Electric motor for windshield wiper VAZ 2107, diagram

Windshield wiper device

In order to repair non-working wipers of a VAZ 2107, you need to know the structure of the windshield wiper (the author of the video is Avtoelektika VC).

Schematic diagram of a glass cleaner

On sevens, a windshield wiper of the SL-193 type is installed. It is located in the engine compartment in the heater air plenum box. Its electrical circuit is similar to the electrical circuit of the glass wipers on the VAZ 2106.

Electrical circuit of the purifier

  • fuse;
  • electric motor of the unit;
  • fuse box;
  • a switch that supplies water to the glass;
  • a switch that changes the speed of movement;
  • relay;
  • egnition lock.

The windshield wiper consists of a lever mechanism, brushes, levers and an electric motor with a gearbox. The mechanism is turned on using a switch on the steering column, which also turns on the washer motor. Thanks to the motor and gearbox, a rotational movement is created that drives the trapezoid.

VAZ cleaner gearbox

The shafts are connected to the gearbox by rods and transmit oscillatory movements. As a result, the brushes move across the surface and clean it of dirt.

A washer is installed to remove dirt. The design of the VAZ washer includes: a motor, a pump, nozzles and a reservoir. The motor starts the washer pump, which pumps up the fluid in the washer reservoir. It sprays onto the glass through the nozzles.

How does the wiper relay work?

The windshield wipers installed on the windshield of the VAZ-2107 function due to the coordinated operation of the motor, relay, fuse, switch and 12 V power source. Finally, short circuit contacts located at the bottom and top.

  • The armature is tightened towards the middle, which allows the contacts to be disconnected at the top and the contacts to be aligned at the bottom.
  • At the beginning of the coil there is a bracket equipped with a bimetallic panel wrapped in thin wire that allows current to pass through.
  • The current helps heat the panel, after which it opens the contacts.
  • After some time, the panel cools down completely and returns to its previous position.
  • When the contacts open, an emf is established in the coil.
  • To suppress EMF, a 62 kOhm resistor is built into the mechanism.
    The operation diagram of the windshield wiper relay in the VAZ-2107 is as follows:
  • After power is applied to the relay, where the contacts close when the coil is turned on, voltage is applied to the motor and it begins to work.
  • After a maximum of 3 seconds, the bimetallic panel heats up and turns off the power to the VAZ-2107 engine.
  • When the wiper blades return to their normal position, the panel cools down and starts working again.
  • The main resistor, which shares the homing emf, generates the delay necessary for a certain frequency of wiper operation.
  • Common faults and solutions

    The reasons why wipers do not work on cars, regardless of whether it is a UAZ or a S7, are basically the same. Below are the malfunctions and methods for eliminating them.

    The wipers do not work in both modes.In this case, you should check the fuses. If they are burnt out, they need to be replaced with new ones. If only the contacts have oxidized, you need to pull out the fuses several times and put them in place. It may be necessary to replace the VAZ wiper trapezoid.
    Brushes do not work only in intermittent mode.In this case, you first need to check the power supply. If there is voltage, then the cause of the breakdown is in the relay.
    The wiper switch is faultyChange three lever switch
    The wipers work, but when turned off they remain in an arbitrary position. The reason may be a breakdown of the gearbox, since it contains a limit switch. It is necessary to clean the contacts or bend the switch plate. If necessary, the gearbox should be replaced.
    The electric motor does not work.In this case, you need to dismantle the electric motor and check the condition of the windings and brushes.
    The brushes do not move when the gearbox is running.The gear teeth are broken and need to be replaced. The crank may be loosely secured to the gear; you need to tighten the fastening nut.

    The problem is mainly mechanical - the trapezoid breaks. When repairing wipers, many replace standard products with frameless ones. They have an attractive appearance, adhere better to the glass, and do not have hinged joints, so they are not affected by dirt and icing.

    Frameless brushes for cars

    The design of a glass cleaner is a complex mechanism consisting of a large number of parts. Any of them can fail, which will lead to either a complete failure of the mechanism or poor cleaning of the glass.

    If you understand the electrical circuit of the windshield wiper mechanism, you can do the maintenance yourself.


    If the wipers do not work completely, this may be due to the following reasons:

    1. Blown fuse.
    2. Malfunction of the switch responsible for turning on and selecting the mode.
    3. Inoperative relay.
    4. Poor contact in the electrical circuit.
    5. Faulty windshield wiper motor VAZ 2107.

    It is also possible that the wipers on the VAZ 2107 do not work well. This may be due to:

    • increased friction of axles in brackets;
    • electric motor malfunction.

    The breakdowns listed are the most common. Fixing them doesn’t take much time if you know in advance where to look for the problem. If it was not possible to immediately determine the fault, why the wipers on the VAZ 2107 do not work, then it is better to check each element of the system in turn until the fault is found.

    Requirements for windshield wipers.

    The windshield wiper circuit has several types of design. With any design, windshield wipers must ensure cleaning of the windshield regardless of the amount of precipitation. Automotive windshield wiper drives usually have two speeds. It should ensure that the brushes are placed in the extreme position when turning off, which does not interfere with the driver’s view.

    On modern cars, the windshield wiper drive has an intermittent operation mode. It is provided by a thermal or electronic relay included in the power supply circuit of the wiper drive. This mode can be either with a constant period of time or adjustable. During intermittent operation, one or two cycles of brushes pass across the windshield with breaks of 3 - 5 seconds. In addition, on some cars, for example VAZ classic, the intermittent mode serves as a low-speed wiper drive.

    Removing old wipers

    No one will give you a definite answer, but on average about 1–2 times a year. Many car enthusiasts start replacing only when they are unhappy with the unproductiveness of their work. The service life is influenced by many factors:

    • use of chemicals in car washes;
    • negative temperature effects;
    • price factor;
    • quality of windshield wipers;
    • in winter, the road is covered with salt, sand, etc. and this has a destructive effect.

    As a result of all these influences, the rubber quickly “hardens”, and accordingly, the fit is significantly reduced. This is also affected by the condition of the hinges (applies to frame wipers).

    When the glass is cleared with only 3-4 strokes, and the wiper operating area on the glass becomes clearly visible, it means it’s time to change it. This problem does not exist with brushes with a wear indicator (special paint is applied). When its color changes, it means replacement is necessary. Approximately such a check should be done once a year.

    Modern cars are most often equipped with a “hook” mount. Its dismantling and installation is quite simple:

    1. Inspect the mounting location, find the latch and open it.
    2. If you find rust, then you can treat it at the joints with WD-40 liquid for better removal.
    3. You need to carefully move the lever away from the glass and put it in its extreme position. It is lifted, holding the fastening, to the metal holder of the wipers. And they always bring it to a stable position (towards the hood). Be sure to raise the lever all the way to prevent the spring from being released.
    4. In the place where the brush blade is combined with the holder there is a plastic plug. It holds the blade, press it and disconnect the brush. There is no need to stand on ceremony, she has already done her job.
    5. Sometimes, to replace some models, you will need to slightly change the position of the flags; they are the ones that hold it in place.
    6. We replace the windshield wipers, insert them into the holder and turn the rubber element until the hook takes its place. We secure it and return the entire wiper to its original position.
    7. We carry out similar actions with the second windshield wiper. At the end, it’s worth checking whether the right and left wipers correspond to their places.

    Sometimes instructions for dismantling and installation are included with the packaging of new brushes. This helps to understand how to install them, even with a less common mount. The process of installing new windshield wipers is a reverse process and should not cause any problems. An exception can only be for universal adapters.

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    They are produced by well-known brands. They are applicable even for cars of previous generations. If you can’t do it, ask more experienced friends for help, they will help. Or to a service station, where they can serve you and instruct you at the same time. And next time it will be more successful.

    Methods for connecting windshield wipers.

    The connection diagram for windshield wipers can be divided into two types, depending on the method of connecting the operating mode switch.

    In the first connection method, a constant plus is supplied to the wiper drive electric motor, and the mode switch connects the motor elements to the minus. This method is widely used in foreign and domestic cars.

    The second method is completely opposite to the first, that is, power is supplied to the electric motor through the mode switch, and the minus in this case is taken from the drive housing.

    I propose to consider the principle of operation of a car windshield wiper circuit using an example, where plus is supplied to the electric motor through a mode switch, since this is the more common connection method.

    The diagram shows the connection of a windshield wiper drive with an electric motor powered by permanent magnets and having two operating speeds. The difference in speed in this circuit is ensured by the displacement of one of the positive brushes relative to the physical center of the electric motor armature.

    Product Description

    The compact windshield washer motor BAK.21109 is made from high-quality components and carefully balanced for stable operation over a wide temperature range. The small-sized electric windshield washer motor has been factory tested and certified for use in the Russian Federation and the countries of the Customs Union. The impeccable functionality of electrical equipment and low noise level during operation are based on the company's advanced developments and high quality assembly operations. This electric motor is completely interchangeable with the washer electric motor 2110-5208009.


    Don’t forget to replace the washer fluid in the washer reservoir with non-freezing fluid in winter. Freezing of the fluid in the reservoir can damage the windshield washer motor.

    This product has official awards:

    BelAK electric motors received the prestigious national award “Automotive Component of the Year 2016”.

    Windshield wiper circuit work.

    Zero position.

    The circuit consists of a fuse F, a three-position switch SA, a permanent magnet motor M and a limit switch SQ. The zero position of the SA switch corresponds to the off state of the vehicle's windshield wiper. If the switch is moved to this position after working, then the electric motor will stop only after the limit switch SQ is opened, which occurs when the wiper blades are in the extreme position.

    Closing the electric motor brush with the SQ switch to ground leads to dynamic braking and a sharp stop of the electric motor, which prevents the moment of shutdown and re-supply of power to the electric motor brushes through SQ, which will lead to non-stop operation of the electric motor.

    First position.

    When switch SA is moved to the first position, power from fuse F through the switch contacts will flow to the motor brush and the drive will operate at low speed.

    Second position.

    If you turn on the second position, then the additional brush of the electric motor, displaced relative to the negative brush, will receive power, which will lead to a change in the magnetic flux of the armature and an increase in the rotation speed.

    Where does which wire go, or just a diagram

    Connecting wipers and washer

    “Plus” power is supplied from the ignition switch through fuse No. 2 at 10 Amp of the mounting block. The permanent “plus” goes along the black and yellow wires to contacts “4” of the connectors of the gear motor and the steering column switch. It should not disappear even when the switch is in the “off” position. The blue wire supplies “+” 12 V power to the motor when the switch is in “continuous mode” position. On the blue-white wire, in the “off” position there should be a “minus”, and in the “continuous mode on” position the “minus” is turned off. This is done to slow down the motor when the power to the closer is turned off.

    The red wire supplies the relay with “+” 12 V from the switch when the intermittent mode is turned on. At the moment of operation, contacts “2” and “4” close, and “1” and “3” open, the motor starts working and the brushes make one or two movements. Then “+” 12 V is turned off, and contacts “1” and “3” are closed to each other and to “minus”. The motor stops for a few seconds and then the cycle repeats.

    The washer pump motor is connected to “+” 12 V constantly with a black and yellow wire through the same fuse No. 2. “Minus” is applied when you press the windshield wiper lever from bottom to top.

    Video about how a windshield wiper works

    Schematic diagram of a glass cleaner on a VAZ 2107

    1. fuse;
    2. wiper motor;
    3. windshield washer motor;
    4. relay and fuse box;
    5. washer switch (water supply to glass);
    6. three-lever cleaning speed switch;
    7. VAZ 2107 cleaner relay. Type RS-514. Its mounting location is under the dashboard on the left, attached directly to the body;
    8. egnition lock;

    The standard wipers on the VAZ 2107 operate in intermittent and continuous modes. If they do not work at all, then first we do the simplest thing: before starting repairs, we check the fuse and the degree of oxidation of its contacts in the mounting block (location F2 for 10 A). The fuse is shared with the washer pump motor. So if the fuse is at fault, then water will not splash on the glass. When changing a fuse, pay attention to the size and color.

    If the wipers do not work in rare rain mode, then most likely the relay in the mounting block or the steering column switch itself is to blame. The diagram shows that if there is power on the wire suitable for the relay and the control light is on, or the ammeter deflects the arrow, then the relay is at fault, adjustment will not help, replacement is needed. If there is no current, then there is an open circuit in the steering wheel, and the switch is to blame.

    Why did the wipers stop not at the base of the windshield, but “just anywhere”? The gearbox is to blame for this. What should we do with it?

    Replacing the gearbox is an alternative, since due to its design, adjustment and repair are difficult, and spare parts are not sold; repair and replacement of its parts (although the size allows) is not carried out, with the exception of the gearbox gear.

    Troubleshooting common problems

    Basically, all cases related to the repair of windshield wipers are simple and the repair can be done independently, perhaps except for replacing the trapezoid, but this is only due to the inconvenience of the work being performed.

    1. The first thing you need to start with is to check the serviceability of the fuse in the mounting block F2. If it is working, check the presence of voltage on it using a test light or multimeter. Lack of voltage indicates a malfunction of the mounting block.
    2. You can check the incoming voltage to the three-position wiper switch by removing the decorative trims from the steering wheel or on the relay connection block. It should be constantly present on the black and yellow wire; by moving the switch to different positions, we check the voltage on the gray and red wires. The absence of voltage on any of them indicates a malfunction of the switch. The presence of voltage indicates a malfunction of the relay or wiper motor.
    3. When the wipers stop working intermittently, the culprit may be a faulty VAZ 2107 wiper relay. The wiper relay on the VAZ 2107 is located near the trunk opening handle, under the panel. First of all, you need to check the presence of power on the block; to do this, remove the relay and activate the intermittent mode. The absence of this indicates a malfunction of the three-position switch or an open circuit. If the problem persists when applying voltage, then it is worth purchasing a new relay.
    4. When the wipers stop in the middle of the glass, the problem must be looked for in the drive gearbox. This type of malfunction most often occurs in the cold season, when a car owner tries to turn on windshield wipers that are frozen to the glass. The repair consists of installing a new gearbox.
    5. If the wiper motor does not work when power is applied, then you need to check the brushes and windings for failure or wear.

    Repair of wipers on VAZ 2107

    Wipers play an important role in the operation of any car. The VAZ-2107 car is equipped with a pair of wipers that clean the windshield when it rains. Operating a vehicle without wipers is strictly prohibited. When your windshield wipers refuse to work, it's time to get them repaired. There are a lot of reasons for the malfunction of windshield wipers, so in the material we will pay attention to the features of repairing these products on a VAZ-2107 car.

    Possible problems when removing the battery

    When removing the battery, the owner runs the risk of encountering some problems. Their specifics depend on the equipment of the machine. For example, there are nuances for cars with a radio, alarm and on-board computer.


    For some car alarm models, power failure is associated with theft, so an alarm may sound. In addition, such alarms can block the doors at any time. Therefore, before removing the battery, the autonomous power supply of the alarm must be turned off. This is done with special keys that come with the alarm system.

    You should first make sure that the car keys are in your pocket and not inserted into the ignition. It is better to leave one of the doors open, since when the battery is removed, the information from the alarm key fob may be erased.

    Radio/cassette player

    Most radios do not have their own power source, and when the battery is disconnected, the settings are most often lost. Therefore, after returning the battery to its place, you will have to re-tune the radio stations.

    On-board computer

    The on-board computer is responsible for the operation of all the electronics of a modern car. Usually it has separate power supplies where the most important settings are hidden, but their resource may be exhausted. In this case, the computer begins to be powered from the common system.

    Some cars may have several on-board systems (for example, the Volkswagen Faeton has 6). After removing the battery, they all turn off and important settings are lost. To avoid unnecessary problems, in this case it is better to contact a service station to remove the battery.

    Removing the battery is a procedure that must be approached responsibly and seriously. If you follow the instructions, you can avoid a lot of troubles, from a harmless failure of the settings in the radio to significant damage to the electronics and the battery itself.

    Windshield wiper device

    Before repairing faulty wipers, you need to understand their design features. The main components of wipers are:

    • Electric motor.
    • Electric washer pump.
    • Circuit breakers.
    • Control relay.
    • The switch is a three-position switch that regulates the speed of the brushes.
    • Brushes.

    Actually, this is what cleaning the windshield from rain, dirt and dust in the summer is based on. If the wipers of the VAZ 2107 do not work, then the cause of the breakdown must be sought in one of the listed elements. What are the main types of malfunctions, we will consider further.

    Possible windshield wiper malfunctions

    The main types of malfunctions include the following reasons:

    • the switch has failed, which happens in frequent cases;
    • the fuse has blown, which could have happened as a result of an overload of the electric motor, water getting on it or overheating of the wiring;
    • poor circuit contact or lack thereof;
    • windshield wiper motor malfunction;
    • breakdown of the VAZ 2107 windshield wiper relay.

    If the breakdown consists of a blown fuse, then replacing it will not be enough; it is also necessary to find the true cause of such consequences. Next, we will consider the main types of wiper malfunctions on the VAZ-2107 with a detailed description of their solutions.

    The wipers stopped turning on

    If the wipers on a VAZ-2107 do not work in two switch positions, then the reason is most likely hidden in a blown fuse. This element is located on the fuse block and serves to protect the circuit from overloads and short circuits.

    Checking the fuse is the first thing you need to start repairing. To check, you should use a tester, or simply exchange it for a known good one of the same rating. In rare cases, fuse contacts may oxidize and need to be cleaned and replaced.

    Why does the windshield washer not work?

    All washer malfunctions are divided into two groups: electrical and mechanical.


    • Lack of liquid. In winter, you cannot use ordinary water, as it may freeze. If the water still freezes, you need to warm up the car engine and leave it in a warm room.
    • The fluid supply hose may fly off or become pinched.
    • The nozzles can also stop the washer from working. Poor quality of water and washer fluid leads to the fact that the fittings become clogged with dirt, rust, and washer fluid does not flow. The injectors are cleaned or new ones are purchased.

    Read, it may come in handy: Mud flaps on the VAZ 2107: replacement features


    • Fuse F2(10A) has blown.
    • The electric motor does not pump, no fluid flows, which means the terminals are oxidized. You need to clean the terminals and contacts and connect everything.
    • Faulty switch. If the motor does not turn when voltage is present, then this is the reason.
    • Check the pump motor by connecting it directly to the battery; if it starts spinning, then the fault is in the steering column switch.
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