Granta soundproofing of doors, as a stage on the way to complete soundproofing

  • 2 Causes of noise
  • 3 Distribution methods
  • 4 Consider the materials
  • 5 Procedure for performing the operation

    5.1 Moving on to the doors

Soundproofing grant doors for better music sound

Soundproofing Lada Granta doors is an operation that anyone can do independently and without any difficulties. As you know, noise is a disturbing, annoying and completely unnecessary thing in the interior of a car. Soundproofing the entire car is the solution to this problem, but it’s up to you to decide whether to overpay for this service at a service station or do it yourself.

What is the danger of noise?

I want to take a closer look at the topic of noise, since it is present in any car, and many owners believe that it is completely normal. However, in addition to simply unnecessary sound in the cabin, noise affects the following things:

  • Noise has a depressing effect on the human auditory organs
  • It reduces the driver's ability to reflexively act and clearly see the situation on the road
  • Contributes to the occurrence of serious diseases, including mental ones, because it affects the nerves, creates stress, and causes irritation
  • Blood vessels narrow due to constant noise, this activates the work of the heart, increases blood pressure and, over time, angina pectoris may appear.
  • As you can see, constant noise is a very unsafe thing, especially for those who spend a lot of time driving, and the price is your health

Causes of noise

There are several reasons, and the noise varies:

  • Intermittent - occurs when the heater motor is faulty, much less often the air conditioner or cooling motor is faulty
  • Constant - in our case with doors, this is external noise penetrating into the interior from the outside; other causes of constant noise are the transmission, engine, suspension and bad tires, road quality
  • Impulse - such noises, as a rule, are associated with knocking, squeaks, or clicks; impulse noise is created by panels on the car body, any elements of the interior trim, etc.

Speaking of masters...

Two people worked: an older man (in the photo with glasses) and a young guy. It was very interesting to watch how they performed the same job in very different ways (on the right and left of the car). For example, when gluing the floor began, the older one glued the material in small pieces. But the young man tried to paste the entire sheet of material at once. And, of course, the first one was more dexterous... Experience, sir...

In general, well done guys! I am a professional in several fields myself and love to see how other professionals work. Liked! Thanks to them!!!

Distribution methods

Let's look at the different types of noise propagation:

  • Airborne propagation involves the transfer of noise from its source through the air to the ears of the driver or passengers, while the volume of the sound is determined by the presence of obstacles in its path, here the more of them, the weaker the noise.
  • There is also a structural type of noise generation, which involves the transmission of sound waves by body parts that create vibrations, while vibrations are transmitted much better through metal than through plastic or other material

Note: This is why two types of materials are used to combat noise - ZPM (sound-absorbing materials), which block airborne noise, and VPM (vibration-absorbing materials), which reduce vibration.

Application rules

To remove interior parts, all visible screws are unscrewed. The element is pryed off from one edge and then along the entire perimeter to snap off the plastic or metal clips. To remove load-bearing elements such as seats or seat belts, you have to use wrenches and sockets. The surface to be treated is thoroughly cleaned of dirt and anti-corrosion coatings, dried and degreased.

Many people strive to cover the entire surface of the metal with vibration insulation. This is a pointless waste of time and expensive material. It is necessary to paste over extended flat surfaces that are capable of resonating. By default, 70% of the surface is covered. Never seal service or ventilation openings. They allow moisture to escape and air to circulate. The plugs must be left open; they will be needed to perform technological operations.

Let's consider the materials

It is better to familiarize yourself with the properties of the materials used in advance in order to avoid mistakes and achieve the best result:

  • The instructions instruct to apply vibration-absorbing materials – abbreviated as “vibro” – directly to the metal parts of the car throughout the body. Since the power unit and transmission, as well as suspension elements, plus uneven road surfaces and the resulting air resistance cause body parts to vibrate, creak, and make other unpleasant sounds for the owner’s hearing
  • To understand how “vibration” absorbs such strong vibrations, let us recall the basics of physics, which relate to internal friction, in which one energy is converted into another (in our case, vibrations into heat)
  • Using the recommended materials we provide in the article, you can achieve the best result
  • All materials already have a mounting layer that simplifies their application to metal surfaces
  • Plus, these materials have sealing properties, they create additional protection of the metal from corrosion
  • All “vibro” materials are made on the basis of mastic or bitumen; they may or may not have a layer of aluminum foil.

Note: Regarding the Bimast series materials, they have both layers - mastic and bitumen.

  • ZPMs are designed to absorb noise that is transmitted through the air; the main feature of this category of materials is a porous base; they also come with or without foil coating

Note: It is recommended to use such materials in areas directly near the noise source. It is worth noting another important property of this group of materials – low thermal conductivity, so they are suitable for thermal insulation.

  • Soundproofing materials, excellent sound insulation for grants and other cars from noise penetrating from outside, they reflect sound in the opposite direction, an impenetrable barrier that stands in the way of noise propagation

Note: It is better to use such materials as a second layer, on top of vibration insulation, best used on the outside, underbody, wheel arches, engine compartment.

  • Anti-squeak gasket materials, used to eliminate squeaks, are used for gluing skin joints, dashboard elements (see Soundproofing a car's dashboard is always necessary) and other rubbing parts

Soundproofing Lada Granta

to the maximum: includes hood, ceiling, 4 doors, floor and wheel arches in the cabin, trunk, rear fenders, rear arches, trunk lid. Soundproofing of the dashboard and engine shield is available at extra cost.

More than 25 Lada Granta made

In 8 hours In your presence

56,000 rub. with work and materials

Soundproofing Lada Granta

is a burning topic for many thousands, if not millions of our compatriots in Russian car clubs.:) No wonder, because this domestic car is in the top sales among available cars of this class and, of course, we all want it to be even more comfortable and cozy. This is exactly why hundreds of car owners visit us every month - we make your cars quieter. The car always comes to us by appointment and immediately goes to work with us without delay. An hour before arrival, we cut all the necessary material according to our patterns and have it heated in our special oven to a temperature of 50 degrees. Sound insulation of Grants, like any other car, is no different for us from a foreign car and we provide services only for maximum sound insulation without any compromises. The owner of the car stays next to us for 8 hours in a cozy atmosphere and watches our work over a cup of coffee paired with free Wi-Fi. Yes, by the way, the Grants Sport modification already has factory sound insulation on the ceiling and bottom, let’s see what it’s like is.

Soundproofing the hood of Lada Granta

occurs by treating the metal of the hood with vibration damper Comfort mat Gold G3, and the reverse side of the standard trim with heat insulator Splen.

Soundproofing the roof of Lada Granta

begins with the careful disassembly of the ceiling trim by an experienced craftsman wearing clean gloves. Pay attention to the factory vibration insulation of the Sport modification - it fell off immediately after removing the headliner. We need to remove it completely and throw it in the trash.

We cover the entire roof area with a modern lightweight and effective vibration damper Comfort mat Dark D3, the specific weight of one sheet of which is only 1.5 kilograms, and the efficiency of KMP = 0.41 is very, very high.

Next, we use a layer of dense sound-absorbing felt, which is also placed to completely cover the Granta ceiling area.

Soundproofing Lada Granta doors

occurs in parallel with work on soundproofing the ceiling and hood of the car. After high-quality and careful disassembly of the door panels, we, as usual, gain access to the inside of the door. We begin gluing work after degreasing and cleaning the working surfaces.

The outer wall of the door receives a lightweight and effective vibration damper Comfort mat Dark D3 with a thickness of 3 millimeters. We have all the necessary special tools for rolling material even in the most inaccessible places.

As a second layer, we apply moisture-resistant soundproofing Comfort mat Start Fi 4, which instead of an adhesive layer has a mastic composition and is thus absolutely indifferent to the high humidity that often prevails inside the door during rain and dampness.

We move on to the door frame and also treat it with the reliable Comfort mat Dark D3.

A layer of sound absorber Comfort mat Lock (or Bibiton) completes the sound insulation of the Granta door. To ensure anti-creaking and tight fit of the door trim, we will also treat the door panel with an anti-creaking viscoelastic material.

Sound insulation of the bottom and wheel arches of the Lada Granta

begins immediately after work on the ceiling, hood and doors is completed. At this point, approximately 3 hours of working time have passed and the whole team is starting the most important part of the work. We need to remove from the salon everything that could prevent us from doing our job efficiently: seats, upholstery, carpets.

We never skip the mandatory wiping and cleaning of the floor with a degreaser.

We treat the floor and wheel arches using the exclusive vibration damper Comfort mat Ultra Loker, which is manufactured specifically for our special center and only. The thickness of this material is 5 millimeters, and the latest generation Dark Extreme mastic composition allows it to remain incredibly light for its thickness, but at the same time have a crazy CMP. (mechanical loss coefficient, the main characteristic of vibration damping materials).

It should be noted that we take out this vibration insulation already hot (50 degrees) from our stove, so it is guaranteed to be heated evenly throughout its thickness, which cannot be achieved using an industrial hair dryer.

The noise-absorbing layer is made by Comfort mat Lock, which we try to lay with maximum area coverage.

In addition to the trunk, the rear fenders and rear arches on both sides are treated with sound absorber.

We do not stop there, but as we said earlier, we fight for maximum effect. That is why we are returning the factory felt sound insulation to the floor (very good, by the way), and also covering it with several more sheets of sound absorber based on dense felt.

We treat the arches, fenders and spare tire niche with additional felt sound insulation. Such a “sandwich” made of modern materials will not allow noise to pass through.

The Granta salon is at the assembly stage.

After assembling the interior, we check all components and instruments of the car and wipe down the interior. Our vast experience since 2007 safely allows us to guarantee you the proper quality of the interior assembly at the factory level (and in the case of Granta, even better), as well as the absence of signs of intervention, such as stains, snags, broken pistons or trims. The Auto-Loker brand guarantee protects you from all this.

Soundproofing Lada Granta

took our team 8 hours, during which the owner of the car watched our well-coordinated work. We installed just over 50 kilograms of the highest quality and latest materials from the premium line of the manufacturer of soundproofing materials into the car interior. Now the car is perceived as much more solid and comfortable, the sound quality of the standard acoustics has improved, extraneous squeaks and loud operation of the suspension and wheel arches have gone away. True comfort is priceless and now using the Granta brings much more pleasure, comparable to cars of a higher class.

Procedure for performing the operation

Soundproofing the Lada Granta, as is known, is carried out in stages (as in any other car) first you process one part of the car, then another, and so on until completion, the amount of materials for all doors, if you do not purchase ready-made kits. And tools:

  • Vibration absorber - 5 sheets, 2.5 millimeters (Vibroplast)
  • Sound absorber - 3 sheets, 5 mm thick (Accent - foam material, does not absorb moisture, do not use felt)
  • Bitoplast – 2 sheets, 5 mm thick (anti-creaking)
  • Madeline – 1 sheet (anti-creaking, thinner)
  • Liter of solvent
  • Scissors and shoe knife
  • Construction hair dryer
  • rolling roller
  • Assistant (both faster and more fun, but not necessary)

Let's talk more about money

Even my youngest daughter told me that “why should I buy a new car and then finish it up?” Alas, she didn’t know that a car that was more or less decent in terms of sound insulation (station wagon) was another 350 thousand, no less - LADA Vesta SW Cross. And here, even if I suddenly order a full Shumka, everything will cost me 26 thousand (plus “wishes”).

I didn’t order full sound insulation, but only ordered floor insulation for 8,000 rubles. Along the way, “wishes” arose, which were valued by the craftsmen at another 2,000 rubles - I agreed and they did everything!

Beginning of work…

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