The equipment manufacturer always indicates in the instructions how to turn off the alarm in the absence of a key fob. By pressing the Valet button in a certain sequence, the security mode is deactivated in 100% of cases. It turns out that it will be easy to turn off the car alarm if you know the corresponding code. But the Valet button is not connected to immobilizers, including standard ones. Therefore, before leaving, you will have to spend 20-30 minutes just to deactivate the protection for a while. Here we discuss how to independently disable the APS-6 immobilizer, which has been standard equipment on any VAZ car since 2004.

What malfunctions can there be and how to fix them?

When operating a VAZ Kalina, the following problems arise related to the operation of the immobilizer:

  1. The engine starter turns the crankshaft, but there is no spark in the cylinders. The immobilizer indicator on the instrument cluster lights up. Symptoms indicate desynchronization of the control unit and key. For repairs, the keys must be retrained. If the problem does not go away, then you should look for a fault in the electronic circuits of the controller or keys.
  2. “Floating” malfunctions during immobilizer operation. One of the common causes is liquid filling the connector pad. For repairs, you need to remove the unit and dry the electronic circuits. A faulty controller must be replaced.
  3. The power supply to the control unit does not work due to the failure of the fuse located in the mounting block (in the passenger compartment). On Kalina-1 cars, an insert with a rating of 10 A is used; on the later Kalina-2, the part was changed to 15 A. If the fuse fails repeatedly, it is recommended to conduct a detailed analysis of the car’s electronics.

What does ABS consist of and what is its operating principle?

The design of the system implies the presence of a control unit, speed control sensors and a hydraulic modulator.

The functioning of the anti-lock braking system involves three stages: releasing pressure in the brake system cylinder, maintaining it and increasing it to the required level. In reality it looks like this:

  • When braking, speed sensors transmit data to the control unit.
  • The control unit smoothly reduces the speed of the car.

If one of the wheels begins to slip or has completely stopped, the sensor informs the control unit about this, which activates the exhaust valve. It blocks fluid from entering the wheel brake cylinder - the pump immediately begins returning it to the hydraulic accumulator. The result is that the blocking is removed. When the wheel speed has returned to normal, the control unit closes the exhaust valve and opens the intake valve. As a result, the pump starts working again, but now it performs the actions “in the reverse order”: it pumps pressure into the brake cylinder, which allows the wheel to be braked. All these operations are carried out very quickly. They are repeated until the vehicle comes to a complete stop.

Where is the immo in Lada Kalina?

The anti-theft agent is installed inside the dashboard, behind the central trim containing deflectors for air supply to the cabin. Access to the controller is possible by disassembling part of the panel. The antenna, which serves to communicate between the key and the unit, is located on the steering column around the ignition switch.

The arrow indicates the immobilizer unit, the panel trim and air ducts have been removed

The location of the immobilizer on the Lada Kalina is rather unfortunate, since the connector block is filled with liquids that have entered the air ducts of the air conditioner. The problem often occurs when flushing the air conditioner radiator.

power window control unit from VAZ 1118

was an idea a long time ago. make all 4 electric windows and electric mirrors, and so that there is a button for blocking the opening of the windows and locking the doors. but I didn’t see anything nice looking.

Today, while traveling to a car shop, I saw for the first time such a power window control unit from a VAZ 1118 Itelma catalog number 1118-3763080

Well, without thinking twice I bought it. oh I think how cool. but when I came home I saw a connection connector on the back. he immediately tensed up. only 10 contacts. and such a small connector. This block needs some kind of control module, as I understand it, or something else. and a harness from the remote control to the block.

Does anyone have any ideas on how this can be done or is it not worth even trying, but made from various composite buttons (modules) - for example, separate 4 buttons for opening the windows (well, in one block), separate adjustment of mirrors, separate locking of buttons with electric windows and a separate locking button doors.

How to activate the immobilizer?

Often, a VAZ Kalina car reaches its owner with an inactivated immobilizer. To carry out the independent activation procedure, you need both car keys (with a red mark and a regular one). A prerequisite is that the doors are closed (until the limit switch is activated).

To ensure the correctness of the immo activation procedure on Kalina, it is recommended to refuel the car, since the low fuel level signal is identical to the sound during programming.

Activation on Kalina-1

The training procedure on Kalina-1 is as follows:

  1. Take the training key with the red mark and insert it into the ignition switch.
  2. Turn the key to the ignition switch point. Since the immobilizer is not active, after six seconds the control indicator on the instrument cluster should turn on. If this does not happen, the system is in an active state and further steps are not performed.
  3. Turn off the ignition, and the immobilizer indicator will switch to rapid flash mode. The flashing mode lasts six seconds, which are allocated to the owner to install a regular key in the ignition switch.
  4. Turn the lock cylinder to the activation position. The correctness of the procedure is confirmed by the alarm buzzer sounding three times. The absence of a sound indication indicates that the time interval allocated for installing the key has been exceeded, or that the immobilizer is faulty. The option of “training” the standard key to work with a device from another car cannot be ruled out.
  5. Wait 5-6 seconds, the buzzer should sound two more times. Then you need to turn off the ignition and remove the key from the lock.
  6. After this, the owner has six seconds at his disposal, during which he must turn on the ignition with the key with a red mark. During this time, the immobilizer indicator light flashes on the instrument cluster.
  7. After turning on the ignition, the buzzer should sound three times. Wait a few seconds until the second series of beeps sounds (two separate beeps).
  8. Turn off the ignition, leaving the key in the lock. After some time, a single signal will be sent by the buzzer, and the warning lamp on the instrument panel will begin to flash with increased frequency. Up to 15 seconds pass between turning off the ignition circuits and the indicator switching to the accelerated flashing mode. The time interval depends on the model of the immobilizer control unit installed on the car.
  9. After this, within 10 seconds you need to turn on the ignition briefly (for 3 seconds).
  10. Turn off the ignition. The alarm should sound three times. This confirms the successful completion of programming.
  11. Wait until the indicator on the instrument cluster stops blinking. Then you should remove the red key, programming the devices is completed.

Activation on Kalina-2

On Kalina-2 the procedure is different:

  1. When you turn on the ignition with the key with a red mark, three short beeps will follow from the buzzer. After the third signal passes, the ignition is turned off and the key is removed from the lock. Important - if the car was operated with a red key, the immobilizer will not make sounds. In this case, you need to wait a few seconds and move on to the next step.
  2. Within 5-6 seconds, insert a regular key and activate the ignition circuits again. Three beeps will sound, followed by a pause followed by two more beeps.
  3. Change the keys in the lock (within 6 seconds). After turning on the ignition with the red key, three signals will be given, then two more.
  4. Turn off the ignition, leaving the key in the lock. A buzzer will sound, after which the key will be turned to the ignition switch position. The car's standard horn will sound, indicating that the regular key has been stored in memory.
  5. Turn off the ignition. The indicator on the instrument cluster will go off. Otherwise, we are talking about device failure or programming error.

Nuances worth knowing about

The effectiveness of the anti-lock braking system depends on the condition of the road. If you are driving on an uneven road surface with bumps and potholes, then the car’s braking distance will be much longer than usual. This is explained very simply. When a car slows down, its wheels “bounce” for a moment. This leads to loss of traction and, as a result, the cessation of rotation. ABS perceives this as a blockage and stops braking. When adhesion to the coating is restored, the system has to rebuild. This takes time - hence the increase in braking distance. To make the ABS work optimally in this situation, simply reducing the speed of the car will help.

It should be remembered that active safety systems help the driver in a difficult situation, and do not take control of the car, so the car enthusiast should not relax - he must be prepared for anything.

Hi all. In the text I will mention the abbreviation ECU - electronic control unit. They are often called "brains". I won’t tell you what an immobilizer is, it’s written about in the previous post, let’s get straight to the point. Today I will talk about immobilizers APS-4 and APS-6. The abbreviation APS stands for: Automotive Anti-Theft System. Let's start with APS-4. APS-4 was installed on early VAZs sometime before 2007. Tens, chisels, etc. Works with MP7.0, M1.5.4 (Bosch) and January-5 ECUs. NOT installed on priors, viburnums, shnivy. They had APS-6, read about it below. I didn’t install it on classics at all. One of the design features is that the immo key is not located in the ignition key, but on a separate key fob, which must be brought to a special place on the panel to be read. By the way, there are quite a few articles on the Internet where people remade this key fob and built it into the key, rewinding the antenna to the ignition switch. This is what the APS-4 and keychains for it look like:

Immo began to be installed on VAZs from the moment the production of injection cars began, but there was a small lapse: when they started making injectors, it turned out that there weren’t enough immobilizers for everyone. I don't know why this happened. Either the plant couldn’t cope, or they were saving money, but among the first cars there were cars both equipped with an immobilizer and without it, although all the wiring for it was there - only the unit itself was missing. Because of this, a dilemma arose - what to do? The solution was ingenious - they decided to supply cars with an immoblizer, but not included in the car's ECU. That is, the box simply dangled in the wiring until the new owner decided to activate it. Accordingly, if there was no immo, there were no problems. Here is an example of how to activate the immobilizer, taken from the instructions for the APS-4 unit:

How to disable the immobilizer on Kalina?

The immobilizer is disabled if problems arise in the operation or use of the alarm system with remote start. In the second case, a more competent solution would be to install a bypass device.

If the owner intends to block the immobilizer on Kalina, then he needs to know the type of ECU (engine control controller) that is installed on his car.

When using crawlers, two schemes are possible:

  • using a device with a key or chip inside;
  • use of a keyless crawler equipped with a chip signal emulator.

What will you need?

Depending on the type of ECU you will need:

  • K-Line adapter;
  • a laptop with pre-installed software, for example, ChipLoader 1.97.7 or analogues;
  • soldering iron or soldering station;
  • additional wires and elements (in accordance with the diagram);
  • additional 12 V power supply;
  • Firmware may be required for a unit with the immobilizer function disabled.

DIY shutdown instructions

The work is carried out with the removal of parts from the car, so the owner must have the skills to disassemble and assemble components. Otherwise, it is better to contact a car service.

Bosch M 7-4 controller

Sequence of steps to deactivate Bosch M 7.4:

  1. Turn off the on-board power supply. The unit is equipped with two plugs; for further work you need to remove the large one, the small one can be left in place.
  2. Install the wires required to supply additional positive voltage into pins A4 and B2 on the wiring harness. The conductors are connected to the battery through a switch.
  3. Carefully place the block in place and fasten the fasteners.
  4. Install the adapter into the diagnostic connector and connect to the computer. For correct operation, a data exchange rate of no higher than 38400 bps is recommended.
  5. Run the software and then turn on the power on the auxiliary wiring.
  6. Turn on the ignition, after which communication with the unit will be established.
  7. Read EEPROM data and save it.
  8. Load new firmware into memory with the immobilizer disabled.
  9. After the firmware is completed, close the software and then turn off the ignition.
  10. Remove the plug and disconnect any additional wiring.
  11. Check the ability to start the engine with a key without a chip. At the same time, the immobilizer indicator on the instrument cluster will turn on and off.

Location of pins in the plug

Bosch 7-9-7 controller

The modification of the Bosch 7.9.7 block consists of removing one resistance. Since the dimensions of the parts are small, it is recommended to carry out the work in a specialized service center. Without soldering skills and without additional equipment, the unit can be damaged.

Controller January 7-2

In order to disable the immobilizer on Kalina with ECU January 7.2 yourself, you must:

  1. Turn off the on-board power supply and remove the unit from the vehicle.
  2. Connect the controller connector in accordance with the diagram.
  3. Install the adapter on your computer.
  4. Apply voltage using the switch, simulating the operation of the ignition.
  5. Launch the software on the computer and establish communication with the programmable unit.
  6. Read the firmware and save it on your hard drive.
  7. Read the EEPROM data and delete it programmatically (using the “delete IMMO” button). If the deletion is successful, a corresponding message will be displayed.
  8. Turn off the program, “turn off” the ignition switch.
  9. Gain access to the immobilizer unit installed on the vehicle and remove the harness from the connector. It is necessary to connect pins 9 and 18 in the plug, which will ensure the normal functioning of the car’s electronics.

The photo below shows some steps to remove immo January from memory.


Safety Notes

Pinout of car radio connectors
A standard device, such as APS, provides the best level of protection. But an alarm system, even the most modern one, can be considered only an additional security device. It does not exchange data with the ECU and does not prevent the engine from starting. At the same time, when installing an alarm system with auto-start, blocking is always implemented. Two cords going to the main unit are connected to the starter cable. And until the security is turned off, you cannot start the engine.

Typical signaling connection diagram

All wiring connected to the ignition switch carries significant current. But doing the installation yourself does not always ensure good quality connections. In general, it is better to entrust the autostart connection to an experienced electrician. We wish you success.

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