Installation and modification of the gearbox control rod joint from Kalina in Lada Priora

The torque joint of the viburnum gearbox is an integral element of the gearbox control drive system, which prevents it from spontaneously switching while the car is moving.

Unfortunately, the design feature of the element (in the factory version) contributes to the transfer of operating vibrations from the drive to the body, which is most noticeable in Kalina cars equipped with 8 valve engines. In addition, the factory linkage actively transmits vibrations to other elements in the car, such as the gearshift lever or steering wheel.

An alternative solution to the "problem"

In the market of auto parts and components, new, modified hinges have become widespread, which, according to their manufacturers, significantly correct problems that have long been known to everyone. The main advantage of the new hinge is a significant reduction in operating noise, vibrations and an increased service life. The thing is that the main part of the hinge is made of rubber, while the factory element consists of metal.

Therefore, to improve the characteristics associated with noise and vibration, it is definitely worth purchasing an improved torque joint for the Kalina gearbox. As a result of replacing the stock element with a new product, most car enthusiasts notice the following changes:

  • noticeable reduction in vibrations on the gearshift lever;
  • increasing the service life of the hinge up to 2 times in comparison with the factory product;
  • improvement of gear shifting rigidity;
  • disappearance or significant reduction in the level of noise (crunching) when switching the gearbox lever.

Installation and modification of the gearbox control rod joint from Kalina in Lada Priora

The content of the article:


1. Installation of the gearbox control rod joint from Kalina in Lada Priora


2. Refinement of the gearbox thrust joint in the Lada Priora


Installation of the gearbox control rod joint from Kalina in Lada Priora

I looked closely for a long time, but couldn’t decide. And so, while at the car market, this device caught my eye again. Bought. Even during preliminary fitting, I discovered a strong play in the gearbox torque in the damping joint - that’s what rattled during acceleration. The reason is wear of the hinge bushings. At the same time, I also bought the torque rod joint assembly, because I couldn’t find any bushings separately. In general, for the future there are some thoughts on improving this hinge, because its design is moronic. But, more on that later.



Tie rod joints and gearbox control rod joints. Both are from viburnum. The seller was dumb, but I didn’t look. Then I had to change the Kalinovsky jet thrust joint to a ten-seater one, because the Kalinovsky one does not fit: it has a thicker shank and larger bushings.


There is no point in describing anything special. Everything has been chewed up for a long time. The tail of the Kalinokardanka is 2 cm longer than the native Priorovsky. The excess is sawed off with a grinder and that’s the end of it.



And here is the removed Prior’s hinge (aka tenth hinge). Has decent play in the longitudinal direction. This is a design feature.


After installing the Kalino cardan, the box was replaced. I never thought that installing this simple device could so improve the comfort of using a completely uncomfortable VAZ box. Surprisingly, for some reason the most painful first gear began to engage noticeably easier and more clearly. In short, a must-have for everyone, Prior.


Well, just for the heap, I updated my Sahler gearshift knob. The old one had holes in its rubber casing in several places over the course of 2 years.



Sahler gearshift knob.


To extend the life of the new handle, I decided to first pull a thick fabric skirt over the handle and only then installed a Sahler rubber boot on top. Let's see what comes of this.


Refinement of the gearbox thrust joint in the Lada Priora

This knot has been bothering me for a long time. If you shake it from the pit, it dangles all over. When the wear of the plastic bushings reaches a certain value, a rattling sound appears during acceleration, which is transmitted to the passenger compartment. This is all due to the stupid design of this hinge. The rubber damper dampens only strong shocks with high amplitude, and all the little things are well transmitted to the gearshift lever and into the passenger compartment through non-elastic plastic bushings, which. Moreover, for this reason, they break very quickly. I didn’t reinvent the wheel and purchased 2 rubber bushings from the 2108 valve cover.

3:1539 4:2044

We throw out the original plastic bushings and insert these rubber bushings in their place. They stand up like family.

4:177 5:682

However, after some calculations on the car, it turned out that the length of the original pin on which the hinge fits is not enough to tighten the nut. Therefore, I cut off small rings from the rubber bushings, thereby choosing a place for the nut.

5:1089 6:1594

This is what happened.




It’s a pity that I didn’t film how the gear knob behaves with the stock joint, but with the modified one it looks something like this:


The car is idling. If you play with the gas, as you can see, the handle bites a little. There are vibrations on the handle, but they have a high frequency and small amplitude. Almost invisible to the eye.



8:1138 next article:

Refinement, adjustment of the short-stroke gearshift link and replacement of the linkage bushing in the Lada Priora

Contents of the article: 1. Refinement of the short-stroke rocker of the Lada Priora 2. Adjustment of the new model of the rocker in the Lada


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Replacing the Lada Kalina thrust joint

During the work, you will need the following tools: - a 13" socket wrench and a socket wrench of the same size; — key to “19” (if necessary).

It is most convenient to carry out replacement from a garage pit, on a lift or overpass. Before starting repairs, wait until the muffler elements cool down (if the car engine was previously in working condition). Recommended stages of work:

  1. After preparing the workplace and the necessary equipment, position yourself under the bottom of the car. If you have a crankcase protection installed, you should remove it.
  2. We unscrew the nuts from the torque rod bracket of the viburnum gearbox.
  3. Using a 13mm wrench, you need to unscrew and loosen the fastening nut that tightens the clamp and secures the rod.
  4. We unscrew the second nut, which secures the cylindrical, rubber part of the product to a special stud.
  5. The product can now be replaced.
  6. When reinstalling, do not forget to put on the stud the two washers that come with the product.

Why do you adjust the gearshift lever?

Due to the mutual displacement of parts and the occurrence of backlash in the gear selection mechanism during operation, inconvenience appears when shifting. This may result in:

  • touching the driver's or passenger's seats or the elastic casing mounting frame when engaging first or reverse gears;
  • looseness and rattling of the mechanism;
  • uncertain grip of the selected gear.

Timely adjustment of the gearshift lever on the Kalina, which does not require excessive effort and experience, will eliminate problems in the future.

Which joint is best to use for Kalina's jet thrust?

Whether to install new, modified products or use stock samples, everyone decides for themselves. Yes, there are indeed some changes and improvements compared to the stock product. Undoubtedly, new products correct annoying issues that irritate most car owners. However, it is still impossible to achieve complete 100% comfort.

If we talk about the factory part, then their design feature is such that the composite component - an elastic band - only partially dampens vibrations.

When addressing the issue of purchasing new products and approaching their selection, it is worth recommending products marked “Comfort”, otherwise difficulties may arise as shown in the video:

Also, when choosing, pay attention to the compatibility of the unit with your car model. Perform a visual inspection of the product to identify hidden damage and defects (integrity of the elastic band, absence of cuts, cracks, abrasions).

At which Kalina gearboxes can adjustments be made?

Lada Kalina cars are equipped with two types of manual gearboxes, which have different types of drive - lever and cable.

Adjusting the Lada Kalina gearbox lever

In the first case, the force of the lever, connected by a hinge to the transmission rod, is applied to the rod of the gearbox gear shift device. This design requires periodic adjustment of the Kalina gearbox linkage due to the gear selection lever moving beyond the range of movement provided by the design during operation. Most often, correction is required for the first generation Kalina gearbox with a mileage of more than 100 thousand km.

Unlike a traditional rocker, a cable shift drive effectively dampens the penetration of vibrations into the vehicle interior. The reduced lever travel in the longitudinal and transverse directions increases comfort when switching. Eliminating rigid traction eliminated the causes of incorrect operation when selecting gears, but problems can be caused by a malfunction and subsequent incorrect adjustment of the clutch on the cable box on the Lada Kalina-2. Insufficient oil level in the box can also be a reason for complaints about the quality of the device.

Adjustment of the gearbox on the Kalina with a cable drive is not required. Two cables with obvious signs of wear on the jackets or the appearance of effort when switching are removed and replaced. Avoiding sharp bends along the route is a necessary condition for trouble-free operation of flexible cables. After replacing the cables, additional adjustment of the clutch of the cable box on the VAZ Kalina-2 will be useful.

Traditional methods of adjusting the gearbox drive on a cable box

Repairs of gear selection devices are reduced to eliminating overtones that appear over time in the mechanics of the drive elements. Adjusting the gearshift lever on the Kalina on our own revealed ways to solve the problem that were used in practice by car enthusiasts:

  • the noise from the box can be muffled by laying foam rubber between the walls of the tunnel and the jackets of the cables passing through it;
  • rattling can be generated by a worn pair - the ball pin of the pendulum lever on the gearbox and the dome tip of the transmission cable; this can be eliminated by replacement.

How and what to use is up to the owner to decide.

Adjusting the gear selection mechanism

Adjusting the position of the gearshift lever on the Kalina, eliminating obstacles to its movement to the extreme points, is carried out from the passenger compartment. While in the driver's seat, you need to select a rear speed position in which there is no contact of the lever with the frame of the elastic casing and the driver's seat. It is necessary to ensure that the position of the control drive mate relative to the gearbox remains unchanged (an assistant can hold the cardan by the boot cover). Only the rocker moves relative to the rod.

Backstage adjustment

Adjusting the gearbox linkage on the Kalina-1 comes down to finding and securing its optimal position on the drive shaft, which is ensured automatically, synchronously with the selection of the lever position in the car interior. Its longitudinal movement during adjustment can be only a few millimeters. When changing the location of the tension clamp, it is important not to go beyond the length of the gearbox drive shaft pin. Excessive force for fixing the nut is unacceptable. The knurling on the surface of the rod ensures reliable fastening at the junction of two parts of the mechanism.

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