices deceive people in principle, but what is their error? How important is this for the driver? Should this be taken into account? If yes, then how? Most people do not need abstruse formulas and diagrams, and those who still need it can easily find it on specialized sites

Any more or less attentive driver has noticed at least once that on trips, especially long ones, there are always inconsistencies. You can find a simple and understandable explanation for this, without unnecessary details that are of little interest to anyone, such as mathematical formulas and complex calculations based on them

However, first of all, we need to discuss a few points that are considered common to everyone.

Speedometer Troubleshooting Options

Before troubleshooting, you need to find out exactly the reason why the speedometer on the VAZ 2112 does not work. There is a reliable and simple method for this. The check begins with the speed sensor and, in search of a breakdown, moves towards the speedometer.

You should make sure that all wires and devices are in good working order. To determine the presence of a signal, you can use a lamp to which wires are soldered. It can be easily connected to the vehicle's on-board network.

Check procedure:

  1. The first wire is connected to the negative terminal of the battery.
  2. The second simulates impulses, trying to touch contact “A” with a certain frequency.
  3. If the speedometer reacts - the arrow turns at a small angle - then this part of the electrical circuit is working.
  4. By touching the contacts all the way from the block to the device, you can determine where the break is located.

At the moment of start-up, the arrows jump + Abs+tc lights up

#1 ThreePowerMax

I noticed that when starting a cold engine (when the starter is turning), the tachometer and speedometer needles jump down for a moment and the ABS and TC lamps come on. There are no other deviations in the operation of the speedometer, tachometer, ABS, TC

What could be the reason?

PS I have an idea that these are voltage problems.

Car: Omega 2.0 X20SE

#4 Ittriy

I noticed that when starting a cold engine (when the starter is turning), the tachometer and speedometer needles jump down for a moment and the ABS and TC lamps come on. There are no other deviations in the operation of the speedometer, tachometer, ABS, TC

What could be the reason?

PS I have an idea that these are voltage problems.

#6 ThreePowerMax

Thank you all, we'll write back. The battery, although relatively not old (about two years old), is already from 2006.

Just today I need to go to another city.

TriPowerMax - well, did it help?

Notu konnektukedo (Dima)

#10 Sett

I don’t see any connection between the wires and 10V after parking overnight, charging is going on vigorously, the battery receives the required 13.5 - 14 volts

#11 Unc

Notu konnektukedo (Dima)


I’m not talking about your problem, but about
I can tell you that a charged battery should have 14V, not 12V.

#12 molot-61

Experienced Opel Driver

#13 Sett

your not true, when fully charged the maximum is 12.6 V.

this is no longer part of this topic, either the arrow in the instrument panel is screwed up, or the sensor is faulty

#14 Unc

Notu konnektukedo (Dima)

Immediately after charging, 13.5-14, then, after rest, 12.7 is correct.

VAZ 2110 with injector

The latest VAZ 2110 models are equipped with injectors. The search for reasons why the speedometer on a VAZ 2110 8-valve injector does not work should begin by checking the speed sensor. This car has an electronic speedometer located on the dashboard of the car.

If the speedometer does not work on a VAZ 2110, then it is necessary to change the entire panel, since manufacturers produce the panel with all the built-in instruments only as an assembly.


In this case, the instrument cluster on the VAZ 2110 includes:

  • Tachometer;
  • speedometer;
  • Fuel level indicator;
  • Coolant temperature gauge;
  • Indicator lamps in the amount of 12 pieces;
  • 6 instrument panel suspension lights;
  • Reserve socket for control lamp;
  • A pair of terminals for connecting wires.

We must add that the red block on the electrical diagram is designated X2, and the white block is marked as X1. Therefore, it will no longer be possible to confuse them. If you remember, of course.

As for the instrument panel, two types are used for the VAZ 2110 model.

It all depends on the year of the car as there is an old version and an updated version.

  1. In old panels, devices are located symmetrically.
  2. The new instrument panel is characterized by two indicators being shifted to the right side - the coolant temperature and the fuel level in the tank.

Before you begin to solve the problem yourself, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the pinout of the instrument panel

and VAZ 2110. In other words, you need to understand where which wiring leads, what it is intended for, what fuses are available, and so on.

All this can be easily found out using the information from the instruction manual. Having such visual literature at hand and the car in front of your eyes, you can correct typical dashboard faults without the help of specialists and special knowledge in electronics.

Causes of malfunction on a VAZ 2110 with a carburetor

In the “ten” with a carburetor, torque is transmitted from the gear in the gearbox (gearbox) through a flexible shaft to the speedometer mechanism. In most cases, it is the shaft that may be causing the problem.

Flexible drive in the shell is the main cause of speedometer malfunction

If the speedometer stops working, first check the mounting points of the flexible drive . Tighten the nuts. If even after tightening the speedometer does not work, then the shaft has probably broken or there has been a breakdown in the mechanism on the instrument panel. In this case, the flexible shaft must be replaced. You can do this type of repair yourself. When installing a new drive, avoid extreme bending. Incorrect installation of the shaft will lead to unpleasant knocking.

If everything is in order with the flexible shaft and the instrument panel mechanism, then the problem is in the gear. It is located inside the checkpoint. We recommend that such repairs be carried out at a service station.

Replacement of different types of DS VAZ 2110

Replacing the “ten” speed sensor will not be difficult for a car enthusiast and will take very little time. To do this, you need to perform a series of operations sequentially. Work begins with completely de-energizing the vehicle by disconnecting the negative terminal from the battery. After this, the latch is removed and the block is disconnected from the DS. The wires are moved to the side and fixed so that there is no break near the block.

Then, using a 22 or 21 key (depending on the type of sensor), unscrew it from the speedometer drive. If it is necessary to replace the device, then it must be unscrewed with a 10mm wrench and carefully removed from the gearbox housing. If the actuator rod falls into the gearbox, complete disassembly will be necessary.

After this, a working product is installed and the block is inserted. The numbering of the terminals on the DC and the harness chip must match. After completing the repair, you need to check the operation of the kit. If it will be done in a garage on hanging wheels, then you must remember to turn on the ignition.

On the VAZ-2110 of the first releases, a mechanical DS was installed, consisting of a cable, a speedometer and a drive. Replacing the latter is similar to that described above. It must be remembered that the sensors installed on the VAZ-2110 before 2006 differ in mounting and are not interchangeable.

Replacement features

The speedometer is located on the main instrument panel. And if, after checking all possible reasons why the device does not work, it turns out that all the faults lie in the device itself, then the entire panel will have to be replaced, and not just this individual element.

Today, unfortunately, spare parts for dashboards are not sold and this complicates the entire replacement process. It is worth noting that when installing a new device, you can rewind the mileage indicators.

You can read about the location of elements and indicators on the instrument panel here: https://vazweb.ru/desyatka/salon/schitok-priborov.html

Why the speedometer does not work on an injection car

Model 2110, which has a power unit with an injector, is equipped with an electronic speedometer. If the device itself fails, you will have to replace the entire panel, since these elements are not sold separately.

However, most often the cause of the malfunction is the speed sensor (abbreviated as DS). It is located in the VAZ-2110 gearbox, and the torque is fixed thanks to two gears located on the gearbox shaft.

As a rule, sensor failure occurs due to contamination. Oil and dust often fall on it during operation. The DS must be removed, washed, dried and installed back. It is accessible from the engine side, which greatly simplifies the task.

An equally common cause of speedometer failure is weak or missing contact in the wires. It is important to look at all the terminals, fuse, and ring the wires.

Finally, the sensor itself may break. It is relatively easy to check its functionality. For this:

  • DS is dismantled;
  • its drive is clamped in a screwdriver (turned on for unscrewing);
  • start the engine.

If the speedometer starts to give readings, then it and the sensor are working properly, which means the problem is in the gearbox. It is very difficult to repair the latter even for an experienced VAZ-2110 owner - entrust this task to the service station workers. The immobility of the arrow indicates a breakdown of the DS.

Expert recommendations

Some expert recommendations regarding diagnostics and repair of speakers:

  1. Diagnosis of the cause of unit failure should begin with a visual inspection of the speed sensor, as well as the wiring connected to it. As practice shows, the reason often lies in a broken wiring, in particular, in the place next to the plug.
  2. If the controller is covered with dust or oil, you need to dismantle it and wipe it thoroughly. Then you can put the sensor in place and try to check the performance of the speaker. There is a possibility that after these steps the speaker will operate normally.
  3. Under no circumstances should you drive with a non-working speaker, so if problems are found in its operation and you cannot check it yourself, you need to seek help from a specialist.

What do traffic rules say?

The Traffic Rules state that the owner of a car is obliged to monitor the serviceability of his car. According to paragraph 2.3.1, before setting off, the driver must conduct a technical inspection of the car and make sure that its condition meets the requirements of current regulations.

Driving with a faulty speedometer is strictly prohibited by law. For violation of this rule, part 1 of article 12.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation provides for a fine of 500 rubles. In addition, without this element of the dashboard it is easy to violate the speed limit, which will lead to the imposition of another administrative penalty.

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