Replacing the ignition switch in a VAZ 2110: detailed instructions for carrying out the work yourself

The ignition does not turn on on the VAZ 2110? One of the causes of the disease may be in the ignition switch. Don’t rush to replace the ignition switch with a new one, first try checking it yourself.

Malfunctions of the ignition switch VAZ 2110

To determine if the ignition switch is faulty, just check it. Install the key and check the resistance of the contacts with an ohmmeter when switching modes 1, 2, 3 with the key. If the ignition switch is working, then the resistance of the selected contacts should be equal to 0.

VAZ 2110 ignition switch diagram

Ignition switch pinout: 1) +12V is supplied to the sensor mic for the inserted key; 2) the mass arrives when the driver's door is open; 3) +12V goes to the starter (pin 50); 4) +12V goes out after turning on the ignition (pin 15); 5) +12V goes out when the key is inserted to pin 5 of the BSK; 6) comes +12V to illuminate the lock cylinder; 7) comes +12V from the battery (pin 30); 8) not used.

VAZ 2110 ignition switch diagram

Below is a visual diagram of the device itself and an electrical diagram for connecting the ignition switch; it is suitable for both the VAZ 2110 and its modifications - 2111 and 2112.

Wiring diagram for the ignition switch VAZ 2110

Electrical diagram of the ignition switch VAZ 2110

VAZ 2110 ignition switch pinout:

  1. Power +12 volts, which must be supplied to the inserted key sensor microswitch;
  2. The mass should come when the doors are opened on the driver's side;
  3. Source +12 volts, current must flow to the starter (with pin 50);
  4. The +12 volt source goes away after the ignition is turned on, for example, additional equipment: watch, DVR, etc. (contact is 15);
  5. There is also +12 volts when you insert the key into pin 5 of the on-board control system;
  6. The power supply is +12 volts, with the help of which the illumination of the ignition switch cylinder works;
  7. Power comes from +12 volts from the battery (pin 30);
  8. Do not use.

Ignition switch malfunctions

The ignition switch on a VAZ 2110 must be replaced if its operation cannot be restored in any way or the key is broken/lost. In other cases, they are usually repaired.

There are two groups of main breakdowns:

  1. The mechanics are faulty . The most common problem is the breakage of the larva. The keys are made of soft metal, so they are unreliable and can often simply break off. There is also a problem with the steering wheel locking or the key may simply get stuck when in the on position.
  2. Wear of the contact group . No matter what kind of damage you have, you will still have to dismantle the lock. If the tongue of the blocker is jammed, you will have to work hard to correct the situation. The contact group or larva is quite easy to repair.

In order to check the ignition switch on a VAZ 2110, there are many instructions and methods, we will consider some of them.

Detailed instructions for checking faults in the ignition switch:

  1. The first thing to do is disconnect the wire from the negative terminal of the battery.
  2. Remove the plastic cover of the steering column to get to the contacts of the pads, because it is with their help that power is connected to the car's electrical wiring. Next, disconnect the connector of the harness itself from the on-board network and pull it out.

The engine won't start?

If, as a result of the check, it became clear that the spark hits the spark plugs, but the VAZ 2110 injector engine still does not start, then it is also necessary to diagnose it. The faults that cause this problem can be serious or not very serious.

At the same time, it is sometimes possible to cope with their solution without anyone’s help:

  • It is necessary to purchase a spark gap and a Hall Sensor, which is inexpensive, but has an irreplaceable purpose. With their help, you can find out about the presence of a spark in the candles;
  • Check the spark plugs to see if they are OK. A spark gap can be used for this purpose. However, you need to remember that the controller will be broken if candles are placed on its body;
  • Perform fuel pump diagnostics. When you try to start a VAZ 2110 car, a characteristic sound will appear from under the rear seat. If there is no sound, then you need to check the fuses and the main relay. In a VAZ 2110 car they are located behind the side cover of the driver's seat.

If, after diagnostics, problems were identified with one of these elements, then you can fix them yourself. Usually the spark plugs begin to work after proper wiping, although this does not always happen, so they have to be replaced.

Repair of ignition switch VAZ 2110

The entire lock as a whole is not very expensive, although most of the breakdowns can be fixed quite easily; to do this you will need to dismantle it, disassemble it and then replace the parts that are faulty.

To replace the contact group of the VAZ 2110 ignition switch, you will first need to release the latches so that some of the parts can be freely removed from the body. After this you can easily install a new group. You will not be able to mix up the sides for installation, because the part simply will not fit on the other side.

Instructions for replacing the contact group:

  1. First you need to disconnect the plug that goes into the backlight. Using a screwdriver, you need to bend the 3 latches that are fixed by the plastic cover, then you can remove it from the lock.
  2. To gain access to the contact group, you need to bend 2 more latches.
  3. Then you need to inspect the light guide plate and check if there is a black coating and other deposits. If you find any, you can remove these defects with fine sandpaper. If after this there is no result, then you can replace it.
  4. Under the light guide plate there are 3 more plates, which are also prone to oxidation, as a result of which the contact group may malfunction. They can also be cleaned with sandpaper.

Installation of a new larva

To replace the lock core due to mechanical failure, remove it from the vehicle as described above. Then follow this algorithm:

  1. Insert the key into the slot and use a Phillips screwdriver to unscrew the 3 screws holding the 2 halves of the lock body together.
  2. Separate the housing while holding it with the key facing up. If you hold the lock in a different position during disassembly and do not insert the key, the insides will spill out and you will not understand how to put them back together. In this case, the ball with springs may get lost.
  3. Remove the locking mechanism, which consists of two spring-loaded parts, and pull out the spring itself.
  4. After removing the key, carefully remove the core so that the ball with the spring (located on the side of the cylinder) is not lost.

To disassemble the case, you need to unscrew 3 screws

Before replacing, it is necessary to remove the return spring from the old cylinder, since it is not sold complete with a new core. The spring is inside the part on the back side in a cocked state; it must be installed in the same form on the new cylinder. Also, do not forget to remove the thin spring from the hole where the ball is inserted.

The locking mechanism tongue peeks out from the bottom of the case

The larva must be pulled out so as not to lose the details

When installing the core, you need to move the spring for the ball into the hole and insert the part into the body. Then push the larva all the way, while simultaneously inserting the ball into the socket. After that, all that remains is to assemble the locking mechanism and tighten the housing with screws. When finished, check the operation of the ignition switch by turning the key to different positions.

The ejection spring from the old core needs to be moved to the new one

Replacing the ignition switch of a VAZ 2110

Replacing the lock with a new one is only necessary if it has already stopped working altogether or if a fairly serious breakdown has occurred; in all other cases, you can get by by replacing the failed parts.

The most common reasons for replacement:

  • if the car has been stolen;
  • if the key is lost;
  • breakdown of the contact group.

Instructions for replacing the ignition switch:

  1. To carry out this procedure, you need to use special bolts with tear-off heads ; some motorists recommend replacing them with twenty-millimeter M6 bolts , which can be removed more quickly during repeated repairs;
  2. To loosen the bolts you will need a chisel; during use you need to be extremely careful not to break the bolt head;
  3. Immediately before replacing the ignition switch, you need to insert the key into it and turn it to position “I” so that the latch, which blocks the steering shaft mechanism, is in the lock body.
  4. Then you can put the ignition switch on the steering column and secure it with a bracket, also tighten it with bolts for fastening.
  5. After removing the key from the keyhole, you need to check whether the steering shaft locking mechanism works. If the shaft lock does not work, you will need to adjust the position of the ignition switch on the steering column until the latch fits into the groove on the steering shaft.
  6. When the locking mechanism is working normally, then using a spanner wrench “10” you finally need to tighten the fastening bolts.

Ultimately, I would like to note that repairing the ignition switch of a VAZ 2110 is not very difficult to perform; you just need to try, and everyone will be able to follow a simple algorithm of actions in order to cope with the task.

How to remove and install the part?

If the ZZ is not working, then it needs either repair or replacement. The ignition switch on a VAZ 2110 is replaced only if the device cannot be restored or repaired. In all other cases, you can and should try to repair it.

So, for repairs, do not forget to disconnect the battery and follow these steps:

  1. First of all, you need to unscrew the screws that secure the mechanism. First, the on-board network is de-energized; to do this, remove the “-” terminal from the battery. After the plastic cover is removed, the steering column switches are disabled. In this process, removing the bolts is one of the most difficult steps. This is because VAZ engineers initially thought through this point so that in the event of a vehicle break-in, an attacker would not be able to quickly unscrew the unit. Therefore, even at production, the edges of the screws are cut off, so you will have to use a chisel to dismantle the screw. Using a chisel, you only need to move the heads a little from their place, after which the bolts can be unscrewed without any problems using pliers.
  2. When the protection is removed, it is necessary to understand what the essence of the problem is. If you need to replace the backlight bulb, you should first disconnect the connector. Using small pliers, remove the lamp socket itself. Just replace it with a new one and install it back.
  3. If the problem lies in the operation of the contact group, then you need to either repair it or replace it. As practice shows, repairs often give the necessary results. However, the cost of new elements for a contact group is often not much lower than the price of the group itself. So, to prevent possible problems in the future, it is advisable to completely change the group. To replace using a screwdriver, you simply need to press the latches and remove the component. In the same way, only in reverse order, a new one is installed in accordance with the ignition switch diagram.
  4. If you need to change the key controller switch, use a Phillips head screwdriver to remove three bolts. Then the rod is removed from the structure, and then the latch is released and the switch itself is dismantled. Finally, you just need to install a new element in place of the old one.
  5. As for installation, in general there is nothing complicated about it - all steps must be repeated, only in reverse order. But during the installation there is one point that should be taken into account. Before starting reassembly, set the key in the lock to the first position. In this position, locking the steering wheel will be impossible. Therefore, the latch, located on the shaft itself and performing the function of a lock, should easily fit into the corresponding connector on the 3Z itself. Only after these steps can the device be installed. In addition, for installation you will need new 3Z fixing fixtures, since it will be impossible to install the old ones. When installation is complete, you need to make sure that the steering wheel will lock when the key is removed. If this does not happen, then you will also have to adjust the position of the ZZ on the column.

Removing the ignition switch and checking the contact group

1–8 – conventional numbering of contacts of the wiring harness block. Please note that the pad socket is asymmetrical (the reference point is the installation ledge).

1. The first thing to do is to disconnect the terminal with the “–” sign from the battery.

2. Remove the steering wheel and the lower casing from the steering column. To do this you need to unscrew the 5 mounting screws from the casing.

3. Next, we find the screws securing the ignition switch, unscrew them, in some car models there are no screws from below. Disconnect the lock harness connector from the on-board network and carefully pull the harness out from under the dashboard to a convenient position.

4. To remove and replace the ignition switch on a VAZ 2110 car, use a screwdriver to unscrew or drill four bolts with self-tapping heads. Remove the switch.

5. Installation of the new switch occurs in the reverse order: only initially press in the tongue of the anti-theft device. To do this, insert the key into the switch and turn it from position “0”.

6. Install the key or awl into the lock; this must be done alternately in three positions; in each, check the resistance between the contacts. If the contacts are fully operational, then the resistance will be zero, and if they are faulty, then infinity, if something is burnt, then the ohmmeter will show resistance.

7. To check the serviceability of the backlight, you need to apply a direct current of 12 V to pins 2 and 6 of the wiring harness block. If the backlight does not light up, it means it is faulty, there is an open circuit in the circuit, we change it according to the diagram below.

Video about replacing the ignition switch on a VAZ 2106:

Procedure on a Daewoo Matiz car:


If previous activities have shown that intervention in the design of the ignition switch is required, work in any case will begin with dismantling the device.

We have special step-by-step instructions for this.

  1. To begin, disconnect the negative terminal from the battery of your VAZ 2110. This way you will ensure your safety and the safety of all wiring. You know what the consequences of a short circuit are.
  2. Next, remove the casing on the steering column. This is how you gain access to the castle.
  3. If you feel that the rotary switches will interfere with your work, it is better to remove them immediately. The work does not last for a couple of minutes, so all irritants should be put aside.
  4. Armed with a chisel and hammer, unscrew the mounting bolts with round heads. Don't get confused, they are the only ones there. Try to perform this operation as carefully as possible so as not to knock off the bolt head.
  5. Now take the pliers and remove the bolts.
  6. Insert the key into the ignition and turn it to position zero. This will disable the anti-theft system.
  7. Next in line is the bracket that held the previously removed bolts and the ignition switch itself.
  8. Mark the contact wires using different colored markers. Otherwise, you can easily mix them up during reassembly.
  9. Often it is not necessary to completely replace the lock, but only partial repairs. For example, change the backlight bulb, or fix a microswitch problem.
  10. Disconnect the connectors that used to operate the ignition switch.
  11. To replace the backlight bulb, disconnect the corresponding connectors, and then use pliers to remove the bulb.
  12. To replace the contacts, use a screwdriver to press out the special latches.
  13. Using a shaped screwdriver, unscrew three screws, after which you can remove the rod.
  14. Use a regular flathead screwdriver to pry out the clips and remove the microswitch.
  15. Next, new ones are inserted in place of the dismantled elements.

Checking status

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