Rules for using car lights

Adjusting your car headlights is an important element of road safety. Proper adjustment of headlights ensures good visibility on the road at night. Incorrectly adjusted headlights do not provide good visibility to the driver and cause serious discomfort to drivers of oncoming cars. You can adjust the headlights either at a car service center or yourself. Regularly adjusting headlights allows the driver to have confidence in his car.

Why do you need to adjust headlights?

Adjusting the headlights is necessary to prevent emergency situations on the road associated with dazzling oncoming drivers and insufficient illumination of the traffic lane. Incorrectly adjusted headlights impair visibility at night.

  • If the light is too low, the distance you can see ahead is significantly reduced. In this case, you may not notice the obstacle or pedestrian, and you will not have enough time to make the right decision.
  • If your headlights don't illuminate the right shoulder, you may also miss a pedestrian on the side of the road or a parked car. Also, you will not have a reference point when an oncoming car approaches close.
  • If the headlights are turned up, they will blind oncoming drivers, which can lead to an emergency situation, since the driver of the oncoming car cannot see anything.

Preparatory work

In order for the main stage to be carried out efficiently, a number of important conditions must be met:

Suspension conditionIt is impossible to carry out precise adjustments on a car with unevenly sagging springs and other faults that affect the position of the body. Therefore, if you have problems with this part of the structure, then eliminate them first
Same tire pressureAnother very important factor that many people forget is that this will cause the car to not be positioned as it should be and once the tires are inflated, the position will change, ruining all your efforts at alignment. Therefore, make sure that the tire pressure meets the factory recommendations.
Structural loadAnother important point is that the car must have a full tank, and there must be a weight of 70 kg in the driver’s seat; you can simply put a person there so as not to carry heavy objects
Serviceability of light elementsIf you have installed light bulbs that are not provided for in the design, or there are cracks in the diffuser, then the adjustment is unlikely to help accurately set the position of the light flux; it is important that all elements are intact and meet all requirements

Important! You should not install light bulbs of higher power, they will improve the quality of light insignificantly, but the car’s wiring system will be subject to increased loads, which can lead to breakdowns and even short circuits.

How should low beam headlights shine?

The strength of a car's lighting devices is determined by special devices; you cannot measure it yourself, and this is not necessary. But the low beam of the headlights is distributed unevenly, which is very important in the dark.

The diagram shows properly diffused low beam headlights, which allows you to see the right side of the road, the space in front of the car and does not interfere with oncoming cars. The light is distributed in a similar way due to the different shapes of the diffusers.

Correctly adjusted headlights:

  • the maximum part of the light should illuminate the traffic lane for a distance of at least 60 meters.
  • The overall flow of light is slightly shifted to the right, which makes it possible to illuminate the right side of the road.
  • The left side of the light stream illuminates the oncoming lane in such a way as not to blind oncoming drivers.

If, when driving at night on a highway outside the city with low beams, oncoming cars flash at you, thereby warning you that you are blinding them, then the headlights of your car are not adjusted and it is worth adjusting them so as not to create emergency situations on the road.

The distribution of luminous flux is greatly influenced by the load on the machine. In cars with manual adjustment, you need to independently adjust the direction of the headlights when the car is loaded with passengers or things. Many modern cars are equipped with automatic headlight adjustment depending on the load.

Why does the headlight adjustment go wrong?

A new car purchased from a dealership has headlights adjusted at the factory. But during the operation of the car, various situations arise that lead to disruption of the headlights.

Reasons for changing headlight settings:

  • replacing low and high beam lamps. Usually, when buying a new lamp to replace a burnt-out one, drivers are guided by the type of lamp. The manufacturer of the lamp is often ignored. Finding an original replacement lamp is often very difficult. A lamp of the required type, but not from the original manufacturer, may have different settings, which will affect the formation of the luminous flux. Therefore, after replacing the low or high beam lamp, it is advisable to manually adjust the headlights.
  • Natural wear and tear during machine operation. Under the influence of vibration, temperature changes, and mechanical influences, the settings in the headlights are lost. Therefore, for cars with high mileage, it is advisable to periodically check the correct settings.
  • Replacing the headlight. If one or both headlight assemblies have been replaced in the car, it is necessary to adjust the headlights. Usually this is done directly at the service center, but you need to make sure that this work is done.
  • After an accident or impact in the front bumper area, the headlight settings may also be lost, since even a slight misalignment can significantly affect the direction of the light beam.
  • Increasing the rigidity of the suspension, repairing the suspension by changing its rigidity.
  • Replacing tires or wheels with a different size.

When to adjust headlights

Adjusting the headlights is necessary when all of the above situations occur, as well as:

  • if oncoming cars blink at you, warning you of blindness;
  • before a long trip;
  • if you feel that the road is insufficiently or incorrectly illuminated;
  • when installing fog lights;
  • in preparation for undergoing maintenance.

Driving in the dark

One of the following lighting fixtures must be used:

  • low beam headlights;
  • high beam headlights.

In this case, the main beam cannot be used:

  • in populated areas on illuminated roads;
  • when oncoming vehicles pass;
  • when blinding drivers of passing or oncoming cars.

Additionally you can use:

  • fog lights;
  • fog lamp (only in case of poor visibility);
  • parking lights.

How to check your headlight settings yourself

If you don’t want to check how your lighting system is configured yourself, you can contact a car service center. But this procedure can be performed independently, especially since such a skill will not be superfluous if the need ever arises to check the settings during a long trip.

To do this, you need to drive up to a distance of 5 meters to a flat vertical surface (a wall, garage door or fence) in the dark, turn on the low beam and look at the shape of the light beams on the wall. If the car is not loaded, the headlight height adjustment should be in the “0” position.

Two headlights form two slightly intersecting light streams. The upper horizontal level of the light beams should be at the same height, approximately 5 cm below the middle of the headlights. If this is the case, then most often no adjustment is needed. If the headlights shine higher or at different levels, it means that the headlights will need to be adjusted.

After replacing the lamp in one of the headlights, you need to check the settings of the light beams. If the replaced lamp does not give the entirely correct beam direction, then you can focus on the light beam of the second lamp. You can adjust it using a special screw, which will allow you to raise or lower it.

The high beam setting is checked in the same way.

If there is no vertical wall nearby, you can use the help of a passenger. You need to ask him to stand in front of the car, 5 meters away, and see how the low beam illuminates him. When properly adjusted, the light beams are at the same height, approximately at the level of the knees of an average person. This way you can give a very rough estimate, but if there are significant deviations, they will catch your eye.

The working process

Since the price of this service in car services is high, you can save significant money by adjusting the low beam headlights as described below.


First of all, you need to prepare the place:

  • You need to find a flat area in front of which there is a high fence or wall; it should be of such a size that you can park the car at a distance of 5 meters. It is very important that the surface is level, since the position of the machine is very important;
  • First of all, you need to measure the distance from the center of the low beam headlight to the ground; this value should be measured on the wall and a horizontal line drawn on it;
  • Next, you need to draw a vertical line that will correspond to the central axis of the car. The car should be located exactly opposite it; it is important to set everything as it should be, otherwise your setting will not be correct;
  • Then the distance is measured from the middle of the car to the middle of the headlight, after which vertical marks are made on the wall at the same distance from the central axis. These will be our main marks, so try to get everything exactly right.

At this point, the preparation stage can be considered complete, and the main work can begin.


Instructions for doing the work yourself are as follows:

  • If your car has a headlight range control, be sure to first set it to the “0” position;

Important! Make sure that the center of the machine is against the corresponding line on the wall, this is very important to ensure accuracy.

  • Next, you need to cover one headlight with cardboard or other opaque material, since only one light element is always adjusted;
  • After this, you should carefully look at the location of the light beam; its upper border should be located at the level of the line that you drew in advance. If the position does not match, then you need to adjust the position of the reflector using the adjusting screw located in the back of the case; the work is quite simple, and to do it you will need a screwdriver or a hexagon;
  • If the vertical adjustment has been made, then you can proceed to the horizontal one, everything is simple: on the light spot you can clearly see the place where the light begins to deviate upward, it is this area that should coincide with the previously made mark opposite the corresponding headlight;

Preparing the car for adjusting the headlights

Before you start adjusting the headlights, you need to prepare the car, eliminating all factors that could distort the final result.

To do this you need:

  • unload the car from all heavy things;
  • fill a whole tank of fuel or the tank must be at least half full;
  • equalize the pressure in all wheels to the recommended values;
  • move the headlight range control on the dashboard to position “0”;
  • When adjusting the headlights, a person must be sitting in the driver's seat or a load must be lying in the mass approximately equal to the driver's mass.

Where are the headlight adjustment screws located?

Before you begin adjusting the headlights, you need to find out the location of the adjustment screws. They are found in all headlights, of all types. But they may have different locations and different designs. The necessary information for a specific machine model should be found in the operating instructions or on the Internet, where you can also find a video, which will greatly facilitate the entire process.

Each headlight has two screws, one of which adjusts the light output vertically, the other horizontally.

The setup system may also be different. Some screws need to be turned by hand, others with a slotted or Phillips screwdriver, and others with a hex or star. This question is also worth clarifying in order to prepare the necessary tool.

Headlight adjustment

Adjusting the headlights consists of several stages:

  • wall marking,
  • alternate (left, right) low beam adjustment,
  • high beam setting.

Adjusting the low beam headlights

To do this, you will need a flat area without a slope, which rests against a vertical wall. We will make markings on this wall. First you need to carefully drive close to the wall.

  • We place a point on the wall that defines the central axis of the car.
  • On the wall we place a point that corresponds to the center of the left headlight, and a point corresponding to the center of the right headlight.
  • We drive away from the wall by 5 meters (some motorists prefer to drive away by 7.5 meters, in which case the lower horizontal line on the wall will have to move down a few centimeters).
  • Through the three marked points we draw three vertical straight lines corresponding to the central axes of the left headlight (1), the center of the car (0), and the right headlight (2).
  • Through the two extreme points we draw the first horizontal line (3).
  • Below the first horizontal line, draw a second horizontal line (4). To find out at what distance from the first line to draw the second, you need to know the angle of the headlight. The percentage deviation of the light beam relative to the road may differ for different car models. You can look for this marking under the hood on the headlight or in the car manual. Most often it is 1%, but it can be 1.3% - like the Lada Priora, or have a different value. If the headlight angle is 1%, then we draw a line 5 cm below the first one, if we moved 5 meters away. If we moved 7.5 meters, then draw a line 7.5 cm below the first one. 1% deviation at a distance of 5 meters is the 5 cm through which we draw the second line. If the deviation angle is 1.3%, then draw the second line below the first by 6.5 cm (if you moved 5 meters) and 9.75 cm (if you moved 7.5 meters). If the angle of deviation is different, then you need to calculate it yourself (well, it’s not for nothing that we learned proportions at school).
  • The second horizontal line is important - it defines the upper limit of the line of light.

The first part of the adjustment is done - markings are applied. Now let's proceed directly to the adjustment itself. We insist on the headlights one at a time. To do this, cover one headlight with something opaque (plywood, black film, blanket).

  • Using the adjusting screws, we adjust the left beam of light so that its upper border merges with the lower horizontal line, and the inclined segment begins at the intersection of the lower horizontal line and the leftmost vertical line running through the center of the left headlight.
  • Then we adjust the right headlight in the same way. We close the left one. The upper limit of the light beam of the right headlight should also follow the lower horizontal line, and the inclined segment should begin at the intersection of the lower horizontal line and the rightmost vertical line running through the center of the right headlight.

Low beam is set.

If lamps with combined low and high beam are used, then nothing else needs to be adjusted; the high beam will be adjusted automatically. If lamps are used separately for low and high beam, then now you need to start adjusting the high beam.

Adjusting the high beam headlights

The high beam of the car is used to illuminate the highway when there is no oncoming car. The high beam must illuminate the road for at least 150 meters so that the driver can see road signs and markings and notice a pedestrian from afar. The high beam has strong brightness and high power, so it cannot be used in populated areas and when an oncoming car is approaching, as many accidents occur due to driver blinding.

To adjust the high beam, we will use the same flat area and vertical wall, with markings already applied, which were used to adjust the low beam. The luminous flux of high beam lamps does not have such clear lines as low beam. Therefore, it is easier to configure it. It should run almost parallel to the road surface.

The center of the light beam of the left headlight should be located at the intersection of the vertical line passing through the center of the left headlight and the horizontal line connecting the centers of both headlights. The center of the light beam of the right headlight must be located accordingly at the point of intersection of the same horizontal line with a vertical line passing through the center of the right headlight.

If this is not the case, then the light beams of the high beam lamps must be adjusted using two adjusting screws.

Adjusting the foglights

Fog lamps are designed to create better visibility during fog, when low and high beams cannot cope, as the light of their light beams is reflected from the suspension of water in the air during foggy weather.

Fog lights have a yellow light and are located much lower than conventional headlights, so they shine under the fog. Fog lights should not shine too high and should not blind oncoming drivers. They should also not shine too low, as this will significantly reduce visibility. Self-adjustment of fog lights does not require significant accuracy.

To set up the fog lights, you still need the same flat area and vertical wall. The adjustment is performed alternately for the left and right fog lights. The car is parked 5 meters from the wall.

We apply markings on the wall:

  • Using a tape measure, measure the distance from the ground to the center of the fog lights (this value on the left and right should be the same). We mark these points on the wall. We draw a horizontal line through the centers of the fog lights.
  • Draw a second horizontal line below the first. How many centimeters lower must be calculated. Manufacturers do not indicate the angle of the light beam on the fog lights themselves. In this case, you need to focus on the low beam angle. If it is 1%, then for fog lights it will be half as much, that is, 0.5%. And at a distance of 5 meters from the wall, this will mean 2.5 cm. That is, 5 meters from the car, the beam of light will drop to the ground by 2.5 cm. We draw the second horizontal line below the first by 2.5 cm. If the angle of inclination of the near the amount of light in your car is not 1%, but has a different value, then you need to calculate how much the light beam should fall in 5 meters.

The lower horizontal line is the upper limit of the luminous flux of the fog lights. They should not shine above this line. We adjust the luminous flux of the fog lights along the lower horizontal line.

Adjusting LED headlight bulbs

LED lamps have a higher luminous flux than conventional lamps. Therefore, if they are not configured correctly and blind oncoming cars, this is especially dangerous. Basically, LED lamps are regulated in the same way as low beam. The differences are as follows.

When installing an LED lamp, you must install it so that the plane of the LEDs is oriented vertically. For this purpose, some lamps have a rotating base. With its help, you can rotate the lamp around its axis to align the light beam.

Adjusting lensed headlights

Lensed headlights come in adjustable and non-adjustable versions and with auto-levelling. Fixed, as the name suggests, cannot be adjusted. They cost less and are considered of lower quality.

Lensed headlights with an automatic regulator have a big disadvantage, namely that if the regulator fails, the lamp becomes unregulated.

Adjustable lensed headlights are adjusted according to the same principle as regular low beam. To adjust them, special regulators (bolts or handles) are used. Where they are located and how to operate them, you need to look in the instructions or on the Internet, since they are completely different for different models.

Driving during daylight hours

In good visibility

When driving during daylight hours, the vehicle must have one of the following lights on:

  • low beam;
  • Daytime Running Lights;
  • fog lights;

If the car has all the listed devices, then it makes sense to use DRL. These lights are brighter and use less electricity.

When driving, the following can also be turned on:

  • parking lights.

It is prohibited to use:

  • fog lamp.

In case of insufficient visibility

One of the following lighting fixtures must be used:

  • low beam headlights;
  • high beam headlights.

In this case, the main beam cannot be used:

  • in populated areas on illuminated roads;
  • when oncoming vehicles pass;
  • when blinding drivers of passing or oncoming cars.

Additionally, the car may include:

  • fog lights;
  • fog lamp;
  • parking lights;
  • Daytime Running Lights.

Note. The rear fog light is specifically designed for use in conditions of poor visibility, but in practice no more than 10 percent of drivers use it. The rest, apparently, do not know the relevant rules.

How to adjust headlights on the road (if there is no wall)

In a situation where you need to adjust the headlights during a long trip and there is no vertical wall at hand, you can use manual means. The setup technique does not change. We check each headlight in turn, covering the second one with something opaque.

  • We wait for darkness.
  • We find a flat area or a free section of the road.
  • We come close to the car with the low beams on in front and put our hand to the trousers in the place where the border of the light passes.
  • We move 5 meters away from the car, the border of the light should drop by 5 cm.
  • If it goes higher, then the headlight needs to be adjusted.

You also need to remember to tighten the adjustment wheel on the dashboard when you load the car: put a heavy load in the trunk or take passengers into the back seat. In this case, the rear of the car lowers, and the front lifts up, and the headlights begin to blind oncoming traffic.


To set up the light, you don’t need a lot of time and special skills, just a platform and a wall in front of it, of course, don’t forget to properly prepare the machine and monitor the quality of the lighting equipment, then the result of the work will be excellent. The video in this article will tell you some of the features of the process.

On weekends, using 333 meters

I finally managed to adjust the headlights)) The right light was shining violently upward.
The adjustment was made on the “garage door”; the sun and white nights do not allow us to approach this process normally. The border is clear, not blurry. We were driving back home in the evening, it was getting a little dark, but it was still light - light even at this time, Agon! Can't compare with halogen! I decided to leave the halogen in the PTF, because there is a collective farm there. I didn’t even take a photo, I’ll take it when it’s actually dark. Here, just in case, for yourself, and for anyone who may need information on setting up headlights.
Probably more than one driver would benefit from setting up their headlights correctly. And protect yourself and your nerves when driving at night.

The degree of glare of oncoming vehicles and the efficiency of the headlights will depend on how correctly or not your headlights are adjusted. To obtain maximum headlight efficiency, these headlights must be adjusted correctly. Not only will misaligned headlights be ineffective, but they can also blind oncoming drivers, possibly leading to an accident. Therefore, after replacing the lamps, we strongly recommend that you adjust the headlights. The procedure below describes how you can do this yourself, avoiding unnecessary waste and without having special equipment.

It is necessary to find a flat horizontal area adjacent to a vertical wall (the area in front of the garage, for example). Bring the car as close to the wall as possible and draw a vertical line corresponding to the center axis of the car. Then move back about 7 meters from the wall.

Then take the following measurements: use a tape measure to measure the distance from the ground to the llama (if you have separate optics, then you need to take measurements for each of the lamps) use a tape measure to measure the distance from the lamp to the center of the car (if you have separate optics, then you need to take measurements for each of the lamps) lamps). Write down the values ​​obtained in a notepad.

Draw a strictly horizontal line on the wall exactly 5 cm below measurement number 1. On this horizontal line, make two vertical lines at a distance equal to measurement number 2 from the center of the car marked on the wall.

How to adjust headlights in a car service center

If you don’t want to or can’t adjust the headlights yourself, you can contact a car service center. At service stations, headlight adjustment is adjusted using special devices, so the adjustment is more accurate and of higher quality than doing it yourself. It is not profitable to buy such devices for personal use, since they are expensive and do not need to be used often.

Adjusting the headlights according to the device

First, the longitudinal axis of the device is aligned with the central axis of the car; the device must stand strictly perpendicular to the headlights. Next, it is leveled in a horizontal plane, focusing on the air bubble, following the example of a building level.

Then set the adjustment angle on the device. A value of "0" means that the headlights shine parallel to the road. Next, set the desired angle, which is indicated on the car headlight. The device allows you to very accurately adjust the angle of the light beam with an accuracy of tenths of a degree.

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