Gas pedal device VAZ 2110 injector 8 valves

I have long been concerned about the ergonomics of the driver's seat, or more precisely, the pedal assembly. The pedals in the top ten are not only too close to each other (this is especially noticeable after the Volga), but they are also too close to the driver. If your height is up to 180cm, then you are unlikely to notice this, but if, like me, you are taller than 180cm, then you will most likely experience discomfort even with the chair fully pushed back. This is especially noticeable on long trips, when you need to spend more than an hour behind the wheel. The foot on the gas pedal is in an unnatural, bent position and gets very tired over time. It’s another thing in foreign cars, even in the old barrel Audi 80, you sit down, although no, you rather lie down and fully stretch your legs.

The pedal assembly in the top ten is not adjustable, so this cannot be solved with small sacrifices. I started looking for a ready-made solution. I came across this nice racing option, but it’s immediately clear that it won’t be easy to implement.

After scouring the Internet a little more, I came across this option.

It looks great, and most importantly the pedals are a little removed from the diverter. I contacted the seller, and he told me that the product had been discontinued, and that the equipment cost more than the entire sales turnover. 100 units sold in 10 years. for 2108 and 50 pcs for 2110, when they started selling, for 2108 the price was 800 rubles, for 2110 - 1500 rubles. In short, no luck.

I went to the garage, took off the gas pedal and cut off a 5cm piece from it. Just a week ago, a friend fitted me with a welding machine.

Replacing the throttle cable on a VAZ 2110, VAZ 2111, VAZ 2112

Welcome! The throttle cable, also known as the throttle cable, is responsible, by the way, for opening this very damper and closing it. Thanks to this cable, you can also regulate the speed of the car, in other words, you pressed the gas pedal , the cable tightened and at the same time it also opened the damper at a larger angle, the speed went up and the car began to move (Either stand still if the clutch pedal is depressed or if the gear is in neutral), but this cable wears out and therefore the car begins to be very unsafe to drive, because when it wears out the iron part begins to fray (It seems to be twisted) and in connection with this, pieces of the cable begin to touch the sheath and the cable no longer turns back and the car begins to accelerate further, regardless of all this when pressing the pedal (Since the cable is stuck and reversed) the flap does not retract, so even if you take your foot off the pedal, the car will still move on, this is the situation that is unsafe).

Adjusting the throttle cable on VAZ 2110, VAZ 2111, VAZ 2112

Welcome! The throttle cable stretches out over time and requires adjustment, otherwise the operation of the car engine is disrupted, basically the power of the car drops, because when the cable is pulled out, it stops fully opening the throttle and thus the car starts to drive worse, but in some cases disturbances in idle speed appear (it becomes higher or unstable operation appears), but this is usually either due to incorrect adjustment of the cable, or it simply jams and does not return back.
Note! What tools are needed to carry out the work of adjusting the throttle cable on a car: Firstly, you will need wrenches and secondly a screwdriver, besides these tools you can also stock up on a rag and a second person (Assistant) will come in handy!


Where is the throttle cable located? On injection cars, it passes at the very top, through the intake manifold (This is on a 16-valve car) and thus goes into the cabin to the gas pedal, on 8-valve cars, it’s a little different, there the cable passes through the cylinder head (Cylinder Head) and it also goes into the car interior and is connected to the gas pedal. On both engines, finding this cable will not be a problem; for clarity, it is indicated in the photo below by an arrow, which shows a car of the tenth family, with a 16-valve injection engine.

When do you need to adjust the throttle cable? Adjustment is carried out in cases where the cable is replaced with a new one (When installing a new cable, that is), as well as after removing the throttle assembly from the car, the cable again needs adjustment (This is when you put the throttle assembly in place), and after other operations connections with which the cable was affected and its adjustment, in addition, as we said earlier, after a certain time the cable is pulled out (It depends on the quality of the cable, there are also cables that even after a very long time they do not pull out), and when the cable is pulled out, the throttle the damper cannot open completely (When the pedal is fully recessed) and therefore the power of the car drops, this is very easy to check, to check you will need an assistant who will sit in the car and press the gas pedal (If there is no assistant, then press the pedal to the floor with a stick or brick ), everything is checked as follows, first remove the air pipe (It is attached to the clamps, and these screws tighten the clamps, both screws that tighten the clamps are indicated by red arrows, you loosen them and then remove the air pipe, but you do not remove it completely you can, because the crankcase ventilation hose is still attached to it in the middle, it can be disconnected in the same way by loosening the screw of the clamp that secures it, by the way it is indicated by a green arrow) and when it is removed, press the gas pedal fully (all the way , let an assistant do this) and see if the throttle valve has fully opened (see. small photo), if completely, then everything is fine and there is no need to adjust anything, by the way, when the pedal is released, the damper should be completely closed, if it is not completely closed, then adjust the cable (the damper is allowed to be slightly open, even this most likely you won’t see it, this is necessary so that the damper itself does not touch the body and jamming does not occur when it is opened).

Note! On 16 valve cars there is still a screen on top of the engine, if it bothers you (By the way, without removing it, you will not be able to adjust the cable), then remove it, how to do this, read the article: “Replacing the engine screen on 16 valve cars”!

How to adjust the throttle cable on a VAZ 2110-VAZ 2112?

Note! A lot of engines were installed on cars of the tenth family, ranging from carburetor 1.5 to injection 16 valve engines. Let us immediately warn you that carburetor engines from the Samara family were installed on dozens, and we already have information on adjusting all the valves on carburetor Samaras and it is posted in two article, the first is called: “Adjusting the throttle valves”, the second: “Adjusting the air damper”, so if you have a carburetor, then go straight to them, because in this article we are talking only about injection cars and we will not touch on carburetor cars!

1) Let’s write briefly because there is nothing complicated in the adjustment, and there are not many nuances, in general, let’s start with the throttle valve closed (This is when the gas pedal is released and nothing presses on it), so if it is not completely closed, then the adjustment it can be done using a cable, but it is not always possible to adjust the position of the closed damper with a cable, so the adjusting screw comes into play, which is located on the throttle assembly itself (see photo 1), you will either need to tighten it, or, on the contrary, loosen it a little, thereby achieving a completely closed damper (And it shouldn’t jam yet, keep this in mind), but you need to be careful with this screw, if you tighten it too much, the car will simply stall or won’t start at all, and if you unscrew it too much, the idle speed will increase, fuel consumption will be the same and the throttle will be slightly open, but the easiest way is to adjust it by speed, for example, on a warm engine, your idle used to be 800 rpm, you will need to start the car, warm it up in the same way and adjust this screw so that again there were 800 revolutions on the tachometer needle as before, we’re done with adjusting the damper, proceed to adjusting the cable on 8 valve cars, look for the place where the cable connects to the bracket (see. photo 2), once you have found it, take two wrenches and rotate the adjusting nuts (Nut 1 and 2) with them, adjust the cable as you need (It is allowed to sag a little, do not tighten the cable too much), 16 valve cars are also adjusted in the same way , there a metal plate is pulled out with pliers or by hand (see photo 3) and after which the cable is adjusted by moving it (To the back and to the front, see photo 4), as soon as the tension suits you (Remember, do not overtighten it ) the plate is inserted into its place and the adjustment is complete; at the end, check whether the throttle valve opens completely when the pedal is pressed all the way and whether it closes.

Note! Let's say a few words about the adjusting screw, the most important thing is not to confuse it with any other screws (For example, with screws A, by the way, they cannot be turned out at all), it stands on the side, for clarity, in the photo below it is indicated by an arrow with the letter B!

Additional video: Using the example of a Renault Logan car, look at how the cable is adjusted, it applies to 16 valve cars; on dozens with a 124 engine, this adjustment is done almost exactly the same way.

Note! And regarding 8-valve machines, see the cable adjustment a little lower; by the way, it also applies to some 16-valve machines (If the intake manifold is not plastic, but aluminum)!


Stalls when the choke is turned off, then starts

Hello people, I’m telling you the problem, last year, when the temperature dropped to +10 and below, the engine became very difficult to start, it could barely idle with the choke pulled up, it warmed up and then it was fine (but you can’t warm it up when it’s cold, I’m already silent about +3 + 5). We turned the mixture 3-4 turns (instead of 2 turns) at idle speed (the screw is at the very bottom of the carb), it started up perfectly, but a problem arose, which I decided to deal with after wintering. Now winter is over, +15 during the day, the actual problem:

1) pull out the choke, start it - everything is fine 2) warm it up, just touch the choke to remove it, the engine stalls (warm it up for at least 5 minutes, at least 10, it doesn’t matter, it’s definitely not due to lack of warming up) 3) after that it starts perfect with half a kick (without suction of course)

what kind of animal is this, what could cause this?

When the gas pedal sticks

Hello everyone, dear subscribers, as well as random guests of my channel! Today I would like to talk about how to get rid of a sticky accelerator pedal.

Attention, this article is relevant for cars with a cable-operated throttle valve!

When the car's mileage approaches 100-120 thousand kilometers, minor troubles begin to appear. One of these troubles is a stuck gas cable: the pedal is pressed tightly and moves jerkily. Usually in such cases the throttle cable is changed, but if you are not happy with this scenario, you can try lubricating the throttle cable. This is exactly what I will talk about in this article.

Stories from our readers

“Fucking basin. "

Hi all! My name is Mikhail, now I’ll tell you a story about how I managed to exchange my two-wheeler for a 2010 Camry. It all started with the fact that I began to be wildly irritated by the breakdowns of the two-wheeler, it seemed like nothing serious was broken, but damn it, there were so many little things that really started to irritate me. This is where the idea arose that it was time to change the car to a foreign car. The choice fell on the melting Camry of the tenth years.

Yes, I had matured morally, but financially I just couldn’t handle it. I’ll say right away that I am against loans and taking a car, especially not a new one, on credit is unreasonable. My salary is 24k a month, so collecting 600-700 thousand is almost impossible for me. I started looking for different ways to make money on the Internet. You can’t imagine how many scams there are, what I haven’t tried: sports betting, network marketing, and even the volcano casino, where I successfully lost about 10 thousand ((The only direction in which it seemed to me that I could make money was currency trading on the stock exchange, they call it Forex. But when I started delving into it, I realized that it was very difficult for me. I continued to dig further and came across binary options. The essence is the same as in Forex, but it’s much easier to understand. I started reading forums, studying trading strategies. I tried it on a demo account, then opened a real account. To be honest, I didn’t manage to start earning money right away, until I understood all the mechanics of options, I lost about 3,000 rubles, but as it turned out, it was a precious experience. Now I earn 5-7 thousand rubles a day. I managed to get the car buy after half a year, but in my opinion this is a good result, and it’s not about the car, my life has changed, I naturally quit my job, I have more free time for myself and my family. You’ll laugh, but I work directly on the phone)) If If you want to change your life like me, then here’s what I advise you to do right now: 1. Register on the site 2. Practice on a Demo account (it’s free). 3. As soon as you get something on the Demo account, top up your REAL ACCOUNT and go to REAL MONEY! I also advise you to download the application to your phone, it’s much more convenient to work from your phone. Download here.


Adjusting the throttle cable of a VAZ 2110

The throttle cable (gas cable) is the connecting link between the gas pedal and the throttle; when you press the pedal, you do not act on the cable, which in turn opens/closes the throttle valve. This way you regulate the flow of fuel to the cylinders, as well as the engine speed and vehicle speed.

A poor (untimely, delayed) response to pressing the gas pedal is most often a sign of problems with the throttle cable. The problem may lie in the fact that the throttle cable is incorrectly adjusted, its tension has weakened, in addition, the throttle cable may have stretched or completely failed and requires immediate replacement. If, when pressing the gas pedal, you feel resistance similar to friction, or pressing the pedal has become hard and not smooth, you need to lubricate the cable.

In this article I will talk about how to adjust the throttle cable, as well as how to lubricate the gas cable on a Lada Priora at home.

Attention! Before adjusting the throttle cable, make sure that the tight movement is not due to the carpet or other obstructions that may interfere with the free movement of the gas pedal. Very often, because of this banal “breakdown,” drivers make a lot of unnecessary movements and dismantle the engine almost to the ground in search of the reasons for the lack of engine power. As a result, it turns out that the new mat is simply bent or slipped somewhere and the pedal moves only half its travel.

Stories from our readers

“Fucking basin. "

Hi all! My name is Mikhail, now I’ll tell you a story about how I managed to exchange my two-wheeler for a 2010 Camry. It all started with the fact that I began to be wildly irritated by the breakdowns of the two-wheeler, it seemed like nothing serious was broken, but damn it, there were so many little things that really started to irritate me. This is where the idea arose that it was time to change the car to a foreign car. The choice fell on the melting Camry of the tenth years.

Yes, I had matured morally, but financially I just couldn’t handle it. I’ll say right away that I am against loans and taking a car, especially not a new one, on credit is unreasonable. My salary is 24k a month, so collecting 600-700 thousand is almost impossible for me. I started looking for different ways to make money on the Internet. You can’t imagine how many scams there are, what I haven’t tried: sports betting, network marketing, and even the volcano casino, where I successfully lost about 10 thousand ((The only direction in which it seemed to me that I could make money was currency trading on the stock exchange, they call it Forex. But when I started delving into it, I realized that it was very difficult for me. I continued to dig further and came across binary options. The essence is the same as in Forex, but it’s much easier to understand. I started reading forums, studying trading strategies. I tried it on a demo account, then opened a real account. To be honest, I didn’t manage to start earning money right away, until I understood all the mechanics of options, I lost about 3,000 rubles, but as it turned out, it was a precious experience. Now I earn 5-7 thousand rubles a day. I managed to get the car buy after half a year, but in my opinion this is a good result, and it’s not about the car, my life has changed, I naturally quit my job, I have more free time for myself and my family. You’ll laugh, but I work directly on the phone)) If If you want to change your life like me, then here’s what I advise you to do right now: 1. Register on the site 2. Practice on a Demo account (it’s free). 3. As soon as you get something on the Demo account, top up your REAL ACCOUNT and go to REAL MONEY! I also advise you to download the application to your phone, it’s much more convenient to work from your phone. Download here.


Lubricating the throttle cable on a Priora at home

To work you will need:

  • Flat screwdriver;
  • Pliers;
  • A syringe and a few drops of motor oil or WD-40.

1. First you need to turn off the engine and let it cool.

2. Next, you need to open the hood and remove the decorative engine cover.

3. To remove the throttle cable, you need to remove it from the plastic bracket; to do this, pull the cable casing towards you and, pushing the rubber ring up, remove the cable.

4. Now you need to disconnect the cable from the throttle valve drive. To do this, remove the U-shaped metal bracket from the throttle actuator by prying off one edge using a flathead screwdriver.

5. We remove the cable from the hook, overcoming the force of the spring.

6. Now that nothing is in the way, you can begin to lubricate the throttle valve actuator; to do this, you need to slide the transparent cap and generously lubricate the cable with a few drops of engine oil or WD-40 penetrating fluid. In the case of oil, prepare a syringe.

Try to pour oil into the housing, then move the housing to lubricate the cable along its entire length. Repeat the procedure several times until the cable is completely lubricated.

Next, put the protective cap back in place and reinstall the cable to the place of further service.

How to adjust the throttle cable of a Lada Priora?

  1. The adjustment is carried out using a clamping bracket, which we previously removed. This bracket is a tensioner for the casing in which the cable moves.
  2. Remove the bracket and tighten the throttle cable so that it sags about 1-2 mm near the throttle drive.

  1. Now you need to install the fixing bracket into place in the casing. Make sure that the cable is tensioned optimally and that the throttle valve is not open when the gas pedal is at zero position. A cable that is too tight will cause the idle speed to be constantly elevated. Squeeze the gas pedal several times and check how everything works.
  2. Start the engine and make sure the throttle cable is adjusted correctly and the idle speed is normal.

NOTE Adjustment of the throttle valve drive is shown on the VAZ 21124 (1.6i) engine. Features of adjusting the throttle valve drive on the VAZ 2112 (1.5i) engine are indicated in the text.

RECOMMENDATION It is necessary to adjust the throttle valve drive after replacing the drive cable, after removing and installing the throttle assembly, and also after performing work related to dismantling the intake module. Throttle actuator adjustment may be necessary if the vehicle's engine may not be able to produce maximum power due to the throttle valve not being fully opened.

An assistant will be required to perform the adjustment work. Adjustment sequence

1. We prepare the car for work (see paragraph 2a Preparing the car for maintenance and repair).
2. Remove the decorative trim of the engine (see Decorative trim of the engine - removal and installation). 3. After loosening the three clamps, remove the air supply hose to the throttle valve. 4. We control the position of the throttle valve: with the gas pedal pressed (all the way to the floor), the valve should be completely open... 5. The position of the closed throttle valve is adjusted with a stop screw, rotating it with a slotted screwdriver with a thin blade.
The throttle valve should close completely without sticking. WARNING When adjusting the open throttle valve, do not overtighten the cable, as this may damage the drive elements.

6. On the VAZ 2112 (1.5i) injection engine:

Using two 13 mm wrenches, rotating the adjusting nuts (1 and 2), we adjust the cable tension (small sagging of the cable is allowed in the area between the throttle valve drive sector and the end of the casing).

On the VAZ 21124 (l.6i) injection engine:

a) Use pliers to remove the locking plate of the cable sheath.

useful tips for motorists

Throttle valve VAZ 2110 – replacement, adjustment, modification +Video | TuningKod

According to statistics, one of the main problems of VAZ 2110 owners is frequent breakdowns of the throttle valve. Even with careful operation of the car, such an important part has to be modified or completely changed. Fortunately, doing this yourself is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance.

  1. Modification of the VAZ throttle by shifting the ventilation circuit
  2. Flushing the throttle "tens"
  3. Replacing the throttle valve on a VAZ 2110
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